
Plotting (3)

"Baroness, Clark is here to see you again," James informed Katrina. 

Katrina scowled, annoyed with Clark's desperate attempts to speak with her. It was unfortunately inevitable the two of them would have a conversation. She did not plan to remain hidden away in her home to avoid him. "Invite him inside for dinner. Make sure you do not give him one of our good wines. Trash like him does not deserve it."

"Yes baroness," James walked ahead to let the man inside. He knew it would be a pain when other Barretts started to arrive for the funeral. "Good evening-"

"About time. It started to drizzle and my good coat almost got wet. I'm going to catch a cold because of how long you waited. Where on earth is that woman?" Clark loudly questioned in order to bring Katrina out of her hiding hole. "Has she run away from me?"

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