
Chapter 10: Shock Announcement

Remi’s POV

Sound check for the show tonight goes smoothly, although I wasn’t as focused after what Bronson told me earlier. Does Gray really talk to his bandmates about me? And why? Half the time Gray doesn’t speak to me because he’s too busy with other things and I’m just there to keep him on track. So, what is he saying about me?

I haven’t had the chance to speak to Gray today yet, but I get the feeling he’s avoiding me because he can barely maintain eye contact with me and tries to steer clear when we’re in the same area together. Even though I’m nervous to ask him about his drunk call last week, I know I need to otherwise it’ll just be up in the air between us, lingering until either of us acknowledges it.

I stand back and watch as the members of Blood Ink try on their outfits for the concert, and I take note of each outfit change throughout the setlist, so I know to be back in the green room on time to help with anything.

I chew on my bottom lip as I watch Gray slide a white tank top over his head, covering his rock-hard abs and what appears to be perfectly smooth tan skin. I understand why women go crazy for him because he’s undeniably attractive. Even I find myself feeling hot under the collar sometimes when I’m around him, although, I often remind myself that I’m his PA and nothing more. It’s the only way to snap out of the Gray Wilder trance he captures me in.

When the fitting is done and the members have a little bit of free time before the show starts, I wait for Gray to be alone before I approach him. I have no idea how I’m going to start the conversation or if my brain will cooperate with my mouth to form words, but I guess I’ll find out.

I take a deep breath and walk toward the leather couch Gray is sitting on. His eyes are focused on the phone in his hands, ignoring my presence when I stand in front of him. I’m so close that I’m sure he can see my shoes in his vision, but he still refuses to acknowledge me.

I swallow hard in hopes to push away the nerves and clear my throat. “Hey.” I close my eyes and scold myself for saying something so generic. At least I didn’t say something stupid unintentionally.

Gray slowly drags his eyes up the length of my body to rest on my face. “Hey.”

“I…uh… I want to ask you something.”

“Shoot,” Gray says and leans back into the couch. “I’m all ears.”

“Okay,” I say slowly as nervous heat begins to shoot across my cheeks when I lock eyes with Gray’s emeralds.

Their intensity makes me crumble into a ball every time without fail, but I can’t let it happen this time. “I wanted to ask you about the phone call last week… at 2 a.m.”

Gray stares at me thoughtfully for a moment, his jaw tense, and his eyes hard. I chew on my bottom lip in anticipation, trying to maintain eye contact but it’s hard and I can slowly feel myself crumbling.

“Oh, that,” he finally says, shifting in his spot. “It won’t happen again, I promise. It was just a one-time thing.”

A pang of disappointment stabs me in the chest at his dismissive, but I’m quick to remind myself that this is Gray Wilder. I cannot feel any sort of emotions for him because of the contract I signed. He is off-limits. It’s not like he would go for me anyway, but I can’t risk it. I need this job too badly.

“Good,” I say, straightening out the hem of my button-up shirt. “I hope not.”

I turn to walk away, but I stop when I feel a warm hand wrap around my wrist. I spin on my heels to look down at Gray and his tight grip on me. His eyes almost look… pleading as they stare up at me.

He clears his throat. “I, uh… never mind, Rainy. I’ll see you later for the show.” Gray releases his grip on me and I almost wish he’d touch me again because my skin feels as though it’s on fire.

The conversation ends there because Lucy walks over and asks to speak to Gray privately, walking away to the opposite side of the room. I can’t help but stand there and watch him go, touching my burning wrist and wondering what the hell just happened.


The concert is ten minutes away from starting and I can already hear the rowdy crowd filling every seat of the arena, cheering and clapping every few minutes when a new Blood Ink music video plays on the big screen before the band gets on stage.

I follow the members of Blood Ink out of the green room, along with a few other members of the team. I’m walking beside Lucy, but she has her eyes locked on her phone texting an unknown person. Instead, I watch Gray’s back as he walks, admiring the way the muscles in his arms flex with each step and the black t-shirt clings to every curve of his sculptured body.

After our conversation earlier, Gray hasn’t spoken to me. I sometimes catch his eyes watching me from across the room, but he always looks away when he knows he’s been caught. I don’t understand what is going on with him or why he’s being so evasive. It’s making my head spin a little, but I don’t have time to dwell on it because the concert is less than two minutes from starting.

The crowd gets louder as we approach the stage and excitement buzzes under my skin. I love attending concerts because of the thrill of waiting for your favorite artist or band to step on the stage so you can sing your heart out with them. It’s the best feeling in the world. This is why I’m excited to be on the other end of the spectrum when it comes to a concert – being backstage.

“Let’s f*cking do this,” Gray yells over the crowd to Bronson and Noah as they form a circle.

They pat each other on the back and wait for the lights to dim and the screams to intensify before they step onto the stage. The lights brighten and the crowd goes wild when they see Blood Ink on the stage.

From my position behind the curtain on the left side of the stage, I can see Gray standing in front of the microphone with a guitar in hand. He looks even more stunning in the bright, blinding light. Or maybe it’s the massive smile on his lips that makes him appear happier and more… alive.

“Good evening, everyone! Are you ready to f*cking get this night started?!” Gray yells into the microphone. He looks so relaxed on stage, making my heart stutter at the sight.

Within seconds, the band begins to play the first song of the setlist and my heart melts at the sound of Gray’s sultry voice as he begins to sing. I feel weak in the knees watching him perform. He is a born natural and the crowd is going insane for him. I now know why Ava was devasted she couldn’t hear him live because it truly is an experience.

As the night continues, I rush back to the green room multiple times to help with costume changes and make sure Gray has everything he needs. He doesn’t say much to me during these exchanges, but he does seem more at ease knowing he gets to go back on stage and sing with his fans.

After the last costume change, I return to my spot on the left side of the stage and watch from the curtains. After a couple of songs, I feel someone beside me, and I look to my right to see a stunning woman with platinum blonde hair and baby blue eyes dressed in a black mini dress and heels. She is popping gum absentmindedly as she watches the band perform their second last song of the night. Who is she?

Before I get a chance to question her presence further, Gray finishes the song and tells the crowd to be quiet for a minute.

“I have something I would like to announce, so can everyone please be quiet for just a minute? It won’t take long, I promise, then we can get back to the last song of the evening.”

The crowd cheers for a brief moment before they do as Gray asked and keeps as quiet as possible, but of course, there are the few screaming girls in the back yelling “I f*cking love you Gray Wilder!” and “Take off your shirt!”

“I would like to let everyone in this room, and all the people watching at home, that Blood Ink will be embarking on a world tour in a couple of months.” Gray smiles as he looks out over the crowd, earning him a loud cheer before he silences everyone again.

I hold my breath as I watch him because he doesn’t seem to be done with the announcements yet. I knew he was announcing the world tour but what else is he going to say? I hope we’re not about to have a repeat of the interview disaster from two weeks ago.

Gray turns to look in my direction and my body stiffens. We make eye contact for a brief moment, holding me captive until he looks to the area beside me.

“I would also like to say that I’m now dating my ex-girlfriend, Jasmine Ivy. Come up here, baby.”

When the woman in the minidress beside me steps onto the stage and takes Gray’s outstretched hand, planting a kiss on his lips with a big smile, my jaw just about hits the floor.

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