
Chapter 426: Two Ghosts

Most people had decided, and the few who objected would only appear guilty, so everyone returned to the room on the first underground level where the problem board was located to wait.

The waiting process was excruciatingly dull. Wan Yunrong couldn't help but strike up a conversation with Wu Xiaonan, "Do you think becoming the ghost in the game would leave any special mark?"

Wu Xiaonan was helping Zhu Rumin wipe the powder off her face, which was already clean. She said, "If there is one, that would be best, to prevent accidentally hurting others."

Wan Yunrong sighed, "It would be nice if someone could just step forward and admit it."

"Could it be that the person chosen to be the ghost doesn't know they are the ghost?" Chu Yuan suddenly ventured.

"How could that be possible?" Gan Qing said, "If that were the case, what would be the point of playing the game?"

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