
The very best

"Becoming senechal is easy for the miss, she is the first in line to take that role as it is not allowed for the king to put one of his own family in that position, nothing could be done and it would still eventually happen" spoke Kathikon in a large empty room with a single small window, he was completely alone in this room, now one was there to listen to him and yet he kept circling and turning to the empty chair in the middle of the room as if someone was in it.

"But, that is not how it's going to go!" he said with conviction, raising his finger into the air, despite his fervent speech, his eyes remained as empty as they could be.

"She doesn't need to simply become senechal, people needs to want her to be! The beggars themselves need to storm the royal castle to demand that it is done, the other nobles uselessly attempting to compete for this position needs to willingly give up" he uttered, as he approached the window.

"Her name needs not to be known after she obtains the position of senechal but before, everyone needs to be deeply convinced that she is the best of the best and for that, she needs to work better, harder, faster and longer all at the same time" he paused for a moment as if listening to something.

"I am making perfect sense" he answered no one.

"The miss will be fifteen in three hundred and sixty six days and will have to go to that scam of an academy filled with pretentious pricks, professional bootlickers and people who have no business being in it, by the time she gets there, I want the prideful to look up to her and the bootlickers to lick so hard they die of dehydration" he added afterwards.

"And to do that, she needs to become a better version of herself, a stronger and more charismatic version of herself and to do that, there is but one obvious thing to do, kill people!" he declared, earning the confusion of his imaginary interlocutor.

"What's the matter? In this world, people progress in level with XP my dear and to obtain the precious force that it is, the best way is to kill" he explained.

"But of course, it is not all, to be truly proficient in something, one must also be able to be talented without the use of the system functions, one doesn't need the skills to exert certain actions, such as manipulating mana, everyone who uses this energy had to grasp it first without it" spoke the butler with a small chuckle.

"You are right, after obtaining the skill one can not not use it when performing this action and the miss already has a high level in this skills, what a talent she has, however!" he said as he summoned his book.

"Thanks to this trusty tool used by my predecessors, I can allow her to do just that, you'll see what it truly means to be 'stronger than other of the same level'" spoke Kathikon while making an air quote with his hands.

"Applying this with everything else and the miss will be the greatest, I can already imagine it" he said.

"How I plan to do that?" he repeated the question that was never asked.

"Well, of course I have already taken action, I made a map and marked the locations of multiple areas with various enemies of various kinds, I have also prepared the equipement necessary for her to train and all, I am not going to just throw the miss in a random forest and tell her to get stronger, it may be efficient in certain cases but that is utterly barbaric and unbefitting of me" answered the butler.

"And with the ability of my book on top of my rigorous calculations, I can perfectly adjust the level of difficulty of everything, no need to worry" he added afterwards.

The non-existent person sitting on the chair asked another question and Kathikon turned around with slight confusion.

"What are you talking about? I don't need their permission, they are not my masters, I only have one" was the only answer the butler gave before the room seemed to melt, the butler was sitting on a chair as morning was soon to come, it was time to awake the miss.

Kathikon stood up as if he was a puppet on strings and opened the door in front of him without any sounds, closed it in the same way and walked up to the bed, seeing that the miss was already awake.

"Good morning miss Polemi" he said, usually a servant wouldn't adress their master by their first name but miss Polemi had asked him to do so.

"Is it morning already?" she asked.


It seemed like the miss had not slep much at all, it wasn't exactly visible but hearing her question and the face she made when hearing the response anyone would gather that much.

She got out of bed and sat in front of a mirror as she always did and Kathikon walked up to her and picked a hairbrush and started brushing her hair as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"Is something troubling you miss?" he asked.

"I am worried for tomorrow" she simply said.

"Are you perhaps worried a party will take place?" he asked her and she vehemently nodded but Kathikon kept on brushing her hair as if nothing was happening, the miss was not fond of parties or large gatherings in general, especially when all there was to do was just stand around.

After all, as the future senechal she was more used to training and exercise than your usual girl of nobility but there was one thing that bothered her more about this than the rest.

"Of course, it is pointless, I will only be turning fourteen and receive some gifts from people I don't even know, I'm telling you Kathikon, I don't feel like I deserve gifts, I did not work to obtain what they are giving me, I much prefer struggling than just getting the thing, it removes the best part! The process!" she ranted as she moved her head around with impressive swiftness, no one else in this mansion could continue doing what Kathikon was doing when she started doing that.

The butler had a smile on his face, he truly had lucked out with his master, she had the perfect mindset to be the best.

He put down the brush as he was done with it, Polemi looked at the result and nodded.

"I will be preparing your usual beakfast miss" he said, waited a few second to check if she had anything to say and then left the room when she didn't say anything, he waited a bit more after closing the door in case she changed her mind and only then did he start moving toward the kitchen, the long time servants had grown used to Kathikon fast movement and total silence when zooming around the mansion,he would only slow down and make noise if someone important was going to cross his path, so as to not surprise them but the other servants were not considered important and the new maid almost had a heart attack.

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