
Battle of the Top Guns; the 1st Upper Beast Priest vs Fleet Warlord Elyon! [2]



For a moment, it didn't feel like the world was coming to an end, it rather felt like the world already ended.

Golden fire clashed against condensed electricity!

Arcane energy clashed against magnetic energy!

Mana clashed against mana!

The atmosphere of Planet Ancestor Mandrill could not withstand the power being released by these 2 Calamity Grade Monsters as a gigantic black crack opened in the sky before extending to the surface of this planet.


The ground cracked open as an earthquake started instantly.

The momentum of the 2 crazy attacks was yet to die down and as they clashed against each other, grounding against each other energy for energy, it was the surrounding environment and climate that suffered.

10 kilometers around their battlefield that was actually in the air turned into a wasteland as every life unfortunate to be there was obliterated.


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