


I thought it was worse when Arianne didn't talk to me but this was the worst. At least she was inside the castle with me, I could still catch glimpses of her. I know I've live without Arianne the one time she went to Harald's place. I was in a dark p[lace that time, a dark place where I wasn't willing to care about anything. I also knew that threw a no way she was going to be suffering, Harald was an ass but he knows how much Arianne meant to me and he treated her well.

The cold mountains though, that was a different case. The monks there do not care for status, all they care about is trying to wash your sins and redeeming you. They were horrible, same with the weather there. it was always col, it doesn't matter if you are a werewolf or not, you'd still feel the cold and it's not something you can just heal from.

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