
[Bonus chapter] Expecting (2)

"Are you looking for more business partners?" Alfred asked, carefully placing a cup of coffee on Edgar's desk. He avoided the papers with names of noblemen and well-known businessmen.

"No, I am just checking through again. We have not found who took all those young women and I don't want to miss out on anyone. Why are you bringing me coffee, Alfred? Must we go through this again?" Edgar looked up at Alfred.

After two weeks of Alfred sulking and acting like his life was over, Alfred was once again the butler but the deal was, he could not serve Edgar. 

"I brought you coffee as a family member, not as a butler. I have not broken our deal," Alfred replied.

"You always have an answer for everything, don't you?" Edgar gave up. "Why did you let that in?" Edgar looked at the white cat stretched out on a chair. "It won't be long before it messes with my papers."

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