
Surprise attack! Poseidon Falls?


[ Music insert. Crash-Fit for Rivals]

Poseidon and Timaeus both glared at each other. Both men gripping tightly their tridents.

Timaeus took the first move, breaking out into a full sprint towards Poseidon. One he hit his stride he jumped into the air. He raised his Trident over his head and gripped it with all his might.

Poseidon raised his as well and readied himself to meet the man head on.

Sensing the coming danger, Zeus and Hades both raised a shield over the arena's stands.

Timaeus swung his Trident down at Poseidon with one of his quake bubbles covering the blade.

Poseidon did the same and as the two great weapons collided an explosion overtook the entirety of the arena. Thankfully with Hades and Zeus' shield up the bystanders and the rest of Olympus weren't blown away in an explosion that would have been enough to shatter a moon.

Torrents of lightning, and tornado winds erupted from the point of impact. Poseidon and Timaeus were both struggling to overpower the other.

The ground below the two men upheaved itself from the force of their clash.

Timaeus glared down at Poseidon with lion fangs, and Poseidon simply looked back at the man in anger. He wouldn't admit it, but at this point his hands were trembling slightly. Timaeus was still weaker than him, but he was strong enough, where if Poseidon wasn't careful, he could definitely lose.

" ARGGGHGH!" Poseidon shouted and started pushing Timaeus back inch by inch.

" YAAAAAAAGH!" Timaeus roared. He struggled to push back against Poseidon. Despite pounding the man with the force of an earthquake, Poseidon was still pushing him back.

Sensing he was going to be overpowered, Timaeus reeled back and punched Poseidon in his face.

Poseidon's head snapped to the side, and he grunted in slight pain. Though it didn't hurt much, the distraction was still enough to get Poseidon off-balance and stagger him. Timaeus used this opportunity to drag his Trident down Poseidon's body, tearing his flesh open with ease.

" ARGGGGHJ!" Poseidon howled in pain and jumped back from Timaeus, trying to gain some distance to recompose himself.

Timaeus however, wasn't going to let up. He pursued Poseidon and swung his trident at his chest.

Poseidon having no other choice, twirled his trident around and managed to block the attack, forcing Timaeus to spin around to avoid having Poseidon's trident from slashing his body.

With his balance back, Poseidon attacked. He raised his Trident and swung it at Timaeus' neck, trying to kill the man quickly, but Timaeus dodged it and delivered a fierce kick to the inside of Poseidon's knee.

Timaeus then spun around and jammed his Trident into Poseidon's leg.

" GAAAH!" Poseidon screamed once again, upon the three-pronged blades piercing his flesh. Poseidon was angered. He swung his trident at Timaeus, forcing him to retreat back.

Once Poseidon could stand again, he immediately leaped at Timaeus and stabbed towards the man.

Timaeus rolled out of the way and Poseidon's trident split the ground below him. But he wasn't done. he quickly raised his Trident up and swung it down at Timaeus. cutting the man in the same manner he had been cut.

" Gaaah!" Timaeus grunted. The searing pain of his arm nearly being torn off from the neck down rushed through him. But he didn't have time to worry about that as Poseidon was continuing his attack.

After cutting him, Poseidon twirled his Trident around and swung it art Timaeus' waist. Timaeus raised his trident to block it but was sent flying by the force of Poseidon's strike. Timaeus hit the wall hard and fell to his knees. He was hurt but not out.

' He's strong. Stronger than I imagined. Honestly, I wouldn't expect anything less from the god of the sea.' Timaeus thought. " So, this is the monster known as Poseidon."

Poseidon strode towards Timaeus, his eyes a blaze with anger.

Timaeus smirked and got to his feet, he had something up his sleeve. He didn't go on that trip to get those metals for nothing. And now was the time for all of that to pay off.

Throughout the fight, only two gods knew what was really happening. Athena and Hestia. And they knew from the look on Timaeus' face that the time was now.

Hestia watched as Timaeus and Poseidon continued their fight, trading blows with their Tridents and every now and then hitting each other with their fists.

Hestia watched closely, but the somber sound of the crying girl next to her pulled her attention away.

Hestia looked down at young Diana who had been crying the whole time. And Hestia had only just know heard it.

You couldn't blame her. The sound of their strikes was deafening. They were so loud they easily drowned out any sound in the arena.

" It's going to be okay, sweet Diana. Auntie Hestia's right here." Hestia told the girl. She picked her up into her lap and started rubbing her back softly.

" But... But I miss my mommy! And... And daddy's hurt." Diana cried.

Hestia felt her heart melting. Such a precious little girl.

Hestia smiled and hugged Diana.

" It will be alright, my dear. Just you watch." Hestia told the girl.

Diana nodded and continued watching the fight, just to see Poseidon grab Timaeus and throw him into a wall with enough force to crack the entire side of the stadium.

[ Music change. Adelitas way the collapse.]

P.O.V 1st person.

" UGHHH!" I groaned as I got to my feet. The loss of blood was making me a little lightheaded. I hadn't been used to seeing so much of it in a long time. Anytime i get hurt I usually lose consciousness before this part.

I looked up at Poseidon as he smiled, and I grinned back. I had a plan. I was just waiting for the perfect opportunity.

Poseidon raised his Trident, and I watched as a mass of water swirled around it. This was the first time he had used anything other than brute force against me. I need to make this count.

I waited until Poseidon had swung his Trident. Once he did, I slammed my foot down on top of it, pinning it to the ground and preventing it from moving further.

" Why are you still fighting? " Poseidon asked in fury. " Just give up!"

" Not until you lie dead at my feet." I replied.

He raised his fist up and a mass of water swirled around him. I copied his movement and raised my fist, one of my quake bubbles encircled my hand as I prepared to attack.

" UGHHHNNNNNNNNHAAA!" He punched at me; a large fist of water started rushing towards my way.

" HGNNNNNNRAAAAG!" I countered his attack with my own. I punched towards him and the air in front of me cracked.

Our two attacks collided together and a battle for dominance began once again. A wall of destruction and water shot up from in-between us. Our powers clashing so furiously that the ground below was cracking and the skies above us parted.

Our two powers continued pushing against each other until finally, they both just exploded.

The explosion was just as powerful as the one from earlier. So, much so that i was nearly blown away by the force of my own attack.

When the dust cleared, I saw Poseidon standing ready with his Trident. I didn't want to give him time to prepare another attack, so I rushed him. I sprinted straight towards him, and I lunged at him.

He swung his Trident at me, but I was able to maneuver under it and hit my target. I raised my fist and hit Poseidon in his chest, releasing all of the kinetic energy that had been stored up since the start of our fight.

The force of the blow sent Poseidon flying. The release of all that energy exploding in his face, split his head open.

I knew he was surprised. Hell, even the gods in the stands were surprised.

P.O.V 3rd person.

" What was that?!" Dionysus shouted in shock.

And he wasn't the only one, even Hades and Zeus were surprised by the blow that Timaeus delivered to Poseidon

" It was kinetic energy." Athena spoke.

Her words immediately drew the curious gazes of the gods towards her.

" What do you mean?" Hades asked the woman.

" Did none of you have notice it? That his clothing had been glowing brighter and brighter every time Poseidon landed an attack on his body. Each time Poseidon struck a part of his body it would glow, and every time it was struck it would glow brighter and brighter. Why? because it was absorbing the force of his blows. It was absorbing the kinetic energy and storing it. And when Timaeus hit Poseidon just now, he released all of that energy right into Poseidon's face." Athena explained.

" So, Poseidon..." Ares spoke.

" Was hit by the combined force of his own attacks. Exactly." Athen exclaimed.

" But how? I mean how does this work? Is it a special ability?" Ares asked.

" That... Even I won't tell." Athena replied. She stared out over the stadium and watched as Poseidon struggled to get to his feet. The sudden and sheer amount of power behind his son's strike caught him off-guard and more importantly, it hurt him. It hurt him badly.

P.O.V. Timaeus.

I walked towards the injured god. My attack had worked. It was successful. He was injured. Wounded. Weakened. My time to strike was now. I had one more blow. If I used my Trident, that's been absorbing the collisions of both mine and Poseidon's trident, then it should be enough to end him. I couldn't help but grin maliciously at the man as I stood over him.

I watched happily as Poseidon looked up at me in anger.

" You arrogant piece of shit. I should have drowned your mother when I found out she was pregnant. I should have ended you before you even left her womb you cursed, pestilent, arrogant, self-righteous piece of shit!" Poseidon exclaimed. He shouted so loud that I could barely stand the volume.

Poseidon's eyes stared holes into my own, but I didn't care. This is the man who had everything taken from me.

" Look at you... The great god of the sea, bowing, kneeling to a human. A proud human. I spared Triton in Atlantis, because I knew that killing him would do nothing but make more like you. It would turn every single citizen of the sea against me. I spared Triton, because I wanted to show that even a god could have mercy on his enemy. That not every battle had to end in death and destruction." I told the man. " it's a crazy thing for me to say. A few years ago, in Sparta I would have never thought to even utter those words. But I am no Spartan. Not anymore. I have changed. Would my brothers approve of this change? I don't know. But I know I'm proud of who I've become. And I owe it all to you, Poseidon. Father. All of this is because of you. Everything started with you. And now it's gonna end." I raised my Trident to end Poseidon's life once and for all.

" You bastard. I should have killed you. I should have killed you all. And I will." Poseidon growled. He reached for his Trident, and I hurried to stab him. But instead of trying to attack me, Poseidon threw the Trident. I was shocked. My eyes followed the it and I saw where it was heading.

" No!" I turned around and raced as fast as I could to try and stop the Trident, but I couldn't do anything, even one attack and I could kill her. He was aiming for my daughter.

I slammed my Trident into the ground and used the energy I had built up inside of it to expel me forward, faster. Sacrificing my last trump card.

P.O.V Hestia.

I watched as Poseidon hurtled his Trident at us. And I was shocked. He was going to kill me and the girl if it was the last thing he did. I reached down and grabbed Diana, the poor girl was so scared, all she could do was shake.

I saw Hades across the stadium, jump to his feet and raise his hands. He was trying to save us. But it was too late the Trident was already in front of us.

I closed my eyes tight and clutched Diana, trying to use my body as a shield for her. I prepared myself for the death blow the sound of flesh tearing and then.... Nothing?

I opened my eyes, and my heart sank into my chest.

Timaeus had used his body as a shield to protect us both. His face was contorted into pain, and he spit up a mouthful of blood.

I felt the little girl in my arms jerk away and scream.

" DADDY!!!!!"

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