
Meeting the creatures of Barsoom

[A/N:I will continue updating in this too.]

Hadrian was able to sense this magic and physical capabilities grew a lot in this dimension.Nuada sensed the same thing,while saying"The magic in the air is much stronger than our home."

At that moment Hadrian and Nuada heard something coming towards them.It was an enormous beast similar to a lion,it had long, sinuous bodies, was completely hairless except for a bristly mane around the neck, are supported by ten legs, and had powerful jaws with several rows of needle-like teeth. The eyes of the beast are protruding and yellow.

They came skulking out of the darkness of the woods. It stalks towards them, a low disturbing growl in its throat, sharp teeth gleaming.

Hadrian sees the beast slink closer to Hadrian, a mere twenty feet from where he stands, then four more soundlessly emerge and flank their leader.

Nuada and other elven were readying their weapons, Hadrian did the same with eyes glowing green with power. Nuala sensed the group was here to attack and held Hadrian's hand and whispered "Do not attack?"

Hadrian was slightly confused, but then saw the alpha of the group bowed, and soon the group followed. While Nuala explained "They sensed your aura and came here, it seems your blessings work here too."

Hadrian nodded as he saw creature was nuzzling next to his leg.Nuala slowly used the powers to calm the beast and was even allowed to pet it.

They were guided by the beasts into meadow,it was a good place too set up camp.The

camp was warded and Hadrian had two expandable tents one was for thr soldier and other was for Nuada,Hadrian and Nuala it was huge had a private room for each person.

The camp was being guarded by the Bantha's.While they heard growling and roars outside,all of them got there weapons out and rushed outside.

The Bantha's were growling at a twenty-foot tall white ape,this maniacal creature has two legs, four arms, and a head like a gorilla, seeing a more hostile intent from it.The Bantha took a defensive stance and started growling and it got infront of them,while Nuala immedialy said"This one can't sense your aura and very hostile."

The white Ape slams his two giants fists into the ground as the elven guards fired the there arrows, but these arrows didn't fully pierce the Ape's chest,the Ape howls madly, staggered but not killed, and leaps again out of the White Ape lunges for him, landing on its mid limbs and flashing out its upper claws rushes towards them enraged by the attack.

But Hadrian quickly used an overpowered full body bind curse as his White ape's arms snapped to his sides and his legs sprang together. It's whole body rigid and crashed face first into the ground hard.

At a distance twelve beings were watching the whole thing,they were in awe and fear.They were obviously not human.Nuada saw one of them move at a distance and yelled to the group "There is some one watching us, everyone activate your shields and protect the princess."

As the elven soldiers pushed button on the side of their gauntlet as full shield spirals outward, resembling a camera shutter.The gauntlet has a leather brace that wraps around their forearm. The shield is polished Dwarven metal, four feet wide, and has a coat of leather inside. It has a series of elven enchantments on it.

They quickly covered Nuala,while Hadrian had cast a barrier spell over Nuada and him.

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