

Gabriel was the first one up. He sat by the dining table with a cup of coffee, reading some news.

Claire came down not long after, already dressed in her workwear.

"Good morning, Claire, dear," Gabriel said with a smile, wearing his usual half of the suit: his dark trousers and a white shirt. He always put on his tie and a suit jacket as he was leaving the house or even on the way to work. His shirt had the top two buttons undone and his hair was a little more ruffled than usual. He took deep care in his appearance at work, almost always having his hair tidily combed over and set with some gel, styled to perfection.

Claire already left her room ready for work. Her hair was tidily pinned into a tight and elegant bun that was going to get all messy throughout the day. She wore some natural makeup. That little bit of mascara somehow made her eyes look even bigger, and the pink lipstick made her lips look fuller. She wore a white blouse and a black pencil skirt. Frankly, her workwear almost always followed the same pattern: some nice blouse and a pencil skirt. It made her life so much easier not to have to agonise over her wardrobe in the morning, only occasionally wearing a dress. It was her version of a suit that Gabriel wore.

She hesitated at the end of the table. Out of habit, she was about to sit down at the very end of the table, the furthest away from Gabriel, but somehow it didn't feel right. She wanted to be close to him. At last, she made up her mind and sat down on his right side.

"Good morning, Gabriel." Claire smiled timidly, still embarrassed about the previous night.

Gabriel picked up the jug of coffee and poured it for her, still smiling. He placed some sugar and milk in her cup, before passing it to her. "Thank you." She accepted it.

Gabriel leaned towards her and pecked her cheek, chuckling at how it made Claire turn red.

"Jonathan will be bringing breakfast any second now," Gabriel said as he looked back down at the newspaper, furrowing his brows as he read the business section. As he said, Jonathan served their breakfast momentarily.

"Thanks, Jon." Claire smiled at him.

"I have some extra pastry for you." Jonathan winked at her. "I know that you have a sweet tooth."

"Thank you!" Claire said excitedly. Jonathan brought in some pain au chocolates and raspberry-filled croissants before disappearing into the kitchen.

Gabriel frowned at the paper even more.

"What's wrong?" Claire asked curiously. "What are you reading?"

"Due to the fall through with the Jones and Chi Group contracts we are a little closer with revenue to X6 Global than what I'd like to see. We're still ahead, though. But they interviewed the CEO of X6 Group on how they plan to surpass us."

"What did they say?" Claire asked curiously, picking the croissants.

"They want to source more talented employees, especially those who are specialists in their areas."

"As good as it sounds, it's not a fool-proof method for success."

"You think so?"

"One of the reasons why I'm doing so well at Diamond Corporate is the fact that I was trained there. Bringing completely new talent in might be disadvantageous at first due to the upfront costs of training, but there are some amazing long-term benefits. You get people specifically trained for how your company and how your clients operate. It's easier to shape a young malleable mind than unteach specialists their old habits." Claire said between the bites. "That's why I always pushed for having a few new interns each year. We have a pretty good retention rate, but also, we created the specialists we needed."

"When I was reading it I was momentarily worried that they wanted to steal you from Diamond Corporate."

"I already rejected their offer." Claire shrugged.

"What did they offer you back when you tried to resign?"

"Don't worry, it can't compete with what you have given me." Claire smiled.

"I'm genuinely curious what they valued you as."

"They offered me triple of my original salary, full autonomy over their design team, and 5% of shares, as well as a place on their board of directors," Claire replied honestly. "Comparing to what I was getting at a time, it was a very good offer."

"They must've been angry when you rejected them." Gabriel put the newspaper down.

"A little. They did call me since trying to negotiate more advantageous terms of the potential employment so I don't think they hold a grudge against me."

"I'm sure that they can't offer you their CEO as one of the bonuses."

"No." Claire laughed.

"But then, Mr Martin did make you that kind of offer," Gabriel said teasingly.

"Oh, jokingly for sure. Even though, Pierre went as far as saying that he'd let me run his entire company." Claire laughed.

"And?" Gabriel leaned back, crossing his arms.

"And what?" Claire looked at him in confusion.

"What do you think of that offer?"

"What's there to think about? I have not a single clue about electronics and some customisable screw-less motherboards." She shrugged. "Besides, I am still bound to you by our contract."

"Can you at least pretend that it's a little bit more than just a contract?"

"Absolutely not." Claire laughed. "We both know I'm in it just for the money." She winked at him.

"Really?" Gabriel raised his brow. "Then go and spend it for once."

"On what?"

"Anything you want."

"I'm already eating a delicious breakfast made by one of the greatest chefs and I didn't pay for it so I'm already reaping the benefits of being with you."

Gabriel laughed. "You're cute."

"And so are you," Claire answered, pinching his cheek.

"That's something I didn't think I'd hear and see." Mark took them by surprise.

"But look at him!" Claire exclaimed, pinching Gabriel's cheek again. "He's like a little cuddly bear with dimples."

"If you mean a grizzly bear that might kill you if you annoy it, then yeah," Mark replied with a laugh. He leaned over the table grabbing one of the pain au chocolates. "I saw the security alert you've sent." He said to Gabriel while stuffing his mouth. Claire straightened out in her seat, leaving Gabriel's cheeks alone. "How long do you think of holding it for?"

"Until further notice," Gabriel replied seriously.

"It sounds like fun." Mark sat down beside Claire.

"Good morning, Mr Moore, Mrs Thompson." Harry came in. "I've brought the equipment across." He passed a few small boxes to Claire. "A watch and phone, but also I've got some jewellery with incorporated GPS tracking. I did wonder if you'd like some self-defence tools just in case."

"I already carry pepper spray with me and a safety keychain," Claire admitted. Harry raised his brow but didn't ask any questions. "I think I'll be alright." She concluded.

"So, who's trying to get you?" Mark asked directly.

"I don't think Claire would like to share it with you." Gabriel scowled at him. "Stop being so nosy."

"I spoke to the Mrs," Mark said sharply.

"Of course, I'm sorry for answering for you, Claire dear." Gabriel laughed. "I didn't expect to be put back in place by my assistant."

"Someone has to." Mark shrugged which made Gabriel snicker.

"Sorry, Mark, but I can't share it," Claire responded carefully.

"Sounds like a fun little secret that's going to come round and bite us all in the butt." Mark nodded.

"And that's exactly why I'm not sharing it. I know for sure that it'll affect everyone involved."

"The thing is, Claire, that if we knew who it was we could deal with the problem straight away. It's not difficult for us to deal with it properly." Mark poured himself some coffee.

"That's not going to be the case," Claire replied shortly. "Harry, do you want some coffee and breakfast?" She asked.

"No, ma'am. I don't want to intrude on your personal life." Harry replied quickly, feeling a little awkward. "Please let me know if you have any issues with the equipment. I'll take my leave now. Have a good day, Mr Moore and Mrs Thompson, and Mr Pattison." He hurried away before they could even reply properly.

"See, like a good employee he doesn't want to intrude on my personal life," Gabriel spoke to Mark.

"Yeah, he also didn't mop up your vomit and bandage your body before." Mark shrugged. "Besides, who wants the Terminator for their assistant?"

"He's got a point," Claire said to Gabriel with a smile.

"Don't take his side," Gabriel grumbled.

"He's like a family now." Claire declared.

"I'm really going places in this world." Mark laughed. "How did it go last night?" Claire looked at Gabriel, wondering how to answer the question. They both went silent in contemplation, turning all red. "That great, ey?" Then he looked at the security equipment that Claire was carefully putting on.

"How did yours go?" Claire asked curiously, avoiding answering the question.

"How did you know?" Mark raised his brows.

"I know everything," Claire said with a wide smile.

"It went alright." Mark shrugged.

"That doesn't sound too good either," Claire said as she watched Mark curiously.

"Nothing exciting happened." Mark shrugged again.

"That's something we can't say, can we?" Gabriel smiled at Claire.

"No need to brag," Mark mumbled unhappily. "Did you do anything nice?"

"Yeah." Gabriel nodded enthusiastically. Claire moved her gaze onto him wondering if he enjoyed any of her ideas at all. "Even if I have one huge bruise on my butt cheeks." He winced as he shifted in the chair.

"I didn't think you'd be into this." Mark snickered.

"Get those stupid thoughts out of your head," Claire said to Mark sharply, giving him a playful punch.

"Come on, it's not like you two aren't married or something." Mark rolled his eyes.

"He has the point." Gabriel agreed with Mark.

"And since when is it okay for you to take his side?" Claire asked Gabriel sharply.

"I'm sorry, Claire, dear." Gabriel smiled at her sweetly, grabbing her hand and kissing the back of it.

"Ewww…" Mark grumbled with an exaggerated show of disgust. "Get a room."

"Why is he here again?" Gabriel asked with slight irritation.

"Because I've brought you some paperwork to look over for this morning before I go to our subcontractor to pass them the paperwork they need. You know, just doing my job."

"Your job description doesn't include breakfast in my home and poking fun at me or Claire."

"That's my duty as a friend." Mark declared. "Claire's friend at the very least. You're just an annoying addition that I have to deal with."

"I blame you for his attitude," Gabriel said to Claire with a smile as he stood up. He pecked her on her cheek and went upstairs to find a tie.

"Now that he's gone, who's after you?" Mark leaned towards Claire.

"I can't say," Claire said feeling guilty and looking down at the table.

"I know that it's not him. Is it someone in his circle?" Mark asked with a raised brow. Claire hasn't responded. "It's his father, isn't it?" He asked directly. Claire's eyes shot up to look at him in worry and surprise. "You have nothing to worry about," Mark said with a smile. "This will be safe with me. And don't underestimate Gabriel." Mark patted Claire on her back. "Now, can I ask you to put a good word for me to Zoe?"

"I'll try but I doubt it'll have any effect on her," Claire said honestly. "What happened?"

"Your husband bombarded my phone with messages through the night."

"Oh no, I'm so sorry." Claire looked genuinely concerned and guilty for this.

"It's alright." Mark smiled. "It's my job. And besides, it was for you."

"That doesn't make it any better."

"It does for Zoe." Mark smiled. "Honestly, I should be teaming up with Gabriel. You are both crazy. We should establish something like a support group." Mark grumbled as he stood up.

"Wow." Claire's mouth dropped open.

"Why? Do you disagree?"

"No, of course not." Claire laughed.

"Do you want a lift to work?" Mark asked with a smile.

"Which direction are you heading?"

"North side of the city."

"Isn't it easier for you to take the ring road rather than darting through the city centre?"

"I don't mind the detour if you need a lift."

"He's never this considerate towards me." Gabriel came back down with a tie in his hand. "Unless I'd order him, he'll just ignore me, and even then it's 50/50."

"That's why you have Klaus. I'm not your chauffeur." Mark grumbled but still smiled.

"You're not my chauffeur either," Claire replied with a warm smile. "I appreciate the offer but I don't want to cause you any trouble."

"It's no trouble at all." Mark smiled at her. "Comparing to him, you're a pleasure to be around."

"Yeah, I can see how your attitude might become a problem." Claire furrowed her brows. "I don't think Gabriel will appreciate this."

"I'll hide behind you." Mark laughed.

"Bold of you to assume that I will allow it." Claire laughed with him.

"Last chance for the ride?"

"No, thank you. I'll see you later."

Mark gave her yet another pat on the back before leaving.

Claire looked at Gabriel who seemed to be struggling to get his tie just right.

"Let me do this." Claire walked up to him and took the tie of him. She straightened out his collar and tied the tie into a perfect knot. Gabriel watched her carefully fighting an urge to touch her, which was made even more difficult when she brushed her fingers across his neck whilst tying the tie.

"Is there anything that you're not good at?" Gabriel asked with a smile.

"A lot." Claire smiled. "Like jumping in a pool, keeping completely professional for extended periods of time, and most of all, I'm bad with relationships and dating."

"As much as I admire your honesty, I don't think I agree with it."

"How so?"

"The date last night was amazing."

"With a bit of spice on the side." Claire joked.

"I'm still in a bit of shock, but I can tell you that it was the most memorable date I've ever been on." Gabriel laughed as Claire straightened his shirt's collar.

"Hmm… that's not necessarily good. I think you may have to mention it in your therapy session today."

"Maybe." Gabriel nodded.

Claire finished sorting him out and patted him on the chest taking a step back. Gabriel's eyes were twinkling as he smiled. She noticed that he was paler than usual and more tired. She didn't know that Gabriel had another sleepless night worrying about her, his tiredness was only amplified by the side effects of the antidepressants. Claire placed her hand on his cheek, worried about how thin it was compared to months earlier. She felt the stubble under her fingertips. "Don't look at me like this…" Gabriel said in a slightly hoarse voice.

"Like what?" Claire asked.

"I guess I can't have you look at me at all." Gabriel decided. "When you look at me with those big eyes, it's as if you are casting a silent spell, bewitching me further."

"By looking at you?" Claire giggled.

"By looking at me, by touching me, by being close to me. The longer I'm near you the more addicted I am to you and the more severe the withdrawal symptoms are. The harder it is for me to keep my distance." Gabriel caressed Claire's cheek. She rested her face in his palm, taking comfort in his touch. She let the long breath out, closing her eyes. As she reopened them, Gabriel was closer, his face right before her. She felt his fast breathing lightly dance on her face. "I've warned you," Gabriel said in a shaky voice. "I've warned you of my demons."

"And what will you do?" Claire smiled mischievously.

"Hmmm…" Gabriel bit his lip as he thought of an answer. "I'll ask you if I can kiss you, and then I'll make sure to kick that demon's ass. I can fight it for a little bit longer."

"Can you?"

"Claire, dear, may I kiss you?" Gabriel asked.

"No." Claire decided to move a step away and shook her head.

"Oh." Gabriel was surprised by her sudden withdrawal. "Okay." He nodded, his lips pursed as he tried to contain his eagerness to touch her. He put his hands down, standing in a rather defeated pose but he hasn't said anything. He took a deep breath in. "Would you like a ride to work?" He changed a subject as he reached for his suit jacket that was hung across one of the chairs.

Claire watched him carefully. She was sure that he wasn't going to back off and respect her saying no. She only said it to see if he would, to see if he genuinely respected her boundaries, however difficult they might seem for him to keep. She wanted to see if his warnings were genuine and if they were something that she would ever have to worry about. She stood frozen as she felt anxious and guilty for saying no, like so many times before. It felt like it was a silent expectation to let the other person do as they wanted, even if you didn't want it, just to please someone else, otherwise, you were hated and undesirable, too difficult to get.

"I'm sorry," Claire uttered, feeling overwhelmed.

"What?" Gabriel looked at her with confusion.

"I don't want you to hate me." Her lip quivered, and her hands started to shake. She started to feel weak as her chest tightened, and as she fought the tears.

"Claire, I don't hate you," Gabriel said sternly.

"I'm so sorry." She uttered as she dropped to the floor, feeling dizzy from the intense emotions. Her tears escaped her eyes.

Gabriel put his suit jacket back down and squatted beside her.

"Why? Claire, what's wrong? Why should I hate you?"

"Because I've said no…" Claire managed to utter between the tears.

"What?" Gabriel was even more perplexed.

"I know that you wanted to kiss me and I've said no," Claire said hysterically.

"Claire, it didn't matter if I wanted to. You've said no. You never should feel like you have to say yes."


"But, what?" Gabriel reached for her hand and held it tightly.

"If I'm difficult, you'll hate me…"

"Who made you believe that?" Gabriel asked feeling genuinely troubled over Claire's sudden panic attack. Claire shook her head, struggling to answer the question. Gabriel kneeled beside her, wincing as he pressed on his bruised bottom. "Yes, I do want to kiss you and touch you. I want you to want it too. I want you to be comfortable around me. I love you and I can promise you that it will not change if you say no. I don't want you to feel like you ever have to do anything for my sake. I am probably shooting myself in the foot for saying that as I did beg you to marry me and then date me, and I'm pretty sure that you agreed for my sake, but this never entailed you to let me do with you as I please. If you remember, from the beginning I was clear that any form of intimacy will be on your own terms."

"I'm so sorry." Claire was still panicking.

"Don't be." Gabriel squeezed her hand. "Promise me that you'll never feel guilty for saying no to me, or any other man. I'm so sorry that you feel that way and that you were made to feel responsible for my feelings when I've been told no." Gabriel smiled. "I can deal with it. I've said that I can still kick that demon's ass. And I'm sorry for my words earlier. I can promise you that it'll never change. I'll never lose control over myself and I'll never push against your wishes and demand a yes. You don't have to fear me." Gabriel held her hand even tighter, still ensuring that he gave her space. "I promise you, Claire, that I will always respect you. If you feel like me holding your hand is too much, I'll stop. If you ever feel like I'm crossing the line, I'll move." Gabriel let go of her hand, cautious of her state. Claire shook her head without a word. Gabriel placed his hand back on hers. "Would you like me to bring you a glass of water?" Gabriel offered. Claire nodded with hesitation. Gabriel let go of her hand and disappeared into the kitchen, coming back with a glass of cold water. Claire sipped on it, focusing on the taste and its temperature. It slowly helped her calm down.

"I'm so sorry for this," Claire uttered embarrassed over her sudden meltdown.

"Claire, dear, don't be sorry. I've made you feel uneasy, it's my fault." Gabriel smiled.

"I'm sorry that you've seen this."

"No, Claire." Gabriel shook his head. "I said yesterday that I want to be your pillar. I want to be there if you're upset, even if I have absolutely no idea what to do. If you could give me some pointers for the future, I'd really appreciate it."

"What you did was just fine," Claire said with a weak smile, hiccuping as she stopped sobbing.

"I'll repeat it once again, never feel bad for saying no. I promise you that I'll never push past it. Similarly, if I do something that you don't feel comfortable with, tell me. I am very new to this and I'm not sure what's okay with you. I'm not sure if you're okay if I hold your hand or if I peck your cheeks. I don't think I ever explicitly asked you about these." Gabriel contemplated on it. "In the future, am I okay to do any of these? Would you like me to ask if I can hold your hand or give you pecks on a cheek or forehead?"

"I'm not sure how serious you are," Claire said quietly. "Are you taking a p*ss out of me?"

"No, Claire. This is a serious question. I want to draw clear boundaries with you now. It's also perfectly fine for you to change your mind later on." Gabriel said earnestly. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to. We can come back to this topic later."

"It's okay." Claire nodded. "I don't mind you holding my hand. I do find it quite reassuring."

"What about kisses?"

"I think the pecks are okay," Claire said more unsurely.

"Okay." Gabriel nodded. "Am I okay to peck your cheeks?"

"Yes." Claire nodded as she blushed.

"Am I okay to give you pecks on your forehead?"

"Yes." She nodded again.

"Lips?" Gabriel asked and Claire went silent. "I'll ask for your consent before kissing you on your lips." Gabriel decided. "Hugs?"

"I'm not sure."

"Would you like me to ask for consent or would you rather tell me when you feel it's not okay?" Gabriel asked. "Which seems easier for you?"

"I think I'm okay with the latter," Claire said carefully.

"Okay. I'll try to give a clear heads ups over my intentions and if you don't want it, you can tell me to b*gger off." Gabriel smiled at her reassuringly. "Is that definitely okay?"

"Yes," Claire repeated, starting to calm down properly now.

"You can always change your mind." Gabriel squeezed her hand, letting a long sigh out. He was trying to contain his anger, not at Claire, but rather at everyone who made her feel that way. He slowly sat down on his bottom, stretching his legs out.

"What about you?" Claire asked in return. "What are your boundaries?"

"Hmmm…" Gabriel thought for a while. "I think I'm okay with everything, as long as it's you, of course. Assume my consent unless I state otherwise." Gabriel decided. "Frankly, I did find the kiss yesterday, initiated by you, very hot. I think I like that. I like that you decided for yourself and that you acted on it."

"I'm sorry about it." Claire blushed in embarrassment.

"No, don't be. It was by far the best thing that ever happened to me. My heart is still unsteady from it."

"I'm sorry for keeping you as well. I didn't mean to stop you from going to work." Claire said as she looked at a time.

"You are my number one priority, Claire, dear. Nothing will ever come before you."

"Don't give me any empty promises."

"True." Gabriel nodded. Claire tilted her head as she looked at him curiously. "If I don't make you hate me more, who knows, maybe one day we'll have little Claire running around. I think that they might come close to your position on my priority list." Gabriel laughed. Claire scowled at him. "But then there could be a little Gabriel. Maybe it's not worth the risk?" He joked in the hope to ease off the atmosphere, but he realised that Claire was still tense. "I'm sorry. I think this topic makes you uneasy."

"I don't think I'm anywhere close to being ready to discuss our future like that," Claire said quietly.

"I'll stop with this topic then. Tell me when you're ready to come back to it, if ever."

"What if I'm never ready?"

"I'll live with it." Gabriel shrugged.

"Didn't you say you wanted a bunch of heirs?"

"Generational wealth is overrated." Gabriel laughed as he waved his hand dismissively. He winced as he shifted slightly.

"I'm sorry for roller skating," Claire said shyly.

"Why?" Gabriel looked at her curiously.

"You seem to be suffering quite a bit today."

"It was really fun. I don't think I would have done it on my own accord. At least now I can tick it off my bucket list. And a few bruises are nothing. It's far from the worst of things that I've done to myself." Gabriel thought for a second. "I think we'll have to go again sometime. I really can't stand the fact that you're so much better at everything than I am. I need to pick up the slack."

"I am not better at anything," Claire mumbled.

"Seriously?" Gabriel asked in disbelief. "You're better at just about everything than me."

"You don't have to sweeten me up, you know."

"I'm not. Let's start with your education and career. You were at the top of your class when graduating, and you've progressed through our company ladder like no other. You were involved in tonnes of extra-curricular activities whilst still helping your parents in the restaurant. You did triathlons, and marathons, played the piano, and cooked. And that probably barely even touched the surface of what you did."

"Stop it." Claire chuckled in embarrassment. "As much as I appreciate the praise, I am struggling to take any of it seriously."

"I know. It's such a shame though. You should know your worth and be able to accept compliments."

"And you should stop and go to work," Claire mumbled.

"I'm not going to move until I can have some reassurance that you're somewhat okay. And even then, I don't want to leave your side."

"I am fine. I'm just going to quickly sort my make-up out and I should be ready to go myself."

"Are you sure?" Gabriel asked at which Claire nodded silently. She stood up on her wobbly legs and made her way upstairs, returning in less than five minutes with her make-up fixed. Gabriel was a little taken aback by how he couldn't even tell that she had a full meltdown barely moments earlier. Somehow, he realised that her sobs were almost completely silent. He wondered how often she concealed her distress in the past and then just walked out as if nothing happened. "Would you like a ride to work?" He offered, concealing his thoughts.

"Yes, please." Claire agreed against Gabriel's expectations.

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