
Chapter 251: Changes

The concept of making mobile phones has always existed in Zeke's ideas. But never an excellent idea.

Zeke is a person who pursues the ultimate. If it is not something that will move his heart, he won't show it.

Among the harvester mothership technology obtained this time, in addition to the excellent defense system and weapon system, there are also small technologies that need to be scattered. These small technologies make Zeke think of developing a super mobile phone.

In today's technologically developed world, the most advanced and popular mobile phones in the world have always been firmly occupied by the Apple company in Country A.

However, in Zeke's view, the innovation of Apple's mobile phone is not as good as a year ago. Even the new iPhone X, which is about to be released, has a full screen and various novel photography functions that amaze countless people. But it is still a terrible work!

"It's my last big gift to the world's people before I retreat."

"Of course, I'll make some money from people worldwide and advance my global deployment plan a little bit!"

Zeke grinned.

After the undersea base is built and all the resources and materials for the construction of the harvester mothership are ready, Zeke will immerse himself in the research and development of it. Then, it will be the same as before, no matter what the outside world is doing or how many people look for him. He will not leave the undersea base until the harvester mothership is done.

Only this time, it takes significantly more time than before.

Zeke had to spend a lot of money to develop the numerous operating systems and various advanced technological equipment of the harvester mothership.

Preliminary estimates are that it will take more than five months to build the first small harvester mothership with all the perfect systems, and it will take nearly half a year!

Also, Zeke has to burn all kinds of money and pile it up with all sorts of precious materials to achieve the level of the alien harvester mothership in the movie.

Therefore, Zeke will completely disappear from the public's view in a short period. At that time, with the second world, fulldive virtual helmets, anti-gravity vehicles, and super mobile phones will continue to make money for him. Even if Zeke is not required to come forward, he can still wantonly throw money to burn and squander it!

"Sir, when do you plan to hold the press conference? I will help you send the email to the mailbox of the company's executives immediately."

Jarvis said.

"After half a month."

"Leave some time to stock up; the super mobile phone's materials need to be prepared, and if I want to improve the communication system, I have to make a few satellites and launch them into space."

"Of course, the most important thing is that the advertising must be impactful!"

"This is the last press conference before my retreat. The next time I come out, I'm afraid it will be half a year later. It will be a grand feast that can at least impress them within half a year."

Zeke said with a smile.

"Okay, sir!"

"Let's go! It's time to go back. I believe Gael will be delighted to see my new steel suit."

As soon as the words fell, Zeke's steel body burst out of the water. Then, with a violent sonic boom from the soles of his feet, the heat wave distorted the air, and his whole body turned into a shadow and shot straight into the sky!


Just when Zeke was still thinking about the big plans for the future undersea base, harvester mothership, and new product launch conference, the well-informed world powers on the other side learned about the appearance of the "UFO Fleet" in the Phoenix Kingdom.

The kingdom's flying saucer fleet is so vast and eye-catching that it was posted on the internet as soon as it appeared. The leaders of various countries also quickly learned the news from the intelligence agencies' reports.

"They came from the Phoenix Tree?!"

When Toshiki, Prime Minister of Country J, heard that the UFO fleet that suddenly appeared was related to ZTech, his expression changed immediately.

He hesitated, not in the mood to review the documents again, and waved his hand to let everyone in the office leave.

Immediately, Toshiki came to the bookshelf and took a book in front of him, revealing a rectangular iris scanner. The scanner confirmed his identity, and a door suddenly opened beside the initially intact wall.

Every leader always has a secret area. Here, there will be no outsiders to disturb them. They can do anything, and they can use this room to escape when they encounter danger.

On the other side of the door is a house full of Japanese style.

Toshiki stepped forward, knelt on the futon in front of the wooden table, reached under the wooden table, and pressed a red button.

After a while, several phantoms appeared.

The faces of these phantoms are all names that the people of the world know!

Moore, the President of Country A, Moretti, the President of Country IY, Schmidt, the new Prime Minister of Country G, etc. Together with Toshiki, the total number reached nine.

These people are the leaders of countries included in the Anti-God Alliance. Initially, there were only seven people and seven countries, but later they joined two countries, Country EL and Country M.

At this time, the leaders of these countries all had solemn expressions on their faces.

"It seems that you have already received the news."

Toshiki said solemnly.

"According to the pictures and videos sent back by the Intelligence Bureau, these flying saucer fleets are very impressive in size and speed. If they attack, the lethality will be terrifying."

Khurbagov, the head of Country MO, said with a solemn expression.

"ZTech is getting more and more incapable of restraint!"

Country SK's President Park Kwan loosened his tie and said viciously, "We have to make a difference!"

"President Park, seeing you so full of righteous indignation, it would be a pity not to let you take action. But don't worry, I will never stop you."

Schmidt glanced at Park Kwan.

"My country is already raising its military power. As long as enough military power is raised, it will definitely deal a fatal blow to the Phoenix Kingdom and ZTech!"

"But now is not the time."

When he heard that he was asked to do it, Park Kwan immediately became timid.


Seeing this, the others snorted coldly in their hearts.

"Don't worry, Prime Minister Schmidt has already taken action on this point. I believe that the Phoenix Kingdom will be very lively soon."

Moore flashed his eagle eyes as if to see through something.

When he said this, everyone's eyes looked at Schmidt.

"As expected of the world's largest country, the speed of obtaining information is indeed amazing!"

Schmidt clapped his palms and laughed, "I just did a little thing. How much impact it can have depends on luck."

"Prime Minister Schmidt, we are now an alliance. You can talk about it unrestrained. We are willing to listen!"

Country M's President Mahathir said.

"Nothing to brag about! I just sold the first batch of laser weapons to a bunch of dangerous guys and told them a little bit of a story, that's all."

Schmidt smiled sinisterly.

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