

The girl took in her surroundings with wide blue eyes full of curiosity, no doubt wondering where she was. We got a message that the girl woke up this morning and we all rushed there only to meet Kiran still there. From the clothes he was still wearing one can assume that he stayed here overnight. He didn't even go to his own room at all! The girl continued to stare at the room, a mixture of fear and curiosity in her gaze, looking at anywhere except our eyes.

I cleared my throat, drawing the girl's attention to me. "Hello!" I greeted her softly, careful not to scare her. "I'm Arianne, what's your name?"

"Raye!" The answer was from Kiran.

I stared at Kiran then back at the girl who offered him a small smile. "Oh, um, okay Raye, it's nice to meet you though it's not under pleasant circumstances!"

Raye nodded her head at me. "Thank you!"

"Okay Raye, can you tell us more about you?" I asked her.

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