
Deathclaw Hunting (2)

The Living Quarters Sector of the second layer of the shelter was consisting of several tens of standardized rooms. All of them were pretty small, just enough for one or two people to live in them, as they were designed with utility in mind as the first objective.

Then there was some sort of standard room, which was connected through several corridors with the rooms of the scientist and the personnel that was working for the Doom-Tex Corporation. With the limited space that the shelter of the Research Site Alpha provided, then every square meter has been used with the highest utility possible.

"There are thirty rooms in the Living Quarters Sector, spread across six corridors, plus there are also bathrooms, consisting of two ones one for males and one for females. Also, there is the common room, which is in the middle of the Living Quarters Sector, where are right now approximately fifteen to twenty Deathclaws as they are constantly moving around the entire Living Quarters Sector."

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