

Letting the cold water fall onto his head, Sebastian stood like a sculpted statue under the shower. His head was hanging down listlessly as he braced his powerful arms against the tiled wall. 

His mind was filled with nothing but her. His Izabelle. His still missing wife.

He saw her everywhere in their room and when he entered the bathroom, he saw her there too. His mind projected her figure sitting there in the tub. And now she was there right before him, looking up at him with her innocent but fierce eyes as he jailed her between his body and this very wall. 

And when he reached out to caress her face, she smiled and then disappeared. Leaving him alone and clenching his fists, pressing his forehead against the cold hard wall. 

Striding out of the bathroom with a gloomy face, he returned to their bed. He did not even bother buttoning his shirt before he fell back onto the bed. The back of his palm covering his eyes. 


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