
Chapter 8: Day before the term starts

31st August 1996

Ginny woken up very early in the morning due to the excitement at the prospect of going to Diagon alley and meeting one Harry Potter. It might seem stupid to many people but before starting her 1st year Ginny had a huge crush on the Boy-who-lived, but after the events of last year the notion of liking someone you barely know seems to be funny to her.

Ginny lost her innocence and her silly crush on a fictional character down at the chamber. She realized how dangerous the world truly is, and how easily one can lose their life due to a seemingly harmless mistake.

Ginny still had nightmares of her time when Tom possessed her, it made her feel so dirty and scared. She hid this from her family as she knew for all their love and support, they possibly could not understand how she felt.

She was very grateful to Harry as he not only came to save her but also fought a 50 feet long basilisk. So, starting this year she decided that she would become a better friend to Harry and get to know him outside of what she has heard from her brother and school rumors.

After packing her stuff and making her way down to the ground floor of Burrow, she sits down on the couch reading her coursebook for the next year. Once everyone is ready, they make use of the Floo network to reach the Leaky Cauldron.

Entering the pub, they spot Hermione waiting there with her parents. Ron and Ginny quickly rush forward to meet her, as Ginny hugs her and Ron settles for a handshake.

"Where's Harry?" Hermione asks looking around to spot him.

"He may be in his room" suggested Ron.

The three of them ask Tom, the innkeeper, about the room in which Harry is staying. Standing outside the Harry's room, Hermion suggested that they should knock but Ron directly opens the door and barges in.

As they enter the room, the first thought in all three minds were that they were in the wrong room. They were greeted by the sight of a boy doing pushups with his whole upper body naked. Realizing that he had company, he stood up from the ground revealing his toned body and handsome face.

"We are sorry to enter your room, we were told our friend was staying here." Hermione apologized with a blush.

"It's all right, Hermione. Also, the friend you were looking for is standing right in front of you." Harry replied with a cheeky smirk.

"Harry" Hermione jumped in surprised and dashed towards Harry to engulf in a hug, but then she realized he was still sweaty from his workout and stopped dead on the tracks. She smiled towards Harry in embarrassment, as he chuckles.

"So, you guys should sit down, I'll be back with you when once I am done bathing." Harry said before turning towards Ginny, " You should take a picture It will last longer." he said with a cocky smirk. Seeing her reaction, he bursts into laughter as he heads into the bathroom.

"Blimey was that really Harry?" Ron blurted out in surprise.

"I don't know. What happened to him to change him so much over the course of two and a half months?" Hermione asked herself. She still couldn't believe the person she spoke with was her introverted and shy best friend.

Ginny on the other hand was really happy for Harry. She has known him for over a year and yet this was the first time she has seen him so relaxed and carefree.

Once Harry came out of the bath, he was bombarded with questions by Hermione, "Harry what happened to you over the summer? Where did you get these clothes? Why are your glasses different? What happened to your scar? And.." before she can go on any further Harry stuffed a cupcake in her mouth to shut her up.

"Merlin, Hermione. At least give me a chance to answer your questions since I can't really give you any answer if you won't let me." Harry said reining in his irritation.

As they made their way down for breakfast Harry answered everyone's questions gently with half-truths and some lies. Once they were satisfied with his answers, they all started talking about their summer.

As they reach the breakfast table Harry is pulled into a hug by Mrs. Weasley. She asks him about his summer and if his relatives treated him well. Harry then proceeds to tell all of them about the whole incident with Marge making everyone except Hermion, Mrs. Weasley and Percy laugh out loud. He then tells them about mistake made by the ministry worker with a very sad expression on his face, bringing the laughter to an abrupt stop.

After breakfast they all decide to explore Diagon alley and have some fun. Ron and Hermione make their way towards the pet shop as Hermione needed a new pet and Ron needed some tonic for the fucking rat, leaving Harry and Ginny alone.

"So, how are you? I mean after the whole Tom possession debacle that you went through last year." Harry asked gently.

"I am fine." Ginny answered a bit to quickly with a fake smile.

"You don't have to lie to me Ginny. While I cannot say that I know what you are going through, but I am sure it isn't so simple that you can get over it just by going on a vacation." Harry stated firmly.

"What do you want me to say, that I have been having nightmares about Tom every day, that I can still hear his voice sometimes, that I feel on edge every second of every day, huh?" Ginny asked harshly. She hated how she reacted to his question; he must be thinking that she is some crazy girl.

"I cannot even begin to comprehend what you feel regarding the whole Chamber of secrets incident along with your forced body possession by Tom. I just hope that you talk to somebody once you feel ready because bottling up emotions will only harm you more in the long run. Mind healer is also a viable option." Harry suggested.

They continued walking in silence before they met up with Ron and Hermione fighting over their pets. "Why did you have to buy that monster Hermione? Look it wants to eat my Scabbers." Ron shouted in rage. "Crookshanks is not a monster and cats eat rats, Ronald" Hermione replied in equal anger.

Both of them continued to fight as all of them walked towards the Leaky Cauldron.

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