
Chapter 260: Wireless Charging!

Never power off?!

As soon as these words came out, all the people watching the live broadcast were energized at once.

"This super phone is made of an all-gem metal that I developed myself. As you can see now, I have changed its physical appearance to make it seamless and pure like a gem, pursuing the ultimate perfect visual effect. The current case methods will be replaced by the induction characteristics of the gem metal itself!"

"But a certain amount of power is required to use this sensing feature. Therefore, when each mobile phone is manufactured, it will have a certain amount of power to ensure that it can respond to your gestures and turn on."

"But this is just a feature of the gem metal itself, and it has nothing to do with what I said about never powering off!"

"The real meaning of the words "always uninterrupted power" lies in the wireless charging technology I will introduce to you next!"

Zeke said while pacing, "Everyone knows very well that today's so-called wireless charging technology is not wireless charging at all. Not only the mobile phone must be placed in a fixed position and cannot be moved, but the charging speed is also pitifully slow! So in terms of practicality, it is not as practical as the line charging that has been passed down for many generations!"

"What is wireless charging? In my opinion, no matter where you are in the room, whether you are lying down, standing, sitting, lying on your stomach, or exercising intensely. The phone is always on, always charging, and they're charging very fast!"

"Imagine lying on the bed watching a blockbuster movie with your mobile phone, and suddenly you are prompted that the power is out. You have to be restrained by the clumsy wire at the head of the bed, you can no longer roll around and shake, you can only stay in stiff poses. How brutal is a scene like this!"

"If you need to charge your phone under special circumstances, but the charging line is not far enough, you can only put down your phone helplessly. How sad is such a scene!"

"There are more charging environments that are extremely backward, revealing how pitiful wireless charging is today!"

"So, I made this!"

Zeke pressed the remote control, and the big screen behind him immediately displayed a big word – battery!

After hearing Zeke's description, the audience under the stage couldn't help but tremble with excitement!

Everyone's eyes are as bright as light bulbs, as if they are the most devout believers, raising their heads and staring at Zeke, expecting him to reveal the answer.

"As for the battery technology of the Z-Gen, I have made two changes."

"The first point is what I just said, wireless charging!"

"Just plug a wireless charging head into any socket at home, and within a radius of 50 meters, your mobile phone will be able to enter a state of high-speed charging. This is true wireless charging. So whether you are 50 meters away, anywhere in the range, or doing anything, the phone will charge quickly to help restore the power consumed!"


The audience in the entire auditorium let out a burst of exclamations.

Wireless charging is already excellent, but the 50-meter range is a surprise.

For most ordinary people, the length and width of a house are only a dozen meters at most, and a remarkable twenty meters is huge. Fifty meters, how big a place can exceed the range?

"The second point, wireless charging technology, is only auxiliary!"

"If a mobile phone wants to achieve real powerful battery life, the battery of the mobile phone is the key point."

"But now mobile phones generally use lithium batteries, the capacity is limited by volume, and it can't be improved too much, so other companies can only make a fuss about performance optimization and screen optimization. So it happens that I got a little technical breakthrough in this area, and made a new thing at random – a new energy battery!"

"The energy battery is only the size of your thumb, very thin, and smaller than an ordinary chip. But it can generate more power than an ordinary lithium battery! Each energy battery has a 20,000 mAh capacity, and in a ZTech mobile phone, I have loaded 12 of these batteries."

"Therefore, the standard battery capacity of a ZTech mobile phone is 240,000 mAh! Even if you are a heavy user who plays games daily and runs large games all the time. You can play with peace of mind for more than a week!"

"If you are only a moderate user or a light user, congratulations, I am afraid that it will take a week of use, and if you do not charge it moderately, your battery display may drop only to 99%!"


The audience in the auditorium couldn't hold back their excitement, and made a roaring roar, cheering and shouting to overturn the ceiling of the auditorium!

Countless celebrities and business leaders all looked at each other in shock. Zeke's description was astounding.

If you don't charge it for a week, the battery will only drop to 99%. The battery's durability can almost be regarded as a family heirloom!

Even the members of the Magistrate Organization hiding in the dark had to sigh: Zeke is too powerful.

The sound of shouting has formed a wave, almost covering Zeke's voice.

Zeke smiled lightly at this and received all the praise and applause.

This is the effect he wants!

If his product is not strong enough to overthrow the traditional concept, he will not take it out easily. Only if it produces such an effect can it be worthy of this great gift that he specially prepared for the world.

After waiting a long time, the shouting finally faded, but occasionally someone could still be heard shouting "Zeke is awesome!" "Zeke, I love you!" "Long live ZTech!". Those who don't know would think what kind of cult is being promoted here.

"Thank you, everyone! I can hear that you like this phone very much from everyone's voices. This makes me very happy!"

"But unfortunately, my introduction is not over here!"

"What I just introduced to you is the hardware, and in terms of it, I have a new technology that I want to show you."

"The name of this new technology, you are definitely not unfamiliar with. It is - holographic projection!"

=====To be Continue=====

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