
Chains of the Past VII

"Ha, if I had a problem with races with superiority complexes, I wouldn't be speaking with my resident vampiress, now would I?" I laugh before realizing my joke has veered off the mark, like Gringar in that archery competition. Serana wore a very judgemental look, her arms crossed across her chest in dissatisfaction.

Cough, cough...

"What I meant was that superiority complex isn't what makes them bad; everyone thinks they're better than someone else in some way or another, and if they're lucky, they may even be right... However, when you use that perceived 'betterness' to justify genocide and wonton enslavement... Then yes, I'll have a problem with you." I say, stopping to talk with Serana since that egg is remaining particularly elusive.

"I see... Well... My family does have a penchant for viewing most mortals as little more than cattle and others as vermin, no offense." Serana says, with a a light dig back at me for my early joke.

"I'll let it slide since I probably deserved that one." I say with a chuckle as I lean back against the cabin, letting the silence surround us.

"So, you never asked me about my family? No questions or undying curiosity?" Serana finally asks, breaking the silence.

"I'll leave the undying to you, but I already know all I need to about you. Anything else is just a bonus." I say with a shrug, my joke making Serana roll her eyes in exasperation once more.

"Oh, and what is it you know about me?" Serana asks with a bemused smirk.

"That you're a beautiful woman in trouble, and I'm a sucker for the damsel in distress cliche." I say with a bat of my eyelashes, though Serana seems uncomfortable as she turns away.

"Oh... I think I see your last nest over there. We should probably head inside then." Serana says as she walks towards the cabin's door, rubbing her arms as she leaves.

"Okay?" I agree somewhat confused at her quick change of mood, grabbing the last egg before entering the cabin myself.

"I've got all the eggs." I tell Langley after coming inside, seeing Serana off in the corner quietly studying her nails.

"Well done! You got the eggs. Very good." Langley says before turning back to Inigo, ignoring me.

"You mentioned a prize, for getting you all the eggs?" I ask, hoping for something unique or useful.

"Your prize? Oh, yes. Here you go, take my thanks and my gratitude. Very precious commodities, indeed." Langley says making my jaw drop as I hear Serana snicker in her corner.

"Whatever, take your damn eggs." I tell Langley pulling out his eggs.

"What? I didn't need eggs. I just needed you out of the house for a bit so we could talk. Keep them, turn them into an omelette for all I care. Anyway, Inigo and I have had a bit of a chat and he's persuaded me that you can be trusted. It seems we are all in this together." Langley explains.

"That's just... Wonderful..." Serana says, in her corner.

"I've given Inigo him my notes and I'm sure he'll let you read through everything. If you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them. Though, you should probably talk to Inigo first." Langley says.

"I'll do that..." I tell Langley with a forced smile as he goes over to pester Serana.

"Good job getting those eggs, my friend. This Langley fellow may be a bit rude and gruff, but he's on our side. He gave me these, my father's journal and even a couple books that he's written about tracking me down, can you believe it? They contain a lot of information about how important I am... They are very good books, but also... Sad." Inigo says, cheekily at first before a somber tone fills his voice as he hands the books over to me.

"What's wrong, Inigo?" I ask him, taking a seat along with the books and eggs.

"Apparently, I have my own prophecy. If you want to hear more about it I'll tell you what I know." Inigo offers.

"Sure, can't be the only one with a prophecy, now can I?" I joke, getting comfortable in my seat.

"Ha, thanks my friend. Langley says we are going to save the world, that is of course, unless you think we have something better to do?" Inigo asks.

"I'm sure we can find some time in our busy schedule for that." I tell him with a chuckle.

"Okay, the Inigo Prophecy. Somewhere out there in the world, there is a nasty being gathering it's strength. If left unchecked it will grow until its evil influence burns away all that is good in this world. It has appeared in Langley's dreams for many years... Often as a gigantic figure striding through the land leaving nothing but pain, anguish, and death in its wake. He calls it the Doom Strider. In the same dream, he sometimes sees a handsome blue Khajiit defeat the menace with his help. He calls this fellow, the Champion." Inigo explains, stopping to take a sip from a cup of water.

"That is me, my friend. Much of Langley's prophecy is hazy and he says that sometimes his dreams show more than one possible outcome, but now he and I have finally met, he believes we stand a good chance of preventing much suffering." Inigo explains.

"You mentioned the details were hazy. Is there anything specific you could get out of him?" I ask him.

"Anything specific you want to know about my friend?" Inigo asks back.

"Alright, take the Doom Strider. Anything about who or what they are?" I ask him.

"Not much I'm afraid. Langley is the man to ask about that. All I know is that I am destined to fight whatever or whoever it is. I hope you will be on my side when the time comes, my friend. Of course, I will do my best to keep this from interfering with my debt to you." Inigo says with a shrug.

(Author's Note: Sorry for the delay, busy on vacation. Hope you enjoy!)

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