
Chapter 69: Country J speaks!

Ever since he experienced Gregoryo's conspiracy to usurp the throne, Zeke's bad impression of Country J has turned into disgust.

Especially after he checked some reports about Country J on the internet, he was even more disgusted.

In this parallel world, there have also been two world wars.

However, Country G is no longer the mastermind, Country J is.

Although Country J ended in defeat in the two world wars, it did not stop them. They are still doing things constantly. For decades, it has indirectly or directly participated in many wars between institutions that have occurred. Not to mention the money, they also secretly controlled the regimes of armed organizations in many small countries or foreign war-torn areas.

This is one of the reasons why Country J can develop rapidly.

As Country J succeeds more and more times, its ambitions are getting bigger and bigger. This time the Phoenix Kingdom's usurpation and treason incident is the best example.

Once the kingdom is controlled by Country J, it is very likely that soon, they will use the kingdom's hand to provoke the third world war again.

Seeing this, Zeke felt extremely disgusted, and at the same time found his small battle target.

Country J, he certainly cannot deal with.

Not to mention that Country J is now one of the world's powerhouses, with strong military strength, it is simply unrealistic for Iron Man-like Zeke to fight against a country.

But the armed forces in the war-torn areas that Country J has always controlled are different.

Although those armed forces are awesome, Zeke's Iron Legion is more awesome than them.

And Country J supports these armed forces in the dark, they don't want to be put on stage. So even if Zeke destroys them, they will only stare blankly.

Therefore, Zeke already had this plan in mind.

What he is eyeing is the rumor in recent years, that in the Middle East, there is an organization that seizes power with the full support of country J - al-Qaida.

Al Qaeda was originally a small armed force of a small country in the Middle East, "Balson". It has always only done some small activities. However, since it received strong support from Country J, it began to try to confront Balson's government. To subvert the entire regime and take it over.

But how could Balson's army give in so easily?

Conflicts broke out between the two forces, wars continued, and after three years of fighting, there was still no result.

However, he obtained all this information from the internet, and it was mixed with truth and falsehood, so he wanted to learn more about the situation through Grace.

"Country J has more than one power group in the Middle East, which one are you talking about?"

Grace glanced at Zeke.

"Al Qaeda."

Zeke said.

"Al Qaeda?"

Grace's tone increased by one point.

"Is something wrong?"

Zeke noticed the strangeness of Grace.

"Elder Zeke, do you still remember the explosion at the Balson Capital Airport the year before?"

Prime Minister Deron said, "That's what Al Qaeda did. Five Phoenix Kingdom people were killed in the incident."

"Al-Qaeda is the most troublesome enemy of the Balson country. After receiving the full support of Country J three years ago, it has grown stronger and stronger. It has an armed army of tens of thousands of people and has captured many areas of the country... For the sake of making Balson even more chaotic, they have created many suicide bombings and massacres, and they are quite famous in the Middle East."

"And their stockpiles of ammunition and weapons are very large. I am afraid that they will launch a full-scale war and attack the capital of Balson soon."

"This organization is very cruel."

Zeke raised his eyebrows.

"What are you asking these for?"

Grace had recovered from the nausea of flying at this time.

"To know a little more about Country J, so I can criticize them in your speech."

Zeke said casually.

"It's useless, this matter has been criticized by many agencies, and Country J should stop participating in the fight between the armed forces in the Middle East, but they just promised it on the surface, and were still doing it behind the scenes."

"And not only Country J, Country M, Country F, Country G, Country Y, etc., but almost all developed institutions are also basically involved, playing games in it and seizing resources."

"So it's pointless to criticize this kind of topic. You'd better think about something useful."

Grace said lightly.

"Since you want to speak, of course, you have to know a little bit about everything."

"Lord Deron, you should have some materials about Al Qaeda, right? Can you send me a copy?"

Zeke asked.

"You are an elder, of course, there is no problem."

Prime Minister Deron smiled and nodded.

Later, there was information from the palace after Grace and Prime Minister Deron left.

Lucy experienced the feeling of being an Iron Man and had a lot of fun.

When she finally left, she was still reluctant to part.

"Zeke, can I still visit you in the future?"

Lucy asked nervously.

"Of course no problem, you are welcome anytime."

Zeke said generously.


With Zeke's permission, Lucy was so excited that she didn't close her mouth when she laughed along the way.

"Sir, I have received a transmission about Al Qaeda."

"Lord Deron's efficiency is quite high. Open them all, let me take a good look."

Zeke carefully browsed through all the documents about Al Qaeda.

After a while, Zeke made a decision.

"Jarvis, let all the steel suits that are on missions outside come back."

Zeke's eyes flashed, "We're going to do something big next."


On the third day after the king's visit, the kingdom's online forums burst into flames without warning.

The reason is that in the morning, Kawamura Eiji, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of J, came forward to respond to the incident of "Long Live Your Majesty, His Majesty the Emperor" shouted by Gregoryo, the Royal Duke of the royal family of the Phoenix Kingdom, before his death.

"I deeply sympathize with what happened to Mr. Gregoryo Ai-Adlawan, but believing in His Majesty the Emperor is his will and has nothing to do with our Country J"

"Country J pursues peace, believes in peace, is the creator of peace, and does not accept slander from any personal behavior."

Speaking of this, Kawamura Eiji curled his lips and showed a sarcastic smile,

"There is no need to explain anything to ordinary countries."

As soon as this statement came out, the entire Phoenix Kingdom forum was completely blown up for peace."

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