
Time to see my family

Four years ago California was burned little by little because of the forest fires and been destroyed by earthquakes. The people in the many cities surrounding California survived and realized that the forests and ecological lands, faunas and wild life need to be protected, preserved and cherished. Now, we are still battling the aftermath of Covid-19 pandemic, and we are still struggling to live a healthy, happy and prosperous life. Our economy flunked and we are just making ends meet to cover up for the needs that were not met before. We are on the brink of desolation and despair but we fought through it and now living in simplicity but healthy lives.

My team with REVO finally finished their experiments on a time warp machine where by a push of a button a person can easily and instantly go back to the past. Victory wanted to try it for she wanted to visit the year when she met Liz. Elizabeth Lovechild was a beautiful and feisty girl who had a crush on me at 15. That was 30 years ago, year 2020 when Covid-19 hit the U.S. tremendously and a lot of people died. Vaccines were provided worldwide and I was among the teenagers who were never given shots not until I reached my 20's and that was just this year. I talked with Liz about my persistence to be the first person to try boarding the ship for the time warp project since I want to visit my parents when they were still alive in the year 2025. Liz already confessed to me on 2045 that she loved me yet I turned her down because I hated her when she bullied and called me "disgusting" when we were 15 years old at the party. I thought Liz was unfair for in the first place, she was the one who told Jhonny that she had a crush on me. However, we will still see whether the machine would work or not and by crossing our fingers, we hope it really would for humanities sake. Liz was hesitant and was deeply worried about my decision. But I want to warn my mom so we can all still be together now, at 2050. My parents died early on due to a car accident when I was still in my mom's womb and that was year 2025. Due to advanced science I was able to make it alive by the use of an incubator. I was 7 months old then and without my mom to feed and care for me I was in the hospital cared by a team run by REVO, mom's staff. And after a year I already could live a normal life. I always thanked God, the universe, that I survived that unfortunate accident. I didn't know whether mom survived but her body wasn't found when their car exploded as it ran down a cliff when they visited my grandparents at their ancestral home in Polynesia. My grandparents Maxim the King and Victoria the Queen, were good leaders of the land. But they died of old age not seeing their great granddaughter live and uphold the crown as Queen and Leader of REVO. REVO is still a secret group that helps and protects the world and its people, until present. Many believed that we were run by Illuminati which is not true. We are a society that upholds TRUTH and the GOOD, worships and obeys GOD and serves the PEOPLE and the WORLD. We are never violent or a group that retaliates when aggravated or ridiculed. We stay humble but not weak. We stay calm but not afraid to fight when necessary. We protect and provide and never murder or lie. We uphold the truth and gives out justice. We are servants of God and the enemy of the dark forces.

The moment came when I needed to step up and board a time capsule. It's like a tiny rocket ship the size of Mr. Bean's min cooper. I am enclosed inside a bubble and I feel so comfortable I can sleep a lifetime in here. The feeling is like I am inside my mother's womb, well fed and protected from the outside world. This is just a dry run I know but I already got the hang of it I didn't want to step out of the ship. It is a advanced contraption that will be hoisted up, a portal with a large metal round frame where the rocket ship would perfectly fit it. Here before entering the portal there would be a clear fluid like energy present just like in Star Wars movies where you can jump to a different dimension or time specifically, using the clear energy that your hands can pass through from the present to the past on the other side of the fluid. Sherrie, Liz, Devon who is heading the experiment with the REVO biotechnology and space studies along with NASA's guidance.

Hey, are you okay? Vic asked Liz who is now couldn't help but cry her heart out to her lover. She doesn't really want her to go. But Vic was very brave and persistent to bring a big change to this year and make difference in the past, 2025. It would not be easy, Vic knows that. But she is willing to try and do for the good, no matter what the costs, just like what her mom always says.

I love you Vic and I will surely miss you, Liz added hugging the woman tightly. I love you too Liz and we still have this night to be together and I wouldn't want this night to end ever, Vic now kissing Liz's mouth with tears flowing down her eyes thinking of the risks and not being able to see Liz's face again starting tomorrow, the 'big day' on going back to the past experiment .

I haven't slept much because I was excited and scared at the same time. I was happy to see my parents when I go back but sad to leave Liz here and not be able to see her in that year for we aren't still born then, not yet. Liz kissed me on the lips so passionately as I smile sweetly and gave her a goodbye kiss on the forehead which made her cry even more.

Devon, REVO team, Sherrie and Liz are all present to watch me travel the past. I was already wrapped in my suit and like in a bubble capsule, I hopped in the mini rocket ship and put on my helmet made out of fiber glass that in case I crashed I would live to still see the day I come back to the year 2050. Here we go!, 5, 4. 3 2 1….blast off, the engine not so much as the real rocket ship made by NASA, was made out of water and fish oil. A fuel for the future that no longer needs fossil to power cars or machines . It is a clear, non-smoking fuel that can help save the Earth from combustion and pollution due to car engines and factory smokes. Devon shouted, and off I go from the future to the past. It was a sleepy trip. I was bored to the max because I can only see changing colours of lights and I can't hear a sound, or maybe I could but the light flickering are so fast my head started to spin. Ahhhh!!!, I think I need to puke it off, but suddenly the ship crashed on a foresty place. I opened my eyes, puked all the motion sickness I felt during the travel. With wide eyes and open mouths, I saw a castle which I think is Maximilian, the monumental place where my Grandpa was crowned king on the year 2025. I could hear festive music, the crowd singing, dancing and shouting in merriment. What now? I thought to myself because I haven't seriously planned on how to deal and what to say, with the parents, grandparents and the rest of the family. Meeting them is my priority and the rest is up to the heavens, right, Lord?! Okay, here I go….

Then the ship disappeared immediately and Vic is now back on a hole with many colours and like stars surrounding her…Pop!!!! Clank, Flank Klink!...whooosh…..drop….the ship dropped forcefully to the other side of the world with Devon, staff, Liz relieved to see Victory again.

Babe, babe, Vic, wake up, are you good, how do you feel? Liz asked touching Vic's face and kissing her cheeks and lips to make her conscious. Yess, babe, I'm still alive, I won't die, I'm that evil, Vic said laughing while Liz is still crying and holding her head pressed on her chest. I missed you and those kisses and those, Vic added looking at Liz's bountiful breasts. Stupid, Victory, Liz said laughing now and kissing Vic on the lips like forever. Haha!, both laughed and all in the laboratory laughed and is happy to succeed with the experiment. This was historical. NASA and the scientists responsible for the success of the project came to record everything from the moment Victory was shipped out to the future which was three days ago, they set the ship out at night, so it did take two days to come back from the past. They filed that after the second day she came about and returned from the past. There were minor issues about it though. During the return trip, there was a power shortage but was able to cope up with the outage. It's a good thing that Devon and REVO staff knew what to do by pulling out generators using hundreds of solar panels placed beforehand outside the building. Solar panels are more efficient and charged by the sun's heat from light rays and its natural energy, which can help the world live and survive without fossil fuels.

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