
Chapter 27: Anko*


This Chapter is in the perspective of Anko, and will contain scenes of Male x Female, though I won't go too in depth. Just warning you, but yeah, this chapter (or more, depending on how in-depth I go) goes into Anko's past, so...

Also, thank you UncrownedKing for the idea! I have no clue how a chapter idea like this slipped my mind lol ;p


As I lay there on the bathroom floor, I looked over at Kokoro, who was passed out on my chest. Sighing, I reminisced on how I got to this point; having not one, but two lovers, people I trusted.

I never, not even once in my life, thought I would have this...

A little over a year ago, I had gone to the bar like I always did.

The Village had set it up, and only allowed Shinobi to enter. On paper, it was meant to be a place for us to unwind and talk about our missions, sharing our experiences. However, it turned into a place to hook up with others like ourselves, to find an outlet to destress after killing people, or almost dying.

Walking in, I already knew what the day would be like; I would find a man or woman, flirt with them, before going back to their place, indulging in sex.

Looking around the bar, I saw many familiar faces, but tonight I wanted something new; something fresh. Giving smiles and greetings to some people, I got myself a few shots, before making my way to the center floor, where over a dozen people where dancing. Observing the crowd, my eyes landed on a woman I had only seen a few times.

Letting my gaze wander over her body, I smiled as I looked at her ass. It was big, round, and her hips were wide. She was dressed in a tight, form fitting backless dress. When she turned towards me slightly, I could see her medium breasts bouncing as she danced. Snaking towards her, I prayed to the Sage that she was fine with women; seeing her sway her hips as she danced to the music made me incredibly aroused.

Moving beside her, I smiled at her, and seeing her smile back I started dancing next to her. I stayed quiet, considering trying to talk with the loud music and loud conversation was nearly impossible.

For a few minutes we danced together, and I made a few moves; grinding against her, leaning into her, letting my hands roam. I did everything, and when she returned my touch, placing her hand on my slowly rising erection, she gave me a coy smile before grabbing my hand, leading me towards the back.

The rooms that had been designed for quiet conversation had been turned into booths dedicated to sex; even now I could hear countless moans and the sounds of flesh hitting flesh/ Not only the sounds, but the smell...

Well, ever since I contracted myself to the Snakes, one flick of my tongue allowed me to taste the air, and I always got incredibly horny entering this building.

Finding an empty booth, the woman pushed me onto the couch, before getting on her knees in front of me. Unzipping my pants, she smiled up at me as she held my cock in her hands.

Slowly placing the tip into her mouth, I grunted as she started swirling her tongue. Hearing that, she took my cock deeper and deeper, until her face was buried in my crotch. Seeing her throat bulge out as she swallowed my cock, I moaned.

Bobbing her head up and down, she continued to blow me, her tongue swirling, her muscles and throat tightening, stimulating my cock. Feeling the rise of an orgasm, I held her head down, cumming deep in her throat.

Seeing her swallow every drop before removing my cock from her throat, I stayed hard, ready to go further.

Seeing that I hadn't calmed down, she smirked, moving her underwear to the side as she mounted me, guiding my cock into her pussy.

Feeling her tightness, I had to hold myself from cumming again. Marveling at how her pussy gripped my cock so tightly, and how the folds massaged me, she started grinding her hips against mine. Grabbing her ass, I leaned towards her, kissing her.

Surprising her with my tongue, I slowly snaked it down into her throat, enjoying the sweet taste of sake on her lips.

She continued to bounce on my lap, and as I leaned back I looked at her, speaking for the first time.

"I... I'm gonna cum..."

Leaning into me, she whispered "I have a pregnancy seal, so fill me up~"

Widening my eyes in surprise, I started thrusting my hips into hers, before releasing my seed into her. Moaning loudly, she buried her face into my neck, shivering slightly.

Releasing stream after stream of cum into her pussy, I was surprised by the fact that I was allowed to.

For some reason, Kunoichi no longer wore pregnancy seals, which meant that unless you wanted a kid, you pulled out. Hell, many didn't seem to know what it was.

After releasing another rope of cum into her, I fell back onto the couch, panting. For a few moments, we sat there, basking in the afterglow of that large orgasm.

Lifting herself off of me, she spread her lower lips apart, watching in amazement as a small river of cum dripped down her leg.

Looking back up at me, she smirked, saying "Were you trying to get me pregnant? That's a large amount of cum for your second load."

I shrugged, saying "I haven't had an orgasm that big in along time. Hey, what's your name?"

Chuckling, she raised a brow, saying "It's rude to ask for someone's name without offering your own, you know?"

Shaking my head, I smiled at her, saying "I'm Anko Mitarashi. May I ask the name of the young lady I just filled with my seed?"

Laughing, she covered her mouth, sending me a coy look. "Young Lady, huh? Ha, that's new. Anyways, names Kokoro Kanei. Thank you for painting my insides, Anko~"

Feeling my cock stiffening again, I asked "Might we continue this somewhere else?"

Looking down, she smirked, before nodding. "It's been awhile since I had a competent cock, so fuck me good, yeah?"

I bit my lip, restraining myself from taking her again. Seeing my look, she smirked again, before adjusting her clothes. Moving towards the door, she turned around, smiling at me.

"Well, you coming?"

That night, I had the best sex of my life. For some reason, it felt like my cock was melting inside her, and every thrust felt amazing. For the first time ever, I came almost a dozen times, and by the end of it I had covered her and her bed in my seed.

Laying next to her, I marveled at the night we just had, before passing out.

The next day, as I was getting ready to leave, she woke up, wrapping her arms around me from behind. Feeling her breasts pressing against my back, I could feel myself getting hard, but I gently pushed her away.

Pouting at me, she tilted her head. Sighing, I said "I... I would rather be honest than keep this from you. I'm red listed..."

Hearing that, her eyes widened in surprise, before she simply grinned. "So? You didn't do anything bad to me, you just fucked me into a deep sleep~"

I stared at her, astonished. Whenever I had told people that I was red listed, they usually avoided me like the plague.

Seeing my gaze, she turned serious. "Look, I don't care about shit like that. All last night was was simply me getting some much need relaxation. It's not like were dating or anything..."

Hearing that, for the first time ever, my heart clenched. Hearing her say that, I looked at her, saying "Will I see you again?"

Smiling at me, she leaned against the doorframe, looking me up and down. Nodding, she said "You know where I live, after all~ Anytime you want to fuck a woman senseless, you know where to find me..."

Hearing that, I nodded to her, before turning to leave.


After that, I threw myself into missions. By the third time I met her, I had grown to feel something for her, which scared me.

I... I couldn't get close to her. After all, I have no future. Red Listed shinobi have short shelf lives, and I am already pushing that to the limits. Every mission was a suicide mission; it was me against the world.

What right did I have to tie her down, make her feel something for me, just to die sometime soon?

No, I wouldn't do that. I already know what it is like to lose someone you care for; to be betrayed. I don't want her to feel that.

So, I started doing missions with a renewed fervor. After all, every mission I survived, I got the best reward I could ask for:

Being able to hold her in my arms...


Alright, I am going to make this a two parter; next chapter has the male x female, so...

Anyways, yea, after getting the suggestion to do different PoV's, I did what everyone does when they need ideas; stood in a shower for what feels like five minutes but is actually two hours, and came up with the outline of this PoV, most of which is in the next chapter.



Anko is... probably going to be quite interesting to write about

Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts
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