
Chapter 22

Nothing is as easy as I think. Nothing stays good for long, that's what I've come to learn since I caould remember.

A day passes smoothly, with Silas coming over for a while to chill with us, getting to know my wives and husbands better. The boy seems to come alive when he mingles with them. I can't say I blame them.

Grant awaken after a couple of hours, a little but tired, however with a little bit of blood, he starts to sit up, getting a bit more focused. With night falling, everyone begins to settle for bed, taking baths , rebandaging wounds, and getting comfortable in bed. Silas wishes us a goodnight, closing the door, softly.

I spread my darkness a bit farther to inclosing his whole room within my range. One by one, my Sweets fall asleep. Well all but one. Lilith moves from the bed, her beautiful barely hidden behing the see-through silk night gown she wears, towards me, a light sway in her hips. Her eyes are locked on me, as she stands in front of me for a split second, before taking a breath, then sitting on my lap. She wraps her arms around my neck, pulling my face to face her, eyes staring deeply in mine.

". . .Let us in," Lilith whispers.

It isn't til now that I realize I haven't dropped my walls. Faintly, I can feel Lilith's bond caressing my walls, that I have around me. It purrs against my wall, giving me comfort, trying anyway. But I instinctively pull back, my wall constricting tighter to me. It's not that I don't want to let them in, but everyone has things they don't want others to know. I've been so good at keeping it to myself, that it's unnatural for me to open up.

Lilith strokes my head, as my body stiffens. I don't know how long Katherine or the others saw me throughout my life as a human. I don't know what they--if they seen-- what I had to go through, nonetheless, I wouldn't want them to learn how unordered my mind is. For me its like a battlefield, and I wouldn't want to put them through that.

"We won't run," Lilith reassures.

". . .You never know the future," I whisper. "It's an unpredictable thing, and it can't be controlled."

"We may not control it, Darling," she admits. "and we can only deal with what we know, but together, we can make it through."

"You make it sound so easy."

". . It isn't, I know. I'm not saying to go all at once, but little by little."

She strokes my long hair, while her bond takes form around mines, giving me a sense of warmth. It doesn;t hold me hostage, nor constricts on me, but rather gives me room, but letting me know its there.

Mulling it over, hundreds of times, I sigh.

'What's wrong, Rowan?' Torrim speaks.

One of my soul mates wants me to open up. . .I just can't seem to do it.

'. .It doesn't have to be you being an open book, rather letting them see a bit of you,' Torrim reasons. 'You changed your mind to help me, why not show them a little bit to let them understand you.'

'Hmm. . .That's not fair! You literally live within my mind. Of course you're going to see things that even I can't keep from you."

'But I haven't gone anywhere you haven't let me roam,' he points out. 'Give them that little bit of trust to do the same. That's all.'

I feel Torrim receed back into the back of my mind, his presence faint, sleeping. Foxusing on the bond and Lilith, I sink a bit more into the chair, closing my eyes, and slowly unfurrow my walls. I have many layers, stronger the more you dig, armored with spikes and defense mechanisms. However, I let a few of them fall.

Lilth pears up at me from under her long eyelashes, her gold eyes finding mines once again. Slowly, I reach out towards her bond, hesistantly, guiding her. Lilith doesn't push for more, rather looks around what I show her, letting me lead the show. All the while, her eyes never leave mine.

"Thank you," she gives a small smile.

Giving a stiff nod, "Of course."

I feel exposed, even with just the little bit I've shown her, and I don't-

"Relax, Darling," Lilith coos. "You are doing so good. You don't have to reveal yourself all the time, just be a bit more open with us."

". . . I'll keep that in mind," I whisper, putting a light cover over my bond. Nothing to tight, but enough to give me security. We sit there in silence, just in each other company. I never realized that I'm tired of being alone, that maybe--just maybe-- that's why I'm so attached to them.

I'm really starting to feel that there's no way from me coming back from the abyss that I'm finding myself in. It pulls me deeper, sinking their claws in me. I don't even try to put up a fight.

Dozing off, sleep takes us both, with our bonds intermingling a bit. I knew it was going to be hard, but I shoud've known that it was going be harder than I thought. But I'll just have to do better.

That's my last thought, before sleep takes me away, with Lilith settled within my arms.


"Silas isn't in his room," Elizabeth shouts, running back into the room. I didn't even hear her get out the bed, nevermind her opening the door. Everyone jerks up. Lilith brings Elizabeth close. She grabs a note from Elizabeth's hands, handing it to me.

'Give me what is mine, and I'll give you back your son. Meet me where the sun shines through the trees.'

crumpling the paper, I gather my weapons from against the wall, fire burning in my eyes. The audacity to kidnap my son. MY SON?! There's only one person that I can possibly think of that I caused tension between.

Augustine Griffin.

I just about lose it, but I try to calm down, enough to think rationally. Everyone is ready at the same time, looking like they are ready to go.

"We're coming," KAtherine glares at me, daring me to disagree. "We know where he wants us to meet him at."

"I never planned to tell you different."

With that Theo and Liam leads the way, heading out the gates in the back of the manor. We run through the woods for a little, before I pick up the scent of blood. Worried, I pick up the pace.

Liam and Theo stop, their heart dropping a bit. Stepping to the front, I see Silas, nailed to a huge tree, that looks like a throne. A bit above his head is a hollowed hole, all the way through in the shaoe of a star, letting the sun flow through, giving me move light-- though I don't need it-- onto Silas' condition. It looks like thet put him through the ringer, with blood splattered all around him.

"So you actually came. Thought I was going to have to get him to start screaming," Augustine appears from on top of the tree, a smirk resting on his face. "Now give me what is owed to me."

"Let my son go," I step forward.

"ah, ah , ah," he tuts at me. "I wouldn't do that. I gave him a little vervain, letheral if you don't know. And for every step you take closer to him without giving me what I want, more poision is injected into him."

As if on cue, SIlas snaps his head back, a silent scream on his tongue, with blood tears falling from his eyes. I never wanted him to be like this, I promised him. And I failed,

I can never forgive myself, however, I do plan to make it up to him in anyway he deems.

"Get SIlas," I demand, giving no room for talk.

"Freeze," Katherine speaks, letting a wave of ice, freeze to Silas. "We get him back, we can treat him."

"Leave it to us," Elizabeth and Theo assure,

"Just get the bastard, forget the consequences," Theo mutters, as he and elizabeth rush pass me, grapping Silas quickly, but softly.

"I. . .I didn't say anything," I hear Silas mumbles. "I promise daddy, I-I did't tell him anything."

Elizabeth and Theo rush off, disappearing. AUgustine's face turns ugly.

"You have to give me what's mine," He yells.

"Come take it then," I glare. "I'll like to see you try,"

He rushes at me. The fiery I have pops under my skin, wanting to be unleashed. The mana I unleash comes out abrutely, whipping the wind around me, ruffling my clothes. He hits me first, a cloud of dust exploding, obstructing my vision. I slide back a few feet, and I hear him chuckle.

"You are weak. To have them protect you is pathetic."

Everything that comes from his mouth makes me angry, not because it isn't true, but rather that's how I feel myself. Unknowingly, the fury I have breaks down all my walls i have, leaving nothing but an insane rage behind.

Augustine doesn't realize that I'm still standing, and only til he sees my body does the smirk fall from his lips. With my fangs bared, I rush him, hitting me with everything I have. Power pours through me like I never felt before, as I punch actual holes in his body. However, with the power of a noble immortal, it'll take more than That to kill him.

Can't say I'm not happy, since I don't have to be careful with him. It would be a shame of I just killed him are a few punches.

Kicking him in the stomach, he coughs blood as he's sent flying, crashing into many trees. Dirt flies as he slides in the ground. He stumbles to his feet, face slowly healing as he speaks," He tasted good, if I do say so myself. I had to keep myself occupied." He licks his lips.

That's it. I lose it, completely.

The usualy black mana that leaks from me, turns red. My vision starts to blank, as I mutter, manically," I. Will. Kill. You."

Grant gets in front of me, a wince on his face.

"You have to calm down!"


"Control the rage," Lilith grabs my waist from behind me, pulling me.

"I know you want to kill him, but he-" Grant is interrupted, blood seeping from his mouth as he holding his chest, a metal spar head poking out. Blood pours from the wound. Grant is barely healed and now he's hurt again.

"If I can't have them," Augustine roars, a crazy look in his eyes. "Then no one can."

Grant falls to the ground, gripping my shirt.

"Do-don't kill hi-him," he coughs out.

Katherine rushes to his side, feeding him some blood before pulling the metal spearhead out. grant gives a painfully grunt.

"I don't think I can," I grit out, my fangs grinding into each other, tears of blood falling from my eyes. "He has to die."

"They won't let you kill me," Augustine chuckle, stretching his arms out. " You're their little boy toy, not worthy of them."

"Shut your mouth," Lilith yells.

"We don't want you to dirty your hands with the likes of him," Katherine snarls.

"I've done worse."

Blackess takes my vision as I rush AUgustine.

I'm back with more, I had some things to handle. However tell me any ideas you would like to express. Let me know if you see any mistakes as well, since I won't be editing right just this second.

Nice to have my little flakes back.


Comment what you like.

Sweet_snowflakecreators' thoughts
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