

Father your food is on the dinning area go and eat I know you are exhausted father.quin reminded him.okay daughter he answered, quin watched as his figure was out and sighed softly walking back to her room with her clothes.

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Coni I can't believe you want to get married now .Ceaser asked yes brother I need to you are 31 already married with two children. Now am 26 have not get married what do you have to say.coni responded looking embarrassed.just wait for the right time maybe yours is 30,or so. Brother be nice as you are talking any way madam Agnes restaurant tomorrow by three pm am gone.who is the lucky woman bro.ceaser asked then drank his cup of water.it Quintus .coni responded , Ceaser dewed all the water away from his mouth and then cough. Brother why can't you marry proper ladies they alot outside more better than her another thing is this she lost her husband when her daughter was three years . Ceaser responded

She told me he had Stoke cancer.yes brother he had stroke cancer before you will die in her hand too. Ceaser tried to convince him.

No brother we have already been together for long time I had been very busy and evil when I have no brain but now I have brain let me be you have your wife and kids you a free man now I have none both married , divorced or unmarried women I can marry them .coni yelled. You look more like a devil brother I want to tell you ? I don't want to hear just sleep .coni interrupted him now Ceaser felt he is always calm "I will make myself harsh and wicked brother since you deaf. Then Ceaser laid down to sleep and shut his eyes closed.

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Quintus woke up early and prepared the for ride a ride to madam Agnes she sent the kids to Mrs Hyde masion Ticonis quickly went to work .LATER IN THE AFTER NOON some hours later Quintus was in madam Agnes restaurant after some times coni entered he looked more handsome his muscles make him every one chuckle at his body his foot step was directed to her side he smiled at her madam Agnes came "good afternoon Mr coni gear and Mrs Quintus gear

Quintus felt embarrassed and they both started chatting Quintus found out he was a funny man but when doing his job he always serious . Quintus thought

Sir coni thank you for kindness I really appreciate. Miss he stretched out his hand she put her hand on his then he kissed her hand . Bye sir .she said as coni smiled.


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