
Howling at the Moon III

"Do... Do you think we killed it?" One of the bandits asks Dornir.

"I don't know... Want to go check?" Dornir asks with dripping sarcasm and a raised eyebrow.

*Gulp* "I'm good, Boss." The bandit replies.

"Round up the prisoners! We're going into the tow-" Dornir starts to say before the green and white beast tears through the camp, skewering two more bandits with its claws before dragging them into the darkness.

As the sounds of young lives being devoured drive the bandits, and the handful of prisoners they can carry into the base of the tower. Mainly Lokir, Lucia, Sofia, Inigo, M'rissi, and Kasia, who are all still bound and gagged, except M'rissi and Inigo.

Once in the tower, the bandits barricade the door and go to the windows and roof to keep watch on their surroundings. Before a shearing of metal can be heard from outside the tower as the Khajiit, laborers, and other prisoners cry out in terror.

Before several confused yelps of terror, and then the sounds of several feet running away in a hurry. Perplexing Dornir before a thought crosses his mind... 'He couldn't have controlled his inner beast already? He must have been turned for less than a week. Maybe...'

Dornir grabs M'rissi by the arm, dragging her to an open window.

"What are you doing?! Unhand her at once! At once she said!" M'rissi growls at Dornir, struggling as he drags her along.

"Shut the fuck up!" Dornir slaps M'rissi across the face before shouting out the window, "You accursed abomination of Hircine! We have your friends! Stop fighting or we will slaughter them one by one! Surrender yourself or bathe in their blood! Starting with this cunt!"

And to demonstrate his conviction Dornir pulled out a blade and pushed M'rissi out the window, holding her by the rope binding her wrists keeping her from falling as he rests his blade on the rope.

A predatory growl reverberates from the tower steps before a heavy...




"Hmph... Polite... For a monster..." Dornir says before dragging M'rissi back inside the window and throwing her to the floor.

"Alright, everyone to the base of the tower, archers to the staircase! Melee to the door! Fronaer! Let him in!" Dornir shouts pulling his blade and moving toward the center of the room.

"Abomination! We are opening the door! Come in peacefully and accept your fate or we will slaughter those we hold here! Knock twice if you understand!" Dornir says.



Dornir motions to Fronaer who gulps before hesitating at the door and slowly creaking it open to reveal golden amber eyes, followed by rows of white, sharp canine teeth, and prominent tusks staring back at him which causes Fronaer to leap back in fright.

As the towering frame of the beast lowers itself to cross the threshold it reveals several distinctions from the common Skyrim lycanthropes. Aside from its height, which dwarfs the common werewolf these bandits have grown accustomed with dealing with, its pelt is full and silk-like similar to that of a husky, unlike that of a sick and mangled hound seen on the traditional Skyrim lycanthrope. With the coup-de-gratis being the tusks and mane, denoting a possible different species or sub-species of lycanthrope. All of this runs through Dornir's head before he comes upon a singular thought…

'I can't let this thing spawn, one beast already seems to be enough to wipe out my whole gang… We can't let this spread.' Dornir thinks to himself before shouting.

"Kneel!" Dornir says, attempting to be domineering but having turned out more panicked.

As the behemoth of muscle steps forward, seeming to make the tower shake with every step before growling in compliance though even on his knees he still reaches the eye level of most of the bandits.

"For the crime of following a Daedric Lord, we will purge you from this plane to keep your cursed existence from spreading! Silvantus Malborne, may the Nines have mercy on your soul!" Dornir says, raising up his silver sword before slashing it across towards Silvantus' neck.

Though strangely enough the blade freezes mere inches from his mane as the smell of fresh blood fills the Tower.

"We... Do... Not... Need... Mercy... And... Give... You... None..." A primal growl simulating a facsimile of speech reverberates through the tower causing everyone to freeze.

'Since when could a werewolf speak while transformed?' They all seem to think... Except for Dornir.

His thoughts are more along the lines of, 'Why is my arm numb?'

Which should be obvious to his lackeys, as from their position they can clearly see the dark green claws piercing through Dornir's arm like a razor.

Before a swirl of movement shreds through the nearest melee fighters, which shocks the few remaining archers into action allowing them to send a volley of silver into Silvantus' hide.

Though it is too little too late as while the arrows seem to annoy the beast, it does nothing to slow it down as it reaps the lives of the bandits despite their paltry attempt at a last stand… The only bandit left standing in a state of utter shock and disbelief is Dornir. The leader of this failed outing… Now surrounded by the blood and viscera of his once trusted subordinates…

"Y-you are n-no w-wolf, b-but a monstrosity s-straight from Oblivion!" Dornir stammers out in disbelief staring at Silvantus' back, who then turns around and begins to approach him.

This causes Dornir to panic using his left hand to pull out a dagger and drive the silvered blade to his throat.

"Yes…" Silvantus replies having skewered Dornir's other arm before slamming him on his back and digging his claws into Dornir's left leg, beginning to drag Dornir up the stairs past his friends and family towards the roof of the tower much to their shock.

"They smell like… Fluffy? But how?" M'rissi asks in confusion.

"I did not expect him to become so large…" Inigo says slightly in awe before adding, "No Mr. Dragonfly, I will not throw a stick and ask him to fetch… At least until he returns to normal."

Here's a slight thank you for getting my highest collection day record. Thank you all and hope you enjoy!

Lemon_Squarecreators' thoughts
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