
Chapter 13: Tales from the Past*


If you have a comment about something in this chapter, wait till the end before commenting. It should answer your question. If it doesnt, just throw it into the chapter comments. Thanks!


Waking up to something entering me, I opened my eyes, noticing I was face down in a pillow. Turning my head, I saw Kurenai kneeling behind me, sweat gleaning on her pale skin. I could see splotches of white liquids covering her body, and her expression was one of pure ecstasy. Feeling her pound me from behind, I started moaning.

I was used to this. Oftentimes, Anko would be a little... to rough causing me to pass out from cumming so many times in a row. I would wake up to her still inside me, using me like a toy.

Feeling Kurenai grabbing my hair and pulling it back, I screamed as an orgasm rocked my body. Feeling the large amount of liquid inside me sloshing around from Kurenai pounding me, I came again. Feeling her pull out, a large amount of seed covered my ass as she panted, before falling onto her butt.

Gasping for breath, I eventually managed to sit up, my muscles screaming in the process. I looked around the room for Anko, only to see her laying behind Kurenai, passed out, covered from head to toe in cum. Raising my eyebrow at Kurenai, she swallowed before saying "She... She ran out of energy... and I wanted to continue... but you were out... so she offered herself..."

Chuckling, I fell back onto the bed, I laid there, occasionally twitching as an orgasm caused from feeling the copies amounts of cum in my womb slowly trickling out, forming a puddle. Sighing, I asked "So? You done, or you wanna go again?"

Regretting it as soon as I said it, I felt Kurenai drag me onto her lap, inserting herself into me. Gently grinding her hips, she kissed me. Returning the kiss, I moaned as I felt the tip of her cock grinding on the entrance of my womb. Pulling away from me, Kurenai blushed.

"Koko... I love you. I love you so much."

My heart throbbed, and I could feel my womb opening slightly, allowing her tip more access inside of me. Gasping, I nodded, however she moaned from the pressure of forcing herself into my womb. She reached deeper, sending a large jolt of pain up my spine, which was swiftly countered by the giant orgasm that rocked my body.

"Koko! Get pregnant! Fuck~ Have my kid!"

Feeling another load enter me, slowly expanding my womb as this new load pushed out the old, I clamped down on Kurenai's cock, causing her to cum more.

I sat there, panting, when I felt something wrap around my torso. Looking up, I saw Anko hugging Kurenai from behind. She bit into Kurenai's collarbone, before growling "Nah, Kokoro is going to have my kid first. After all, I am going to be a clan leader. I need an heir."

She turned her serious stare towards me, before forcing her tongue into my mouth. Feeling it coil around my own, I let her do as she pleased, too tired to care.

Letting me go, I gasped for air. Kurenai gently lifted me off her lap, causing a large amount of cum to flow onto her lap. Anko and Kurenai looked down, seeing the small bulge near my stomach.

Anko looked at Kurenai, asking "Does uh... does the Anti Pregnancy seal work on that much cum?"

Kurenai furrowed her brows, before nodding. "I believe it does... I hope it does..."

Sighing, I lifted my head, saying "It does. No one has ever gotten pregnant when the seal is active. And unless one of you two erased the seal on my body, you can fill me as much as you want without worry."

Anko pursed her lips, looking down at me. "But I ain't worrying 'bout it? I want you to have my kid."

Kurenai nodded in agreement.

Sighing again, I dropped my head back onto the bed. "Whatever. I'm not having a kid till we fix up the Mitarashi Compound and have enough money to actually support a kid."

Anko sighed, before she looked at Kurenai. "So... can I impregnate you too? Being clan head and all, I want to repopulate my clan."

Kurenai sneered. "No. Just like I assume you won't let me impregnate you. Be happy I let you sleep with me."

"Play nice you two. No need to be snippy. Sage, I swear both of you are children."

Anko chuckled before laying next to me. "So... does that mean we can add a few more to this group?"


Pouting, Anko looked away. Kurenai laid on my other side, draping one of her legs over mine.

For a few moments we played there in silence. I accepted the fact that neither of these two seemed pressed by the copious amounts of cum covering the bed and us.

"Kurenai, you always seemed strait laced. Who deflowered you?"

I shook my head, but stayed silent. I was curious too.

"Really Anko? Hah... fine. I didn't take the option in the Academy. It was Asuma Sarutobi, he was my first."

"Oh wow, quite an important person. How he do it?"

"We were on a mission together as Chunin. He seemed sweet enough, and he made me feel important. We drank, made out, and eventually... we were in his bed, making love. Of course, I was rather naive and thought that meant we were together. So imagine my surprise when I saw him bedding the Noblewoman we were escorting to her husband. I argued with him, and he told me he didn't like futa women anyways."

"Damn. Well, guess I'll tell mine. Won't take the easy way either, saying it was a teacher at the Academy. I think it was my.... third actual mission. The mission was to escort a wealthy merchant to the border of the Land of Rain. He offered me a large amount of money, around 100,000 ryo. I accepted and warmed his bed every night the way there. I noticed how lucrative it was, and didn't mind taking seduction missions. So, what about you Kokoro?"

"Ah... like you, I took the option at the Academy. After I got into my Genin team, I was paired with an Inuzaka girl and a Hyuuga boy. Our team was... interesting. The Hyuuga, Akira, charmed me and we started dating. The Inuzuka and our Jonin teacher got together. For a year or so, I was with Akira most nights. Eventually, he started trying to say we were married, and that I would be his concubine. I told him he could go blow himself, and he didn't like that. We were at his house when that argument happened, and I walked in on his older sister stroking herself. So... I slept with her, being loud enough to let the entire compound know. He never bothered me again."

Silence fell on the room.

Anko chuckled, "Damn Kokoro, you are spiteful. Was that where you realized you prefer women over men?"

I nodded.

"Well, how about when we lost our 'male' virginities, Kurenai? Mine was a escort mission, like yours. A branch noble family was traveling to meet with the main family, and the eldest daughter would often stare at me, before blushing and looking away. One night, she snuck into my room, and I showed her that I had both. She started touching it, and one thing led to another."

Sighing, Kurenai looked away. "Well... to be honest, I hadn't had sex with a woman before Koko. So... her..."

I stared at her in shock, and Anko's jaw was wide open.

"I... was your first? I thought... I thought you had some experience, at least. You seemed really confident."

"Well... I was mimicking what I remember Asuma doing to me and that Noblewoman..."

Anko started laughing out loud, much to the annoyance of Kurenai. I started giggling, kissing Kurenai on her cheek.

"Well, you did quite good, my love. I enjoyed it quite a bit."

Before I could even notice it, Kurenai was on top of me, thrusting deep inside me.

The rest of that day was spent drowning in pleasure and warmth.


So I imagine people will have things to say about the whole 'Academy' thing. As I said, I read 'In Naruto: Reborn with Talent' and I have to agree with what the Author wrote.

1) It makes sense to get your female shinobi used to sex, that way, physically at least, they could potentially retaliate, without having to worry about the pain and shock losing your hymen could cause when raped. This is a real world, not a fairy tale kiddy version like the anime, so of course there is a chance of something like being captured and raped happening. I believe that this MIGHT help. Anyways, I stated it, and I believe the Author of 'In Naruto' said it, but it was OPTIONAL. Kurenai in this book didn't do it.

2) If a child can go through training to become a killer, a soldier, I believe that they should be allowed to do everything an adult does. Additionally, we don't know how chakra actually affects the body and it's growth. On top of that, I had a bunch of friends telling, and proving, that they had been 'early bloomers' in the sexual sense, so I think that kids being trained to be KILLERS would have enough stress piled on them that they would go for the most common stress relief in history.


If this bothers you so much, then I suggest you leave. Though if you somehow where fine with the rape that was insinuated multiple times throughout the beginning, but this is your deal breaker, then I don't know what to say.

Anyways, yea, two lemons in one day. Mission finish soon, then some peace and quiet (Kinda) for Kokoro and her lovers.

Also, I might consider adding one more girl, or adding scenes where they (Anko, Kokoro, and Kurenai) invite someone to join them for a one time thing. (ALL of the scenes will be Futa x Female or Female x Female. No males joining in, cause I don't really feel like writing that.)

I hope you continue to enjoy this Kunoichi's Tale!


Yup, so that needed to be said. I really would rather not have to respond individually to comments asking why or whatever. So here was the explanation, as well as a bunch of other stuff.

Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts
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