
Chapter 91

After the loss of their ancient home and city, Gandalf grew so wroth with Artemis. Lady Aryan lied to him and said she was denied entry at the gates because if she could have told him that she dined with his enemy, well that wouldn't have turned out to be so good for her.

"We don't need a city when we have a kingdom. To hell with it" she told her brother. A week had passed and Gandalf was slightly persuaded that he had better and he should focus on what he had at that time ─ being a good King to his people. 

The preparations were made for Gandalf to shift his capital from the King's City to Raven. The first attempt included inviting Lord Boross to the capital, and somehow Boross thought he was being set on a trap. Gandalf then decided to pay him a visit himself with his men.

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