
[Bonus chapter] Clash of wives (2)

"Young master. Your mother is here" Alfred knocked on the door of Edgar's office. 

"Send her away," Edgar replied as he was not in the mood to deal with his mother. He had little to no information on the person taking the young girls and after putting it on hold to spend time with Alessandra there was a lot to be done by the end of the day along with his other work.

"Is that how you greet your mother, Edgar?" Priscilla entered the room, ignoring Alfred advising her to come back another time. "I traveled for countless hours to be here for breakfast and this is how you treat me? I raised you to be better than this."

"You didn't raise me, mother. Alfred and the nannies you hired did. I am too busy to entertain anything you have to say. Alfred, please see her out," Edgar did not look up from his papers.

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