

I just had the most horrible date that I ever had in my life. The woman that could not leave my thoughts for a second the night before suddenly changed into something horrifying. Then she said that I should be taught a lesson and that she would give me the lesson through a note.

I am standing with the note in my hands and I open it. It reads...

"You will never be the same and you will definitely lose your game..."

Then suddenly out of nowhere everything turns black as I feel myself falling on the floor.

I wake up in a cold sweat. I feel the sun rays on my face and I know that it is well into the day already. I look around me and I noticed that I have been sleeping on the floor. I try to remember what happened last night but everything seems to be a blur.

I get up off the floor and I walk to the bathroom just splashing water in my face. I need to get last night out of my system. I do not know whether I have been drinking or what the case might be but I can not remember what happened. I know that I have another show in a few days and I can not afford to be feeling the way I do.

I quickly hop into the shower and suddenly I feel refreshed. Then I make my way down to the studio as it is time to go through the songs for the next show. When I get to the studio everyone is waiting for me and I must say I feel a bit guilty that they have been waiting for me.

My manager comes walking up to me and says.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Yes, I am fine. Are we doing this?"

He nods his head and then I take my place to start to dance. I work through every move and somehow I seem to do even better than how I used to do. We keep on practicing one song after the other and I can see that my crew is starting to get tired.

It is strange because I am not feeling tired in the least bit. I can still go on without much effort. I dismiss my crew as it is almost midnight and I didn't even realize it. Everyone leaves my house and they look extremely tired.

I wonder what is going on with me. Usually, I am the one that wants to call it quits and everyone wants to carry on. I am not saying that I am not fit but I think I put so much effort into each dance that it takes a lot out of me.

But tonight I could do every move perfectly and it doesn't feel like I have done anything. Suddenly, I hear my stomach roaring. It is almost as if I think I might die if I do not eat anything right away.

I quickly run down to the kitchen and get something from the fridge. There are still some leftover foods of the night before, which I do not recall anything of. I grab the plates and start to eat and before I realize it, I have almost eaten everything in the fridge.

I look at all the plates on the table and then I say in amazement.

"What the fuck?!"

I can not believe that I have eaten all this food. I know that I am going to pick up a lot of calories just because I could not control myself. But for the first time tonight, I feel satisfied as if I have eaten enough. Then out of nowhere, I feel completely exhausted. I nearly do not make it to my bed before I fall into a deep sleep.

I wake up again in the middle of the afternoon and I do not understand what is going on. I am usually very prompt with getting up early in the morning and following my routine. But now it feels like I am almost hungover every night. I do not understand what is going on.

I have to be at rehearsals in an hour so I jump into the shower and get dressed. I wrap a towel around my waist and then take the clothes that I have put out on the bed. But before I do that I accidentally see myself in the mirror and I swear that my abs are more defined.

How is that even possible after all the food that I ate last night? I shake my head as if I am trying to get these thoughts out of my mind and then quickly make my way to the limo. Bruno has probably been waiting for me for a while.

As I get into the limo he starts the car and takes me to the stage. Just as I am about to get out, Bruno asks me.

"Sir, if I may ask you a question?"

"Sure, go ahead?"

"I was just wondering if you found that woman?"

"What woman?"

I see him frown as he asks the next question.

"Madeline. The one you saw two nights ago?"

I am trying very hard to recall who he is talking about but then again I have had so many dates that I can hardly remember everyone I dated. Why would he want to know about this specific woman?

"I am sorry Bruno but I can not remember who you talking about"

"I understand, sir"

I can not help but frown as I get out of the car because I wonder why he is asking me about this woman. He has been my driver for as long as I remember and he never asked me about any woman. But I do not have time to think about this as rehearsal is about to start.

I meet my manager and we go over the sound and the dance and what songs we are going to do. By nightfall, we are finished and I am happy with what we need to do tomorrow night. It is going to be another sold-out show and I can not wait to see my fans again.

As I get back home I realize that I need to get some sleep before tomorrow's show but I am not tired in the least. I decide to go down to my studio and dance some more because I have impressed myself with how perfect I get every move done.

I take off my jacket and I start to dance but this time it is not the dance for my show but it is freestyle. I watch myself in the mirror and I can not help being very much impressed. But then something strange happens.

As I move closer to the mirror, I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my hand. I stop and look at my hand while grabbing it with my other hand. The pain is severely painful. I can not help but start to moan from the pain because it feels like someone is taking a knife and cutting my hand.

I look down at my hand and then without warning the pain becomes a thousand times worse and I see my hand changing before my eyes. I fall to my knees still holding onto my hand and I want to scream in fear.

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