
17 Simp

Soon after Minato left, someone came in and led them to a room where their classes would be conducted. They were then left alone to wait for their homeroom teacher.

Out of the original Rookie 9, only 7 were here in the room. Sakura didn't even make it past the second round while Naruto failed at the final round. Hinata was sure that they will be joining them in the future since Naruto was definitely a special talent. Just his huge chakra reserves should be enough to let him pass while Sakura had talent in terms of chakra control.

Everyone then started finding their seats and this was when Hinata's headaches started. That is because Shikamaru walked too slow so Sasuke managed to take the seat on her left whereas Choji took the seat on her right. Sasuke didn't really have any intentions on sitting beside her but it was simply because the seat happened to be beside the window. It was Hinata who happened to sit beside Sasuke's preferred spot.

Unfortunately, others are bound to misunderstand. One is Choji and the other is Ino.

Choji just glared at Sasuke but didn't say anything. Ino however, went berserk seeing Sasuke sit beside a girl. "You white-eyed freak! Get out of my seat. You're not worthy enough to sit beside my Sasuke-kun!"

Hinata cringed hard mentally but her expression was still neutral. Ino was pissed because she felt ignored. She was about to start screaming again when she was pushed aside and a new person took her place.

Kiba, who had just pushed aside Ino, now stood in front of Hinata. He grinned at her and extended his hand out. "Hi! My name is Kiba Inuzuka. Would you like to be my mate?"


Hinata, Choji, Shikamaru, and even Sasuke were speechless at Kiba's words. Still a kid and is already looking for a mate. Hinata shook her head which disappointed Kiba a little. He then glanced beside her and saw the fat boy who had bounced him away last time. He instantly became furious and said, "It's you! You damn fatas–"

He wasn't able to finish his sentence when a giant fist clashed with his tiny body and sent him flying across the room. Everyone turned to Choji, who was the owner of the fist, in shock. Choji at this moment was fuming red as he glared at Kiba who had just fallen unconscious.

Hinata asked Choji, "Oi, what made you so angry?"

"He was about to call me fat!", Choji said angrily.

"But that girl from before also called you fat. Why didn't you become angry at her?"

Choji's angry face disappeared and was replaced with an embarrassed expression. He said, "I was angry but I don't hit girls."

Hinata was once again made speechless. Now looking closely at Choji, he looked like he was growing into a fine... simp. Yep, he's a simp. All of his favorite activities were those that he does with Hinata and even his training was inspired by his desire to be able to stand beside Hinata. Now, he apparently doesn't hit girls. Tch.

Hinata didn't mind, however. After all, who would dislike having someone worship them?

"Why not? As far as I can see, girls are more annoying and more hitworthy than the boys. Especially those fangirls. They're just... Ughhhh.", Hinata asked Choji.

"Ehh, I don't know. Whenever I am about to hit a girl, I remember that you also are a girl and I couldn't help but think what would happen if I will hit you someday. My father also taught me to be a gentleman."

"Yup. He a fucking simp.", Hinata screamed inside her head. Her expression however remained neutral and just diverted her attention to somewhere else.

Soon after, their homeroom teacher came in and the first thing he saw was an unconscious kid in one corner of the room. Immediately, he felt a headache because this batch felt like troublemakers. "Who did it?"

Nobody answered. Sasuke didn't care, Ino was too busy simping over Sasuke, Shino wouldn't talk, Shikamaru wouldn't expose his friend and the culprits wouldn't reveal themselves.

The teacher then scanned the room and soon found Hinata who looked like the most well-behaved. From the briefing about his new students, she was also the top 1 so she shouldn't be a troublemaker. So, he decided it was better to ask her instead. It also happened that she was the top 1 meaning strongest so she can defend herself in case we culprit decides to bully her.

"Young lady, do you think you can tell me who did this?", he asked smilingly.

Hinata nodded and pointed at Sasuke beside her. Sasuke was taken aback when Hinata suddenly pointed at her and was about to defend himself but someone else was faster.

"You liar! Sasuke-kun wouldn't do something like that! It was that fatty beside you who did it.", she screamed while pointing at Hinata.

The teacher glanced at Hinata and saw her showing a wronged look then glanced over to the pure and innocent-looking chubby boy beside her. She then glanced back to Ino and mentally compared them and found that Ino looked more like a troublemaker. Sasuke also looked like a gangster from his expression.

He then looked at the whole class and asked once again, "What really happened here?"

Hinata decided to explain further, "Kiba and him wanted to sit beside me so they ended up fighting each other. However, he was weaker and got knocked out in the end." Meanwhile, Choji was frantically nodding in agreement.

The teacher finally nodded in understanding. Hinata was a pretty little girl so it would be understandable if boys fought over her. In fact, this is a very common occurrence. On the way here, he had already witnessed similar scenes inside classrooms he passed by.

He shook his head disapprovingly at Sasuke and tried to advise, "That is not how you show girls that you like them. Instead, treat them well and they will understand your good intentions. Don't show them this kind of acts because it makes you look barbaric. Also, don't always frown. Smile a little bit because you look like a gangster."

Sasuke was still processing the fact that he had been blamed for everything while Choji seemed to be listening more than he was and nodding in understanding at the teacher's advice.

"As punishment, you will stand at the back for the rest of the class and to reflect over your actions."

"But–", Ino wanted to object but was interrupted by the teacher.

"You too young lady. Go stand with him for lying and defending him."

Immediately, In brightened up at the thought of standing together with Sasuke. To her, this wasn't a punishment but a reward.

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