
Chapter 16

Brendan sweeping his way to the quarter-finals, finds himself in a predicament reading the brackets on the official website. All his future opponents are all going to be difficult to defeat and won't be a walk in the park.

* * * Brackets * * *

Brendan vs Courtney

Fodder vs Anabelle

Wallace vs fodder

fodder vs May

* * *

Brendan seeing these is a little surprised, to see some of these names. Especially Anabelle and Courtney. Courtney being a team admin member, and Anabelle, the future Brain Frontier. Both trainers extremely strong in their own right currently a Rookie in his generation.

Wallace's battle, previously seen by Brendan using a Lombre to 1v3 a contestants team a nd completely win the battle. In the games Wallace, a future Gymelader and later replacing Steven Stone as Champion for a while.

Brendan regards Wallace to be the trainer that will be the hardest to beat in this tournament, for the reason of his Pokemon being a natural counter for his starter. He still has his Grovyle that can counter his Pokemon in typing but is not confident in winning.

"Number 69 and 78 come to the stage for your battle!"

Brendan hearing his number, heads out of the seating area and starts to head into his allocated arena. All the small battlefields were switched out for 4 bigger battlefields to give more space for the trainers and to make it easier for the audience to see the battles.

The quarter-final matches are all going to be held at the same time. Brendan walking up to his side of the arena waits for the signal to send out his Pokemon. All contestants start to tense up as the crowd starts to go wild.

"This is the start of the quarter finals! BEGIN!"


"Kir Kirlia!"

Both Courtney and Brendan throwing a Pokeball each onto the battlefield showing two Pokemon. Brendan sending out his Kirlia first and Courtney her Numel. Courtney deciding to attack first, goes for an ember.

Brendan using Kirlia's Telepathy ability, tells her to teleport away and use Psychic. Krilia listening to her trainers instruction teleports out of the way of ember and proceeds with using psychic. Psychic successfully landing on Numel Courtney tells Numel to use bulldoze.

Numel making the ground under Kirlia shake, deals damage to her. Courtney sees this chance to get another move in, telling Numel to use Lava Plume. Brendan seeing his Pokemon get hit and Numel prepare another attack, tells Kirlia to use a double team.

Kirlia quickly uses a double team as her trainer instructs and starts to circle around the Numel in clones leaving it confused.

"Numel use lava plume around!"

Courtney shouts at her Numel. Numel hearing this does as said and goes for an all-around lava plume to hit all the clones. Brendan seeing this, tells Kirlia to jump up and use Psybeam to end the battle.

Kirlia jumps up before getting hit with a slow area-centred lava plume, uses a psybeam quickly, and finishes off Numel. Courtney retrieving her Numel whispers to the Pokeball

"Good try Numel."

Courtney says in a soft tone contradicting her usual cold face this whole tournament. Courtney after her few words sends out her next Pokemon.

"Mighty! mightyena!"

Kirlia already exhausted and without many options left, hears her trainer say through the telepathy link.

'Use what's left of your energy to teleport and use draining kiss, after that you can rest.'

Brendan says in a proud tone as he knew how hard Kirlia had trained before the tournament and seeing her improve made him proud of how hard she worked to get her strength. Kirlia moving before Courtney can instruct her. Mightyena sees a flash of green and her Mighty ena getting hit with a direct draining kiss.

Courtney getting out of her trance, tells Mightyena to go and use bite on the now exhausted Kirlia who is looking droopily at Mightyena. Mightyena, receiving a direct hit, immediately recovers and goes for a bite finishing off the tired Kirlia.

Brendan putting Kirlia's pack in her Pokeball and transferring it to Nurse Joy using a small stand next to him, sends out his next Pokemon.


Combusken, loving all the spot light it's getting starts to shout its name while making a pose. Courtney making the first move, tells Mightyena to use mud-slap. Brendan seeing Mightyena tense us, tells Combusken to use detect and right after that to use flamethrower.

Combusken using detect to predict the mud-slap dodges it and uses a quick flamethrower. Mightyena seeing the flames dodges the flamethrower not without suffering a mild hit while dodging.

Brendan and Courtney, shouting at the same time, call out.

"Combusken, quick night slash!"

"Mightyena, ice fang!"

Both Pokemon rushing at each other trying to get a hit. Combusken with the speed boost from a quick attack and his hidden ability of being on the battle field for a few minutes, lands the attack first and ends it with a double kick without its trainers instructions.

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