
Chapter 249: Undersea Base


Zeke's eyes widened, the super-high speed made him suffocate, and he couldn't help but let out a shout.

'Too fast!'

The whole world was trembling and blurred, and the entire image in front of him was blurry. Everything around him seemed to be transformed into twisted lines. This speeding sense of weightlessness caused a palpitation!

It was as if he had returned to the first time he put on a steel suit and flew freely in the sky.

Zeke's heart, which had been silent for a long time, became violently beating and accelerated with this incomparable sense, the blood was pouring back into the body, and there was a feeling that he was about to enter another world.

He looked at the ground again, and the magnificent continental plate swept past his eyes and was left behind him.

However, due to the rapid acceleration and red hot lines all over his body, a red tail of light instantly flashed across the sky, attracting many people's attention on the ground.

People didn't see Zeke's steel suit at all, they thought it was a special meteor, and they started to take out their mobile phones to take pictures and make wishes.

In the blink of an eye, Zeke had already flown out of the land and into the ocean.

"Let's try it near the sea!"

Zeke controlled the steel battle suit and went near the water.

About two seconds later, on the surface of the water that Zeke crossed, a wave of water with a height of six or seven meters splashed!

He flew recklessly on the sea for a while, and before he knew it, he was about to reach the marked spot.

"In the past, the Pacific Ocean was a relatively long ocean for me, and it took half a day to cross it, but now, it only takes two or three hours to cross the entire Pacific Ocean."

Zeke smiled.

Finally, when he reached the marked spot, the steel suit began to slow down.


The steel battle suit plunged directly into the seawater, and the blazing temperature instantly created a large amount of heat.

Zeke has been going deep into the water, and under Jarvis' control, he has drilled into a bottomless, dark trench.

As soon as the light was turned on, Zeke saw a giant prehistoric octopus crawling on the wall in the trench. It seemed to be awakened by the light of the steel battle suit. Its tentacles stirred the seawater, made a strange roar and swept towards his side with a bang.

"There are really prehistoric monsters!"

Before its tentacles reached Zeke, more than a dozen steel battle suits rushed out from the trench depths. These steel battle suits for underwater operations have been specially modified to resist intense water pressure. As a result, they have very considerable strength and defense. They rushed up without saying a word and gave this prehistoric octopus a beating.

"It's just a little guy, don't kill it! Keep it, and it's enough to watch the home for me."

Zeke said casually. More than a dozen steel battle suits beat the 100-meter giant octopus that once dominated prehistoric yet undiscovered octopuses to the point of wailing. It no longer had the fierce arrogance it had before.

In the face of super-powerful technology, the so-called prehistoric monsters are no longer ferocious, mysterious, and fearsome beings.

"That's it."

When Zeke went deep into the seabed several thousand meters and came to the marked coordinates, he finally saw the place the steel battle suit detected.

This is the area under the trench.

Judging from the traces, this is due to the displacement of the continental plates over the years, resulting in a middle layer with a depth of hundreds of meters and an especially hollowed-out space, which is large enough and perfect. It is very much in line with Zeke's requirements for building a submarine base.

Moreover, the rocks here are tough, and coupled with the intense water pressure, even the world's top underwater operation machines, there is no need to think about making a lot of noise here. Zeke can do whatever he wants here!

Zeke raised his hand, and a blazing red laser was fired from his palm.

The red laser is like a sharp blade, like cutting tofu, easily cutting these tough water rocks.

This is a laser weapon after the steel battle suit has been modified with the Cosmic Cube's energy engine. But, unlike Tony Stark, it will not be scrapped after one use. The loaded cube energy is enough to last for hours of underwater cutting work!

"Okay, that's it!"

Zeke decided, "This height and the distance from the ground, the conditions have been met."

"Jarvis, arrange for the warp drive to be sent here. At the same time, you can start to replace the energy source for all the steel suits."

After replacing the energy source, Zeke will have not only hundreds of steel suits for underwater operations but also tens of thousands of steel suits that can operate at the same time!

And as long as a warp drive is moved over, any remaining material transportation and storage problems will no longer be a difficulty. The outside world thinks that Zeke transferred the materials to the Phoenix Tree. But no one knows that those materials are already on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean!

"Yes, sir!"

Jarvis quickly executed the order.

"Very well, everything is working now!"

"It should take a few days for my undersea base to be officially completed. Then, when the mineral metal resources arrive, I can start smelting and forging materials."

"It won't take long for a small harvester mothership to be on the world stage!"

Zeke's eyes shone brightly.

To establish an undersea base and exchange energy device technology and sales rights for a massive amount of mineral resources, Zeke's purpose is to build a small harvester mothership first!

If he wants to build a full version of the harvester mothership, the resources on earth alone are not enough.

Not to mention how difficult it is for Zeke to obtain the strategic resource reserves of the world's powerful countries. Even if he can obtain it, it will take a long time to negotiate and collect it. And after collecting it, it may not be possible to build that thing.

There is only one quick and convenient solution - take resources from other planets!

If it is put on other people, this kind of idea is impossible to realize, but for Zeke, who has the Cosmic Cube, it is simply perfect.

=====To be Continue=====

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*Every 200 stones +/= 2chapter



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