
45. Meeting room

Charlotte dreaded where her thoughts were drifting to. But she couldn't help it. She had been waiting for close to one hour now. What at all is keeping them waiting till this time of the night?

"Ma'am..." Esther attempted trying to ease the tension for the nth time already. "Let me get you something to eat. I'm sure they'll be here in no time."

Charlotte sighed. The girl was trying hard, she could see that. But it wasn't working. It only made her more nervous and suspicious. 

"I'm fine, my dear. I'm just worried they're not here yet. I wonder what has kept them."

Esther was surprised by her response. She was expecting her to snap and shout at her. 

"I'm surprised myself. They have never kept this long. I've been calling his number for several times now, but..." she shook her head looking extremely worried.

Charlotte looked at her keenly. She didn't look like she was pretending. Or maybe she was just very good at acting.

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