
Chapter 49: To Bewitch The Mind...

Potions Classroom, Hogwarts...

The first year class had been in awe as Professor Severus Snape stood before them. He had been an impressive sight wrapped in his usual black teaching robes, his pale hue in contrast to both his robes and dark hair. He had not been as thin as he had been during Harry Potter's first year at Hogwarts but he was still lean, and had even gained a good deal of muscle. His raven hair had been at his shoulders, he made sure that it went no further. Snape's obsidian eyes gleamed at the prospect of being able to mold young minds, despite his usual sullen demeanor when it came to teaching. He scanned the room taking in all the new faces and delighting at how much his appearance seemed to frighten some of them.

"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making...As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic." said Snape letting his obsidian eyes scan the class once more. "I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses...I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even...put a stopper in death."

The students seemed to be enthralled by his masterful art of verbal seduction.

"If you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach." he said with intent in the direction of the First year Gryffindors. "Suffice if to say, welcome to first year potions, if you have not been informed by now, which I am sure that the countless whispering masses, I am Professor Snape...Potions Master of Hogwarts."

The students continued to watch him.

"For those of you...who wear the colors of Slytherin house...I am your Head of House as well." he said. "I look forward to meeting each and everyone of you personally."

The Slytherin students seemed to take to him, as he knew they would...they always did.

The Gryffindor students had been more or less terrified about his seemingly bat like nature. This year had been particularly fun because since Harry Potter's 7th year whispers about him coming from the very depths of hell had been abound. He did little to discourage the rumors often using it to intimidate the students.

His reputation alone was enough to foster obedience and his temperament had not improved much over the years. Severus Snape had been having an easy time following Harry Potter's departure from Hogwarts. It was as if he and all his trouble making friends had been the only real annoyance school wise that plagued the Potions Master in years.

Well, there was them and Lupin.


Charms Classroom, Hogwarts...

Hermione Granger found out first hand that running a classroom was not all that it was cracked up to be. The first years students had been hard to teach with all the mistakes they made casting spells some without proper technique and the tendency to joke about had been more than just a minor nuisance. She found herself running about the class countering spell after spell to ensure that they did not destroy the classroom with their lack of self-control or discipline.

There was bullying and crying within the first few minutes and some of the braver souls had taken to pulling pranks on her. The first time a 1st year decided to get in good with his peers by moving her chair magically as she tried to sit in it, she found herself falling flat on her bum with laughter rumbling like thunder all around the room.

It only took her one second to realize that the culprit had been a young boy with red hair and brown eyes from Slytherin house. He relished the attention from his peers as they congratulated him on a job well done. Hermione resolved to etch trouble-maker across the boy's face in her mind for future reference. The little snake even had the nerve to smile innocently at her with his eyes flashing malice.

Austin Embers, Slytherin First Year, age 11.

Definitely a trouble maker.



Hermione Granger had been pleased as she looked over the Hufflepuff-Ravenclaw class that had been assembled before her. They had all been a bunch of young and nervous faces. She smiled sweetly at them as she stood at the head of the classroom that Professor Flitwick had taught in for so many years. Like the students before her, this was her first year as a teacher and her first class. She was pleased about how well behaved and quiet most of the students were. The Ravenclaw students had been quick studies and excelled with a kind of flare that she would have had during her time as a student, though they had been less inclined to show off. The Hufflepuffs were more or less terrified of getting anything wrong and making her angry.


The Corridors, Hogwarts...

After yet another long class, the day had ended and Hermione found herself longing for the privacy of her quarters. She made her way down the corridor having a new appreciation for the Professors at Hogwarts who had been her instructors and continued to teach year after year. She could only imagine what the students from her year had behaved like. No doubt their antics made it much harder for them, especially, Snape. She had not truly understood how a young Professor like him had managed all these years.

Neville had been in good spirits, of course being surrounded by plants had that effect on him.

The bushy haired witch continued to make her way toward the great hall for dinner. Her thoughts once again turning to the dour Potions Professor as she walked.

Just how had he managed all these years being the youngest Professor employed here?


Severus Snape's Quarters, Slytherin Dungeons...

Another glass of fire whiskey and Snape had been drunk enough to stumble into bed. He waited as long as humanly possible, getting as drunk as he could before he climbed into his empty black four poster bed. Meddling Gryffindors. Didn't he have enough to worry about with Hermione back in the castle? The last thing he needed was them making things worse. The Potions Professor closed his eyes falling into the familiar pleasant lull of sleep. He knew it wouldn't be long now. She would come with her eyes of amber, and her shoulder length curls swaying softly about her neck. Her slender frame covered only by the thin black silk of her night gown with it's equally thin straps about her shoulders.

"Severus." she said softly as she climbed over him into the bed.

"Hermione." he said in a low tone.

"I missed you." she said her amber gaze holding his.

"I missed you too." he replied.

The scent of fire whiskey had been heavy on him as he looked at her with a longing that could never be registered outside of his dreams.

"You've been drinking again." she said.

"Every night love." he replied.

She straddled his sheet covered lap, with both her knees on the opposite sides of his lean thighs. He let out a soft gasp as she ran her hands down his pale exposed chest.

"Are you still angry with me?" he asked.

Hermione said nothing as she crushed her soft pink lips to his pale ones. He closed his eyes taking in the feel of her.

This was all he had. The only reason he had gotten through those five years without her. She was the only woman alive that could command his attention even in his dreams. His affection for Lily had not even been this strong, it had taken him the first year of her absence to come to grips with the way he truly felt about the young witch. By the third year he knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was in love with Hermione Granger and what he felt for Lily had paled in comparison.

The young witch haunted him. Taking over his dreams and waking hours alike with her amber eyes seeming to burn into his very soul. He recalled every moment he spent with her as Sebastian Prince and it only served to drive him insane with need for her. If given the chance to do it all over again, Severus knew by the fourth year that he would in a heart beat. If only to be close to her. He didn't know how this year was going to play out, not with Hermione being so close to him again. His dreams had been all that kept him from retreating back into that emotionless shell he had placed himself in for much of his life. For now they had still been effective.

"I love you, Severus." she said sweetly resting her head on his chest as she clung to him in the dark of the night.

"I love you too, Hermione." he replied.

The first lights of dawn had been creeping up over the horizon. He knew he would have to get up soon, but for the first time in years he didn't completely dread it.

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