
Shooting Spree



I should have shot him.

I should have blown his brains out right from the moment he had stepped into the car, and the realization of what he truly was had hit me.

A monster.

He was a monster.

He was the reason I was here.

He had snatched me like they did the rest of the ladies, only that, this was different, but that changed nothing.

He was still a monster, one of the creatures I was trained to kill.

But why kill him, if I could use him?

Wherever this was, I didn't want to get stranded here, and I'd be a fool to kill the only creature that didn't look out to get me, and seemed to know his way around. He was obviously my best bet to safety, but I was still weary of him. He had yanked out the hearts of two monsters in front of me, this cape I tied around my chest felt a little sticky with blood too, which made me wonder how many more he had killed.

He was dangerous and the only thing keeping my sanity right now, was the fact that I had a gun.

I had the upper hand here, no matter how little that was. He knew that and that was why he wasn't trying anything funny yet.

It felt comforting to have such a hold on a monster, when most times, the situation was always reversed."

"Then you did that evil seduction thing on me and I couldn't resist you." I scoffed, laughing.

Now I had mixed feelings about the whole situation, had I even willingly enjoyed it as I remembered doing, wanted him that much, or was it all just him messing up with my head, but I had been horny a lot lately, way before he came.

This was so messed up.

Ah, I really want to blow his head up.

I didn't care if we would be lossing him anymore, he was a monster anyways, the earth wouldn't miss him.

Once he drove me back to the club, as I persumed he was - I don't care how the whole car would jump through a portal along with us, I was sure he could handle that - I would kill him.

I just hope I wasn't pregnant. A little bump in my belly would make me lose my place in the Unit and I seriously didn't want to have a kid.

"You can't get pregnant." His accented voice that was laced with anger snapped me out of my thoughts.

I frowned and froze in a blink.

This monster had better not be reading minds, or I was doomed.

Completely doomed.

I had just been thinking of different ways to get rid of him!

"Why? You monsters can't have kids?" I asked hopefully, taking the risk of looking from the corner of eyes to catch where we were headed to. we had been keeping to one route for quite a while now and we kept moving higher and higher.

Were we headed to a cliff?

Why would he be driving us up a cliff?!

"Nothing happened. It was just a dream. A wet dream, to be precise."

"That is a lie." I snapped. "I don't have dreams." I paused for a while, rethinking that for no reason and when I spoke up again, my voice was a little low. "I don't remember my dreams."

"Any dream I am in can't be forgotten."

"Well, that sounds very cocky." I said with a grimace.

This monster was really starting to get on my nerves.

"It is the truth." He gritted out in a tone that showed that he considered me a pest and was tired of this conversation, way before it even began.

But I didn't mind. I needed answers and by all means, I would get them.

"So in my dream," I was still not convinced and I didn't even try to hide it, "you took me to General Liy's office, and fíngered me on her desk. How is that possible?"

Did he even understand the consequences I might have to face because of this. What a cold bastard he was.

Acting absolutely unbothered.

I didn't just want his brains blow out anymore, I wanted his whole body on a stick.

"I was able to tap into your memory and fulfill some of your sexual fantasies." He answered flatly, the frown on his face deepening. "You wanted to attain pleasure and be watched by whosoever that human was, so I made it all happen."

The car stopped abruptly and before I could even react, he had stepped out of the car and slammed the door shut.

I wanted to be watched? By General Liy?

I gulped, my hand still hanging in the air with my gun in it, pointing into the now empty space ahead.

Yes, he was right.

I had imagined that a couple of times, in a kind of spite and slap to the Unit system. I just never knew it was this deep.

Then an idea hit me and I hopped out of the vehicle too.

"So, you mean you can go through my memory," I tried to keep the desperation out of my voice so he wouldn't sense it and use me for it. "All of it?"

I rubbed my hands over my exposed arms, the wind a bit chilly, but the more cold I felt was in my heart.

Maybe he could tell me about my past, tell me about who I was, where I came from and my family.

This was stupid, I couldn't trust him but I couldn't help it, I wanted to know.

"No, only those attached to your sexual fantasies."

I blinked.

Well, that boat sank before it even sailed.

It was probably for the best.

"Because I need you to reach your peak. I feed on your sexual release and without you getting to your peak, there is nothing for me to feed on."

What a parasitic relationship!

"It is a two way thing, you benefit just as much."

I huffed a breath.

This monster must be reading my mind. At the same time it didn't seem like he was.

The stomach churned with unsettlement.

"Sexual release, uhn? What kind of monster are you?"

"I'm not a monster," he ran his hand over his short curly hair, looking up at the sky where the sun was now out to an extent. "Just an incubus." He concluded, his lips dipped downwards in distaste.

"And what is that?"

"A sex demon." The words had came out too fast, I almost didn't catch it.

Folding my arms across me, mentally building a barrier between us, I said, "That sounds very monstrous to me."

"Right." He started walking to the very edge of the cliff, then he turned to me. "Come here."

I could feel by body obeying again but I stopped immediately.

What was this Monster?

Did he have compelling powers in non-sexual situations too?

My heart thundered but I managed to look unfazed.

He mustn't know he was affecting me this much. Not getting desired results would stop him from doing what he was doing.

"No, I'm not in the mood for suicide. Take me back to where you picked me from."

"That is exactly where I will be taking you, but first, I need to feeding and I'll be taking you with me."

He moved impossibly fast, my gun somehow squeezed in between us.

"Trust me." I felt his arms around him in a tight hug and I jumped but he didn't let go.

His face was expressionless.

Yeah, I wasn't about to trust that.

"I don't."

"You think good."

Before I could give a response about how that reply of his made no sense, I was falling off the cliff.



The sound of a gun being fired echoed all around me.

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