
The Wonder of You – Part 3*


"I love you, Harth." His deep voice, hushed and awed, resonated in the cave—but before she could respond, he took her.


Harth had already been sinking, falling headlong into the wonderful sensations he wrung from her, but when he entered her, her eyes flew wide open and her hand slapped at his shoulder, holding on as her mind emptied of anything but the shivering pleasure of feeling him within her, over her, around her.

Tarkyn blew out a breath as he sank back, then bracing on his elbows over her shoulders, he pressed into her again, slower this time.

She wanted to scream at him not to slow.



She grabbed for his shoulders, his back, plunged her fingers into his hair, frantic to find the grip that would soothe the quivering ache within her, the desperate need.

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