


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


The high wind whistles gently, bringing about a cool breeze that makes me brisk and fresh as the clouds above me sway with the wind.

The thick sea smell wafts into my nose as the numerous seagulls glide through the air in haste towards the opposite direction, almost as if they can sense something's amiss.

Hmmm, I guess they are just following their instincts. After all, the sea isn't going to be calm today.

Why? The answer is very simple. The last vestiges of the so-called United Nations finally decided to grow some balls and do something about me.

You see after I-no our friendly neighborhood Soldier Boy bombed the Kremlin with me proceeding to destroy any form of resistance in the country then effortlessly subjugating it, they became quiet.

Because of my stunt, all the countries who didn't want to fight me together with a lot of South American countries joined The Earth Federation. The war they even wanted to fight had to be put on hold since their alliance was gradually breaking apart.

After hearing and seeing how all the countries on my side were benefitting from the Super transformation, advanced healthcare like cancer eradication, reduced to almost nil poverty and hunger, etc a lot of European, Middle Eastern and African countries joined me since let's say majority of the citizens didn't want to miss out on the fun.

So at the moment, I'm in charge of like fifty percent of the world. Thankfully, I have Seraph otherwise everything would've just been tiresome and shitty,...I kinda feel like I'm cheating but who cares?

It sounds cool to control half of the world right? Yeah, it's fucking fantastic but sadly some pitiful people are still trying their hardest to stop what I'm doing when honestly they are the ones who are going to benefit from this.

Despite the trade embargoes, superhero harassment, restricted use of my tech, and a whole lot of downright bullying, they are still fighting back.

Now, they've finally decided to fight back like they intended to. To be honest, it was getting boring and pointless and I was almost about to just rain down meteors on them but finally, they've decided to fight against me one last time with all they've got.

Like a final boss battle.

And that brings us to why I'm standing in the air right in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in a black hoodie and sweatpants staring at a huge fleet of battleships, aircraft carriers, destroyers, oh and nuclear-carrying submarines heading towards my position a distance away.

Wow, I'm kinda flattered. There are approximately one thousand five hundred ships facing me if you count the submarines, honestly, I was expecting more.

"Seraph put me in."

I command nonchalantly as I watch the fleet draw closer.

"You're in."

Her reply sounds in my earpiece.

Let's just get this over with, I have a planet to conquer.

"Hello? Don't be freaked, it's just me. Yeah, I just got this idea. Since you guys have nuclear weapons in your arsenal and no one wants to waste anybody's time, why don't you just send every nuke all at once? It will save time and who knows, maybe you'll be lucky enough to kill me."

I announce and instantly, every ship and submarine hears it, creating an uproar.

A few moments later, hundreds of advanced aircraft deploy from the carriers and head toward me at full speed, covering the sky and creating loud noises as they advance.

....Sigh, why can't people just listen.

I shake my head and unfurl my senses to cover the entirety of the blue sky. Immediately, some of the incoming jets and aircrafts suddenly divert their course and start to shoot their fellow comrades as I activate [Mental Manipulation].

<Boom! Boom! Boom!...>

One after another, the aircrafts explode in a shower of flames and metal as they turn on each other and kill themselves. Due to the confusion, the other carriers deploy their aircrafts and further add more fuel to the fire as the new additions also start to kill each other.

Within minutes there are no aircrafts in the sky: it is now filled with smoke as the parts of the jets lie on the raging sea in flames.

<Bang! Bang!...>


I smirk as numerous submarines resurface and send out hundreds of nuclear missiles toward me.

Sadly, I'm not in the mood to tank this.

I don't react as they near my position and calmly cross my arms. Seconds later, they arrive at my position but instead of hitting me, they all bypass me and turn around.

Seeing their weapons being used against them, the ships activate their weapons and start to gun some of them down but I conjure transparent fields around them, protecting them and giving them unimpeded passage to the ships as some desperately try to turn away.

<Boom! Boom!...>

Large and deafening explosions ring out as all over the sea as the bombs explode, sending out horrifying shockwaves that clear the sky of clouds and birds and even reach me but with a thought, a spherical shield covers me.

The sky is dyed red as intense amounts of heat spreads all over the area, evaporating the water and creating large mushrooms of smoke and gas that rise up into the sky.

...Well I guess my job is done. It's time to finish what I started, this war..if you can even call it that has been dragged on too long.

I take one last look at the abyss-like in the ocean that's busily sucking in everything and fly away toward Europe.

Leaving behind the once calm sea that now is now reminiscent of an apocalypse.


[▪︎Two Weeks Later▪︎]

[▪︎Earth Federation House, Washington▪︎]

"It has just been confirmed that Saudi Arabia and Iran have agreed to join the Earth Federation. They are planning to reveal it in the next two hours, the top officials there are now going to smooth out the details and documents."

Victoria, who is dressed in professional attire and is sitting on the black couch in front of me reports using her tablet.

"Good, this means that by tomorrow I'm officially going to be the ruler of this planet. Crazy right?"

I grin amusedly as I relax in my seat and take a sip of my wine.

"To be honest, sometimes think this is a dream. It hasn't been long since I became President Of The United States and now this. It feels like a dream."

Victoria says with a weird smile.

Well, I can't blame her. After my evolution, everything has been an emotional rollercoaster. And now, I officially have a whole planet under my grasp. Sigh, how time flies.

"By the way, how is the old man?"

I ask as I refill my glass.

"Edgar? He's doing alright. Now that he's a supe, he's gotten a little too energetic but it's okay. Do you know what's funny? Ever since you made him the Manager of Vought to take care of the 'supes', they've never been happier. Hehe, I guess tyrants aren't everyone's favorite."

Victoria giggles, making me smile.

Hmmm, I guess I roughed them up a little too much. I still remember A-Trains face whenever I call him,.... such a pussy, I'm not even that scary.

"Laugh while you can, it's going to take a while before you can laugh again."

I smirk and drink the wine, making her smile freeze.

"Can't you make it be like a week or something? I can't sleep for a month."

She shakes her head with a wry smile.

"Nope. Hehe, I have to start buying my markers."

I grin evilly, making her face morph into mock fear. The next second, we both burst into laughter.

....This is nice. I should enjoy a lot of moments like this before I leave. Things like this are good for the soul...I think.

Anyways, I'm going to be an Emperor or something along the lines in the next few days. I hope it doesn't bore me into destroying the planet.

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Thank You.

KingSeyercreators' thoughts
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