

As they were arguing they soon noticed that Makia and other monkey were notg there.

Marine noticed that instead of them there was a black portal

He pointed it out to the others .

As they were wondering what it is they heard a voice.

We will meet you next level. For level one please go inside the portal .

Saqoa in a little scared voice : What is this ?

Marine : I guess there is no other option.

Bret: Let's go.

Jis Tuk and Mith were trembling in fear.

Marine : Don't worry.We are here with you .

Marine's charming smile and his peaceful voice convinced all of them to go inside.

They all went inside the portal .After they crossed the portal they landed in the midst of huge strange jungle. There were strange sounds of growling coming from the woods .They were all alerted by this. It was so dark.They couldn't see anything .

Marine noticed something strange in the jungle.He asked all of them to stay alert.

He then used a technique and created some powdery substance and threw it in the sky .The entire place was filled with light .

Jis : You are amazing Marine.

Suddenly as the light spread completely they realized that they were surrounded by creepy large lizard like creatures with red eyes and large nails .

Seeing them Saqoa used a spell and created a fiery ball in his hand, Bret used his spell and he created a yellow coloured sword and Marine closed his eyes and when opened he had a fiery ball in his hand .

Marine thought," I see , so there are curses here as well . So this is not a training facilty made by the curse destroyers clans but a real dangerous islands full of curses.I wonder why they give us such missions and why didn't they destroy this ?"

Jis Tuk and Mith were confused.

Saqoa : You three look confused. I bet you can't feel the levels of curses.Curses are relativelely easy to identify than auras and you can't even catch them.nWhat a disappointment! These are low grade curses.Nothing to worry about. Just stand here.

And if you learnt something use them they will be finished.They are really not that much powerful.

Jis Tuk and Mith without having much knowledge focussed their aura at their hands .

Saqoa put a protective shield around the three. You three just wait under there.My shield is not powerful. I just learned it . So wait there .

The cratures slowly moved towards them and started running towards them.

There were twenty of those creatures.

Bret started slicing each one of those creatures which came near him and after getting sliced they were getting disappeared.They turned into pure energy.

Marine with his hands started destroying them by targetting their heads and he was doing it easily.

Saqoa too was doing the same.Within just five minutes only one of those creatures were remaining and it was injured .

Saqoa took of his shield and asked the three of them to take down the curse .

Tuk said ," Let me go .I alone will handle this ."

Saqoa : Are you sure ? You look the weakest among your team .

( Starts laughing loudly).

Tuk in rage suddenly started running towards the creature .

The creature was injured and was laying in the ground but as Tuk went to attack its head the creature dodged and left everyone on shock.

But Tuk again tried to.punch it but this time the creature instead of dodging jumped at Tuk and suddenly the creature disappeared.

Tuk finished his punch but it looked like some event occured in a quick instant that made the creature disappear.

Bret shouts at Tuk," It was me. I threw a point space collapser at the creature . It dislocates the curses integrated body and destroys it . "

Tuk was disappointed and little angry.

He shouted at Bret," Why did you finish my target ?"

Saqoa : Quit complaining kid.If not for him you would have been affected by the curse.Just punching carelessly doesn't work.You also have to be careful of its attack and block it until you become a professional . You are more hopeless than I thought . If things remain this way we may have to abandon you and let you die in this unknown jungle .

Marine : Cut it off Saqoa .

Saqoa : It's your fault marine .

Marine : So what do you think your job will be when you become a little more experienced ?

It is our job to protect people from these We are chosen for this .

Saqoa : Whatever .

Jis and Tuk trying to console Tuk.

Mith : Tuk you atleast tried .

Tears started falling of Tuk's eyes.

He thinks," But How can this happen. Teacher told we were fast and sent us without experience .What did it mean? I can't even defeat a weak curse ."

Bret : Well wait a minute guys.Stop arguing .

I was joking.I didn't fire point space collapser.I don't even know how to use it. It is really hard.It needs too much practive even for a Professional.

I was trying to provoke the angry child and see what happens ? I didn't think you will take my joke so seriously .

Saqoa: Bret you idiot.Your voice sounded like genuine true words . You need to learn how to use your voice while cracking an obvious joke.

Saqoa then pointed at Marine and told him," You did it didn't you?"

Marine : No I didn't .

Saqoa : Now come on. Don't joke .We all know you did that.Let us assume for a second he did it but how would he not know that he did a thing.It doesn't make sense .

He looked frustrated because he believed he was right and someone who helped them but noone was believing him .

Marine : I don't know but i didn't do it.

But wait a minute.I noticed something

Hmm so lets see you are too young for this mission and if you are chosen for this you must posess something special .

Let me ask you ," Are you guys selected by eating fruit ?

Saqoa : Absoloutely not.The guys selected throough fruits are not present in this time.

They are a story at this point

Jis : We and our clan's master are chosen through fruits.

Saqoa is surprised.

Bret suddenly looks at them .

Marine : Then you must have some special powers that we don't have . But Even if that is true which I believe is true i heard those persons also have to know a certain set of things before coming into this mission and considering your master is also the same he should know it.But you guys look really unexperienced .There must be something else to it . And about your attack without conscience I have to put some more thought in it . Anyway let us collectively build a shield and sleep tonight .We will continue this mission with a new excitement tomorrow .

Jis ,Tuk and Mith : Yes sir .

Jis thinking "This guy is really awesome .He figured many things so quickly .

Tuk thinking ," I did it.I did it.Yesss."

Mith and Jis held him from the back and they were in a celebration mood .

Jis : You did it Tuk.

Saqoa then gives Jis Tuk and Mith a piece of cloth and asks them to use it.

Mith : You are good afterall.

Saqoa in an angry voice : What do you mean ?

Then they went to sleep.The special cloth automatically turned into a tent once any person slept on it .

Saqoa : Iam still not sure about them . I have to test them a little and remove my confusions and I will do it tonight .

-to be continued

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