
God Protects

Becca slept beside Destiny on the bed when Belle came in to advise the girls that they will go hiking tomorrow and stay in a vacation spot with a cottage near a river called Oakley Bed & Breakfast. After kissing me and Becca on the cheek, mom hugged us both and went out of my room. Dad must've wanted to spend more time with us since we missed him and it's been years since we had a vacation, more over a two day hotel or inn type of summer fun. Auckland is a wonderful place even if it's on summer days, it' never that hot but it's pleasing to the feel and I love when the grasses in the fields are all growing and healthy. And that all the farm cattle and animals are busy doing their thing such as cows making their milk, chicken's laying their eggs, goats milk made as cheese, and pigs are weighed to be sold for their meat at the farmer's market near Oakley's.

We have been living in Auckland for almost a year now. Wow! Time surely flies and we haven't even finished rehearsing for our Romeo & Juliet play, senior and junior's prom is about to happen after the Summer.

Haaa…..need to sleep. I'm so excited that I couldn't close my eyes, but Becca is already dreaming when I heard her smile and laugh, calling my name, saying that I should stop tickling her and all. I just giggled and kissed Becca on the lips, placed my arm around her waist, that instantly made her stop talking.

I kissed Becca when she lay asleep in my bed, but I think she's really tired that she wasn't able to respond or kiss me back, but only smiled at me with her eyes already shut.

Oh well!, I am dead tired too with all the practice we had for the play and the things that happened in the whole town because of the Lurkers and Putin's wage of war against Ukraine.

But I no longer question what will come of our play, nor my relationship with Becca or our future with what's happening now in the world. I decided to sleep and just believe that everything will be okay tomorrow.

When I woke up the next morning everything changed, I changed. I was with my dad in the hospital when the nurse asked me my full name, with a bloodied mouth I replied, Alexis Miren and I'm blah ..blah..blah….

I was happily riding my bike along our village in San Jose when suddenly Mr. Mirage's golden Retriever surprised me by jumping off in front of my vintage bicycle where it's wheels are bigger than the usual bikes you see nowadays. Mine was a gift from my mom who used to ride a bicycle when my brother and I were still young. If I'm not mistaken the dog's name was…ah…er….yes, Lucky and I think he's name preceded himself because he was indeed very lucky to have survived my running over him, for in my verge of trying to avoid hurting him I ran into a curve and almost him, jumped off my bike and just saw myself, mouth hitting the pavement, bleeding. I saw body full of blisters, bruises and wounds from the unlucky accident.

Yup, Lucky was indeed lucky since while crying over my one front teeth falling and others slid back of my other teeths, I was in so much pain on the impact and I was helped by a couple who are very gracious enough to care for me while this was happening. They contacted my dad to escort me to the hospital and my brother took my dilapidated bicycle home.

I cried not because I lost my teeth, but because I thanked God that I'm still alive. I suffered minor injuries and was given first aid for them. Then, I needed to go through mouth surgery due to my front teeth and bone needed restructuring. I lost two other teeths and now like a child losing her baby teeths. I looked like an old woman rather than a baby missing her baby teeths but it's okay, rather than being dead or suffering serious damages on my head, jaw or neck.

Papa was crying for me looking like a pitiful girl, but hugged and kissed me for I survived an ordeal I endured for a couple of weeks and then, wounds healed, my teethts restored through fixed bridges. It was hard to eat when I didn't have three front teeths but it was harder to chew and get used to when I had my new artificial but beautiful bridges. I never thought that a day can change one's life but with mine it is a life changing and revolutionary experience. I tried to defy law of gravity, the persecutions or funny remarks of bullies that I looked old or I looked funny and laughed at me when I lost my teeths. But it never brought me down for my true friends and family helped me survive what was supposed to be my greatest tragedy became my wonderful memory of knowing who my real friends are and keeping them close to me always.

I thought about it and it's just unbelievable how I survived. I didn't know if my angel was there and protected me or God and my saints were there to deliver me. But the only revelation that I learned from it was I am alive and I still have something good to do in the world. And I pledged that I won't waste the life God has given me for the nth time. We seldom realize that the Lord have been saving us every day and the little miracles we experience are sometimes overlooked. So, maybe it's time to be aware and make accounts of God's unfailing goodness and salvation. He is a good provider, healer, friend, brother, father, doctor, etc. He has been with us from the beginning and until the end he will still be with us, no matter what happens or even if the world is about to end. God is the only being so powerful who can stop the wars, violence, Covid or any catastrophe that has been happening on earth. He will never leave or despise us. The Lord will keep and bless us until the end of our days as long as we come to him and join him in his community of brother and sisterhood, angels, warriors of love and peace, his children forever.

[i]Becca and Destiny's play will be staged on Friday in PH Auditorium. They are both excited for it same as Jessica and the rest of the theatre club. Mark and Belle decided to take a weekend vacation to Maui after the play. Becca and Destiny are so psyched to have fun on the beach once again.

Lucio saw everything he tempted or manipulated, men, women and youth in the Ukraine and Russia war, in many wars and violence that the world had and still having, the famine, the corrupt leaders, rich and influential people who continue to lead, deliver by greed, power, hate and hypocrisy. Lucio never saw this as wrong for he wanted evil to reign in the world that even the good or the holy in churches or supposed to be houses of God are infiltrated by demons and dark spirits who appeared to be angels or saints but monsters, wolves and liars.

Lucio saw himself falling and rotting in hell with no sign of redemption but when he flew and teleported on top of the earth, seeing the beauty and majesty of God's creation, he cried. He was wrong and Alexis, the one woman and human who made him believe that there is still hope for him and love to sit and have a place in his heart. He is now convinced, "I am who am, but God is the Master of all, God of all and the Supreme Being that even I couldn't defeat, then why would I try in my lifetime, to conquer the world when the only thing I wanted was to be loved, accepted, looked at, and that I mattered". In Alexis' eyes I see beauty, love, purity and honesty and that she loves unconditionally, and that she likes me. I need to correct my mistakes and heal the world, its people and I can only do that by….

A strong and flashing light so huge like a bomb spread all over the entire planet. Lucio began to change and his body became a blazing fire until he can no longer be seen as human but light. An illuminating, powerful light that moved one, two three..around the globe, again and again, and again until all forests are restored, cracked or land holes are filled as new, air pollution, Covid 19 wiped out like Lucio becoming a vacuum that sipped the dirt and bad like on a straw to take away the cause fo climate change and global warming. He also made more ice that melted in North, South Poles, Arctic and Antarctic Oceans.

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