

That night I think I had something like a breakthrough in my mana training. As usual, I caused enough blood loss in myself to put me on the verge of unconsciousness, but this time as I started using up the mana in my body something slightly different happened. Instead of the usual burning sensation going through my veins, I started to feel my whole body burn up.

It was like I had rivers of fire coursing throughout my body and everywhere they touched would soon catch fire themselves. I spasmed on the ground trying to control the pain. At least I was somewhat familiar with pain, coming off a week-long punishment, so I was able to continue using my mana despite it although it still pushed my limits. I wasn't sure if stopping my mana training mid-way would cause any damage, but at the very least it wasn't a good idea to not strengthen my blood after losing so much of it.

I continued on in a state of agony until I finally used up all of the mana in my body. Following that, the burning sensation continued for a while longer until slowly dissipating. Finally free from the pain, I simply laid on the ground while breathing heavily in my sweat-stained clothes. I definitely didn't want to do that again.

However, I soon noticed that it wasn't all bad. After I slowly forget the pain and calmed down once more, I started to feel a new vitality throughout my entire body. Perhaps the best way to describe the feeling would be to say that I now felt like I was decades younger again. My whole body felt much more responsive and capable of exerting more strength. I also felt like my mind was just a bit sharper than before. As if the fog had been lifted and now, I could see clearly.

Thinking this far, I had a wide smile on my face. It seems that I was right in thinking that improving the blood would also improve the rest of the body. I felt it was only a matter of time now. As long as I wasn't found out someday surely, I would be able to do magic. My dreams were still attainable after all. I couldn't help but start laughing in joy. Those laughs became the only sound that echoed out into the night.

The next day I awoke still feeling that increase in vitality from last night. After standing up and stretching, I noticed that my back didn't ache nearly as much as usual. No longer would I have to hobble around the training ground. From today onwards, I would stand tall. That feeling brought me immense joy as I headed over to get breakfast.

As I approached, I noticed Bruno standing in front of the cafeteria and the other trainees lining up at attention in front of him. I quickly walked over and took my place with the others. Although I immediately started noticing people looking at me weirdly. I guess it must have been because I was no longer hobbled over and didn't look like I was in pain anymore.

Soon Bruno noticed as well and called out to me.

"Hey old man. What's wrong with you today? Did you end up breaking through in your training?"

I quickly thought through my answer and knew that I shouldn't say that I broke through. I'm not sure what warriors would be capable of at the equivalent point of training, but regardless if they still thought I was a newbie, I would be able to perform up to expectation easier.

I thought of an answer that might be a bit disrespectful, but I figured the potential benefits would outweigh the negatives.

"No sir. It's just that being allowed to rest from constantly being beaten allowed me to recover and to my surprise my new normal was a better condition than ever before."

"Well, if a stupid old dog such as yourself knew your place and gave respect to their superiors, you would be able to be in that condition more often."

He seemed a bit annoyed that I implied he was the reason I have been useless lately, but let it slide.

Eventually, everybody was lined up in front of Bruno and standing at attention, although there were a couple of stragglers that came much later than everybody else. Bruno called out the names of those stragglers one by one and told them they would receive discipline training after they returned. Their faces looked ghastly and everybody else just shook their heads.

After everybody was accounted for, Bruno finally began to address everyone.

"As you all know, our practical training will be starting today. After this, everybody will be eating a full meal and then we will set out. Our destination this time will be the foot of the Bonetooth mountains. Some of you have been there before, so you know exactly how hard this training will be. We will be running all the way there as soon as we leave the gates. Usually, I would announce more later on when it becomes relevant, but this time I wanted to announce this early."

His whole speech seemed business as usual to all the other trainees, but this caught everybody's attention. Perhaps it always meant something bad when he had more to say.

"While we are running to the mountains, if anybody happens to be slower than our old man hero over there, then you will be placed in the bottom rankings regardless of how you perform later on."

Almost immediately everybody looked over at me and many of them frowned after seeing me standing up straight for once.

One of the trainees spoke out.

"Permission to speak sir."


"I'm not saying he is more capable than anyone here, but what would happen if he somehow came in first."

A very sadistic looking smile spread on Bruno's face.

"Well then that would mean that our whole division is full of worthless individuals don't you think?"

A heavy silence fell on the crowd and many people glared in my direction.

"Don't feel too worried. It's just a friendly competition to promote cohesiveness in this division. Now everybody go eat your meal so we can head out."

Most everybody saluted and shouted sir before heading to the cafeteria. I was definitely an odd man out as nobody ever even told me what proper behaviors I should have in the first place. However, that didn't stop some people from shoulder checking me as they walked by. Even though my body felt stronger than ever before, those strikes still hurt like hell.

"You better watch yourself old man. Disrespectful and useless, that's all you are."

One of the trainees that bumped into my shoulder said a few words as well. I couldn't be sure if that was because he truly felt offended that I didn't salute Bruno or if he was afraid of me running faster than him. I would probably never know either.

Despite how unique the morning started out breakfast passed somewhat uneventfully. Sure, I felt like a lot more people were observing me while I sat in my corner, but nothing happened because of those looks.

Eventually, everybody was finished with their food and we were lined up once again in front of Bruno out in the training grounds.

"Alright everybody is here so we will now be heading out. Remember to always stay in formation while you walk through the city. If I notice anybody break formation you will get a week of discipline training when we return. We are going to meet up with the mage trainees and then leave the city directly."

I got a little excited after knowing we would soon see the mage trainees as well. I thought I would be stuck with other warriors until the end, but it looked like I would actually be able to see how strong a mage would be at this point.

The whole group started walking after Bruno in two single file lines. I wasn't sure if they would require us to march in step or not, but it seemed like it didn't really matter as long as you stayed in one of the lines and kept up with the others. We definitely didn't look like a group of professional knights, but I guess we didn't look like some random group of people either.

Eventually Bruno met up with a group of robed people who I assumed would be the mages. It looks like Rorick wasn't here, but I guess that made since because it would probably be a waste to have the best mage of a country looking after a group of new trainees. After Bruno talked with the mages a little bit, they made their way to the back of the line to follow us through the city.

However, as they were walking back, I noticed that both of the girls that were summoned to this world were among the group of mage trainees. It's not like I expected much of anything from this world, but seeing as they were apparently ok with some of the summoned people being mages off the start, I felt betrayed that I wasn't allowed.

I guess that was just another reason to add for me to eventually betray this kingdom. One day for sure, I would get the power to leave this place and then I would get my revenge.

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