
Mind games

Melissa side hugged her daughter again. 'If he makes you uncomfortable we could also go home. I understand if you don't want to be here, we can let the rest handle it.'

Keylee thought about it and stared at her shoes. Perhaps she just needed to get away from Void. Then the bad feeling would go away. She looked up and saw Void staring at her. Yeah, she just had to get away from him and forget him. Then her life could go back to normal right? She didn't need him, Dr. Deaton would be able to help her.

She nodded softly and Melissa stood up. 'You guys can handle yourselves right? We're heading home. And Scott, I expect you to keep us updated, I've lost one child once and I just got her back, I don't want to lose you now.'

Scott nodded. 'Yeah mom, we just need to find something to kill him. You should rest Keylee. I'm so glad you're okay.'

As soon as Melissa and Keylee left Derek spoke up. 'So what are we gonna do?'

Everyone stood around Void who looked quite bored. He kept staring at Deaton who also kept staring back. 'To be honest, I have no idea, I might need to test a suspicion first but let's hope I'm wrong.'

'I say we slash his throat.' Malia stepped forward and if looks could kill void would be dead. Well, that is if he could die at least.

Sheriff shook his head. 'What do you suspect Alan?'

Deaton looked at him with a worried face. 'Have any of you heard of blood rituals?'

Everyone shook his head except for Stiles. 'Aren't those rituals wizards use? To control someones body? I saw it in a movie once abou-'

'Yes Stiles, that's a blood ritual too but not the one I mean.'

Lydia softly slapped Stiles on his arm. 'No silly, those are movie things. Dr. Deaton is talking about bonds, things like the bite. When Scott got bitten he was bound to Peter cause they shared DNA. You mean things like that right?'

'I do. I believe he has bound himself to Keylee so even if we would find a way to kill him, we couldn't without killing Keylee too.'

Everyone, especially Scott, stared at Deaton with a look of horror. Could he have done that? It would be something for a Nogitsune to do. It was smart after all.

'I told you guys there was more.' Stiles mumbled

'Maybe we can lock him up again?' Kira thought out loud.


'Guys? Am I the only one who doesn't understand a word of what you are saying?' Liam asked very confused. Malia turned towards him. 'Nah, I don't understand either, just nod your head and pretend. It works amazing.'

Lydia sighted. 'Guys, focus! Liam, that is the nogitsune, he looks like stiles right now cause he used his body as a vessel. He feeds of pain, strife and chaos which is why we need to get rid of him. Only we don't know how cause the last time we tried it didn't work.'

'Well, can't you just... look in his memories or something? I mean, I bet everyone at least once thought of how they were afraid to die.'

They all looked at Liam. Derek rose his eyebrows. 'The kid's smarter than he looks like.'

Everyone now stared at Void who looked utterly calm for someone who's mind was gonna be invaded in just a few minutes.

He stared from Scott's claw to Scott before he rose his eyebrows. They understood his message. "Are you sure you wish to do that?"

everyone looked at Scott, as an Alpha he had to make the decision, or at least that's how he saw it. But was he really gonna do this? It might work, but it was also dangerous.

'Dr. Deaton, how do we know if he bound himself with my sister?'

'We don't. We have to wait and see what happens, as long as we don't kill him yet there shouldn't be a problem.'

Scott nodded but still hesitated. He didn't want Keylee to get hurt in any way. Peter stood up and quickly walked to Scott, without hesitation he took his hand and pushed it forward.

Everyone just looked at him in shock.

'For gods sake, you all saw he wasn't gonna do it, someone had to do something right?' With that, Peter just sat back down on the couch and ignored everyone else. Now they just had to wait.


Keylee closed her eyes and let the hot water fall on her skin. How long ago was it that she had showered? She sighted, trying to release all the stress of the past few days. She had suspected it to bother her more. She felt strange. Like she was walking a path and coming closer and closer to a split. Both ways symbolized a choice she had to make and there was no going back. Yet she didn't feel like she could chose just one of the two.

According to the many books she had read she should feel relieved now to be home, or traumatized for being kidnapped, waking up from nightmares, feeling scared or apprehensive. Yet she didn't feel like that, she felt guilty. And for what?

She huffed. It didn't make sense. She felt overwhelmed. Only now she realized how much she had picked up from everybody. All the hate and anger, the pain, Deaton who felt so worried. Scott had just felt relieved and worried. Liam, Malia and Kira mostly confused. Everyone looked at a state of being happy while being scared. It was just too much to take.

Keylee thought back about how Void had calmed her down multiple times. Not once had she felt overwhelmed with him, well, if the weird stuff at Oak Creek didn't count, that was. Anyway, he had still managed to calm her down back then, he had thought her how to control her powers at least a bit. In just 4 days with Void she had learned more than in a half year with her family and a druid. It wasn't right to let them kill him. But what could she do?

'Stop thinking like this! He's a murderer, a psychopath, a trickster.'

'Honey, who are you talking to?'

Keylee startled and looked to the door. Was her mother listening to her? that was kinda creepy.

'Nothing mom, just myself. I'm fine.'

'Okay, I'm right outside, just yell and I'm with you in seconds.'

Keylee huffed in disbelieve. No way, was it gonna be like that now? Would everyone just keep an eye on her in everything she did? No... right?

'You know mom, I uhh, I actually think I'm quite hungry. Do you think you can-'

'Of course sweetie, I'll prepare you something right now.'

Keylee sighted. Right. So that's how it was gonna be, her mother was gonna be over protective. To be honest, Keylee couldn't blame her. Didn't mean she had to like it though.

'What the hell is wrong with me? This just show how much she loves me!'

"You are allowed to feel like that you know?"

Keylee turned around. Startled once again. That voice, it couldn't be. 'A-Alli?'

"Hey Kells."

Keylee felt the water of the shower merge with her tears. 'Alli, where are you? Why can't I see you?'

"Look better."

Look better? What? Keylee spun around trying to locate the voice. She didn't see anything. Perhaps Allison was really small? Or it was just her mind playing tricks on her. Or... Maybe she should just close her eyes and did as Void thought her, worth a shot right? She was just gonna trust Void and his skills.

Keylee turned of the shower and quickly put on her jogging pants and a sweater, not even bothering to get dry. She sat down on her bed and closed her eyes. Breathing deep in and out she imagined her vision green. Carefully she opened her eyes. Everything was still in it's normal color. she tried again. This time really, really wishing for it to work. Again nothing happened.

Keylee sighted frustrated, angry tears burning in her eyes. Why didn't it work!?

"Don't give up Kells, never give up. You can only lose a fight if you give up, so if you wanna win, you just have to keep going."

'I'm trying Alli, I really am. But it's just, I just-'

Keylee balled her fist and breathed deep in one more time. As she breathed out she let her hands relax again, she relaxed as much as possible and tried to let go of all her emotions. She tried to feel calm. Calm. Zen. She imagined the world turning different shades of green. Like she had green glasses. She breathed in and out once more.

Then she opened her eyes. The world was green again. Allison sat besides her on the bed, smiling. "Hey."

'Alli. I'm so, so sorry, I should have been there, I-'

"Keylee, stop blaming yourself. It won't make anything better. I was going in there at my own risk, it was my own choice. And I'm okay with it, I had the chance to say goodbye to my dad before all this, he knew how much I love him. I died in Scott's arms, protecting my friends. I can't think of a better way to die."

Keylee smiled sadly and was about to reply when she felt strange. 'MOM?'

Suddenly her eyes rolled back. Keylee felt her senses go numb. Darkness threatened to swallow her. What was happening? she knew one thing. It was not good. Keylee then felt down on her bed, completely off the world.

Melissa came running in to the room short after. When she saw her daughter laying motionless on the bed she felt panic rising.

'Honey, wake up sweetie.'

Keylee didn't wake up. No matter what Melissa tried. Then she quickly called Scott's number. When someone finally picked up it wasn't Scott.


'Alan? Why are you- never mind. Something's wrong with Keylee. She screamed about 5 minutes ago and she doesn't wake up now. I don't know what happened. What is going on Alan? What's happening to my daughter?'

On the other side of the line it was silent for a short moment before Deaton sighted and turned to look at Scott who was Still in Void's mind. 'I was already afraid of this. Bring Keylee to my clinic. We're on our way.'

He hung up and turned around. I assume everyone except Noah, Stiles and Lydia know what happened.

All the werewolves, and kitsune, nodded. 'We'll handle it. Go already, if you take Stiles and Lydia already with you to explain we'll come after you. I expect this affected Keylee somehow?' Derek stated.

Deaton nodded and gestured a very confused Stiles, sheriff and scared Lydia to come with him. 'What happened to Keylee?' they both asked almost immediately when they sat in Stiles' jeep.

'Melissa told me she can't wake her up. I'm suspecting Void knows more about this and I'm planning on asking him about it but I don't know his goal. What does he want? What is he gonna ask in return?

When they arrived at the clinic, Melissa was already there. 'Hey, she's still on the backseat of the car. And she still doesn't wake up. Alan, what is wrong with my daughter? Is she in danger? And where is Scott, why didn't he pick up?'

While Melissa was asking about it, Lydia walked to the car. Keylee looked pale. Something felt off. She felt like.... like...

'Lydia? Are you alright?'

Lydia paled at the horrible truth she discovered. 'No Stiles. No I'm not. You know why? Because I feel like I wanna scream.'

'Whoa, you mean like. I'm frustrated scream or banshee scream.'

'I don't know Stiles! Or... Or I'm just to afraid to admit it.'

Lydia looked at Keylee again and took her hand. She didn't know when, or how. She didn't know how long she could reject the urge to scream. But she knew that once she did it would be to late. Cause she knew....

It would be a Banshee scream....

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