
Chapter 102 - Raiding The World Of The Dead

Kazuya had just finished his meal—three full rations of food, followed by two bottles of unfermented wine. He was stuffed, and Orihime was quite surprised to see how much he could eat after being starved for a while. 

There was nobody downstairs at that time, as everyone in the guild had gone to rest. It was just past midnight at the time, and the lower floor was as silent as a graveyard, save for Kazuya and Orihime's presence. Even the blacksmith, Tano, was not at work that night for some reason. It seemed people were still trying to get over the loss of their master, Shizu, as her sudden death had taken the entire guild by storm. 

"Alright, big man," she said to him, "let's get back."

"Give me a moment," Kazuya said as he got up to leave, but in a different direction. 

"Where are you going?" asked Orihime. 

"I have to go," Kazuya replied. "If I waste too much time, you could come to the toilet to help me out if you don't mind." 

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