
The Dwarves 18

[A/N: Hadrian will push himself a lot in the future like his magic will become stronger like telepathy not powerful as Xavier, but powerful enough like his movie version.Also harem is confirmed and there will be no changes Nuala,Lena and Selene.]

Belor was happy having heard the news of Fey joining the fight,as he turned to Nuada and Hadrian telling them"Etiri, the King of Dwarves came to us.It seems humans tried to invade their city to steal their weapons and treasure."

Nuada scoffed hearing this and said"Their mountain fortifications are unparalleled engineering marvels. Their whole fortification is designed in such a way that every passageway into the fortress can change into a deadly trap in the blink of an eye."

Hadrian could tell Nuada didn't like praising thr dwarves too much,but he respected there creation's very much

The Dwarves are short and stocky, generally around the height of a human male's chest. They were sturdy than humans, which makes them tougher and stronger, a key factor that makes them ruthless in combat. They usually grow long beards, which the women are also fully capable of growing. They are an advanced race and civilization, in many respects far ahead of the other races and civilizations of their time. Only one capable of rivaling them, were the elves or Goblins.

Dwarves are well known for their skill and revolutionary developments in technology, engineering, crafting methods, metalwork, stonework, architecture, city planning, science, mathematics, and Dwarven enchantments.

Hadrian nodded agreeing, while Goblins and Elves were masters with magical enchantments, Dwarves were masters of mechanical engineering, and most of there weapons were swords, spears, and hammers. Hadrian remembered one Dwarf named Magni created a gun,he called boomstick it was a pistol-type firearm with a single shot, needing to be reloaded after each firing.

But the design was rejected by the majority of the dwarfs for its faults, but Hadrian is now trying to convince him to join him. The Dwarf was a genius in gunsmithing.

Balor discussed some of their next battle plans, then he went back to his room to find Nuala waiting for him. Hadrian smiled at her, which she returned as Hadrian walked in front of her and kissed her on the forehead.

This caused Nuala to be shy, this was a thing with her and they were slowly making progress as Hadrian asked"So did anything else happen, while we were gone?"

Nuala shook her head and replied, "Nothing else happened, there have been few human scout sightings, but they always are caught or they ran away when sighted."

Hadrian sighed and muttered"More and more humans Kingdoms are joining in and the same can be said for our side. This war is going to get more bloody."

Nuala nodded and said with sadness"Yes, the war is taking a toll on father."

Hadrian nodded having seen the look in Balor's eyes seeing many magical people die in the war. It was the same look he had during the past wars with Voldemort and Humans in his past world.

Nuala with a slight worried tone asked, "Is Nauda okay, he is going to your mind healing sessions, right."

Hadrian nodded and replied"Yes, he is getting better, the sessions are doing wonders for him. Just like your father,the war had taken a toll on Nuada, who seems to have developed a hatred towards everything human. But with these sessions, he is getting over that hate."

Nuala felt better hearing that, while Hadrian was sure the hate would have consumed Nuada,if it was left to fester within him. Nuada would have gone a genocide after all he knew, how humans would turn out in the future.

While Hadrian himself was not immune to the toll of the war, he was slowly accepting them through mental healing too. Nuala helps in that regard.

[A/N:How is the fanfic,till now ???]

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