
Joining the Companions I

With Inigo off wooing Lydia I return to Lokir, "Well, I'm off to take care of some business in town. Do you mind looking after the girls while I run some errands in town?"

"Sure, no problem Boss." Lokir says waving me off as he returns to work.

I wave to him before heading into town, where I remember someone in the Drunken Huntsman wanted to speak to me.

As I enter a rather energetic-looking peasant farmer approaches me before exclaiming with a thick Scottish or Irish accent, though I can't differentiate that well, "By the Nine! I can't believe it's you! I was just asking around if anyone knew where I might find you!"

"You're the one looking for me? Do I know you?" I ask slightly perplexed.

"My Master and I recently arrived here in Skyrim from Cyrodiil. It's been a long journey, but he sent me to see if I could find you. I thought I'd check the Tavern and Inn here in Whiterun first, and then set out for the other towns tomorrow. But fortunately, the Gods favor me today, as you seem to have found me instead! He's heard of your escape from that awful dragon attack and urgently needs to speak with you. I know nothing more than that. He's at the Inn in Falkreath. Could you please meet him at your earliest convenience? He only wishes to talk to you. Here, he gave me this note to give to you, and a small token of his appreciation. Now then, I bid you a good day as I have another errand to run. No rest for the weary as they say! Good day!" The peasant, apparently named Patsy says handing me a letter from a, Marcus Jannus and a pouch of 250 gold. Before he darts out of the Tavern.

The letter reads.

[Dear friend,]

[After I got word of your survival from the terrible dragon attack in Helgen, I came to Skyrim as fast as I could. I've sent my trusty messenger Patsy in the hope that he will be able to find you and give you this letter.]

[You are one of the only survivors and you may have explicit knowledge that is vital to me. I would very much like to discuss the events of that day with you. These are truly desperate times and I hope you will accept this small gift of gold as a token of my appreciation. Would you meet with me in Dead Man's Drink in Falkreath?]


[Marcus Jannus]

Huh, I guess I have a wealthy friend from my past? But what could I know? Is it about Alduin? And why do I know so many Marcus'? I think to myself before tucking the note away and moving on to Jorrvaskr.

I enter the hall and notice the sound of feasting, fighting, and copious amounts of ale. I make my way into the lower level of the mead hall where I see Kodlak Whitemane and Vilkas drinking in the corner at the end of a hall.

"A stranger comes to our hall." Kadlak states which feels just like a question.

"Yes, I wish to join the Companions." I reply.

"Would you now? Here, let me have a look at you." Kodlak says as he stands up and circles me like a wolf sizing up a potential threat.

"Hmmm. Yes, perhaps. I sense a certain strength of spirit in you." Kadlak says before Vilkas speaks up.

"Master, you're not truly considering accepting him?" Vilkas says incredulously.

"I am nobody's master, Vilkas. And last I checked, we had some empty beds in Jorrvaskr for those with a fire burning in their hearts." Kodlak reprimands Vilkas.

"Apologies. But perhaps this isn't the time? I've never even heard of this outsider." Vilkas continues.

"Sometimes the famous come to us. Sometimes men and women come to us to seek their fame. It makes no difference. What matters is their heart." Kodlak retorts.

"And their arm." Vilkas mutters not too quietly under his breath.

"Of course. How are you in battle, boy?" Kodlak asks intently.

"I can more than handle myself." I say confidently.

"That may be so. This is Vilkas. He will test your arm." Kodlak says before turning to Vilkas, "Vilkas, take him out to the yard and see what he can do."

"Aye." Is all Vilkas says in response before leading me out into the practice yard behind the mead hall.

Once outside Vilkas turns around and speaks to me, "The old man said to have a look at you, so let's do this. Just have a few swings at me so I can see your form. Don't worry, I can take it."

I think about equipping my ebony sword or using magic, but I feel a voice in the back of my head whispering to fight with honor and I feel the urge to put on the gloves of the pugilist and I do, causing Vilkas to raise an eyebrow in interest before drawing a sword and raising his shield.

I slowly pace around him looking for an opening, Vilkas lowers his shield for a moment to presumably talk trash but I don't hear any of it. Instead I seize the chance, diving to his left with the obstruction of the lowered shield as cover before bringing a mighty blow into his side completely taking him by surprise.

With the wind knocked out of him I prepare to bring both my fists down on his head before he makes a motion to yield. During which I pull back and give him a moment to catch his breath.

"Not bad… Welp… Next time… Won't be… So easy…" He says punctuating each word with a deep breath before continuing, "You might just make it. But for now, you're still a whelp to us, new blood. So you do what we tell you. Here's my sword. Go take it up to Eorlund to have it sharpened. And be careful, it's probably worth more than you are." Vilkas says as he tries hard to not wince as he walks back into the hall after handing me his sword.

Leaving me with a victorious smirk as I walk toward the Eorland's forge.


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