
Rumors Of A Fight

As soon as I step into the Metorium, I realize that something seems off. There are too many people here. To be more specific, there are too many Wranths here. And apart from that everyone seems to be talking excitedly about something.

"What's going on?" I turn to Drew who shrugs. He moves away from us briefly and asks around before coming back to us, a slightly confused look on his face.

"What's happening?" Lathia asks this time.

"PM challenged Jade."



The reactions of everyone in the team are similar, a mixture between shock and confusion followed by thinly veiled excitement. "Who's Jade?" I ask clueless. He sounds like someone powerful.

"He's one of the strongest Wranth Elementals. He has taken down five Wranth level Fasurus on his own. From what I hear he'll soon become a Waim." Lathia answers.

"Wait," I say, "Didn't PM just become a Wranth? Why on earth is he fighting someone that powerful?"

"I don't know, but it's going to be epic. One of the Five versus one of the best Wranth Elementalists. It explains why there are so many Wranths here anyway. When's the fight starting?" Lathia asks.

"Once classes are over. If you want, Ian, you can meet us at the B.L.D once your classes are over."

"I will."

I can't help but start to get excited as I hear them talk about the fight, trying to determine who will win hours before it has even started. After escorting me a bit, we say our goodbyes, but not before deciding to meet at the B.L.D once classes are over.

"Hey Ian," I hear someone say from behind me. I turn around to see Tobi, Bella, and Han. There is a burning fervor in their eyes as they half run towards me. For a moment, I wonder if they are so excited because they haven't seen me in two weeks. Then I remember that they saw me just two days ago. I am the one who hasn't seen them in two weeks.

"Hey," I say as they catch up to me.

"We have to go to the Arena today," Han says, a burning look in his eyes and not bothering to explain the reason for his statement. Still, his words give me a hint as to the reason they all look like they are about to explode.

"Is it because of -"

"PM and Jade are having a battle today."Bella interrupts me. Tobi adds, his eyes glimmering with excitement. "It's been so long since two Wranths fought in the Arena, and now not only are two Wranths fighting, but it's also two of the strongest Wranths we have."

"Well," Han says doubtfully, "I won't say PM is one of the strongest Wranths, after all he just became a Wranth a few months ago, but he certainly has the potential to become one."

Tobi refutes his statement almost immediately. "Bullshit! PM has opened his third eye since he was a Pre-protector. He's had plenty of experience fighting like a Wranth even before he became one. The only thing was that he didn't have a true Trump then. Now that he has had months to study his Trump, this fight is basically his."

"That is total crap!" Han argues.

Even Bella gives her opinion. "Look Tobi, PM's strong, yes, but Jade is almost a Waim. You're basically saying PM can beat a Waim which is just wrong. He's strong but he's not that strong."

"Why not? He's the first of the Five for a reason you know."

"If he were fighting with other members of the Five, then yes maybe they could defeat Jade. But on his own? That's just overestimating him." Han states.

I don't interrupt, satisfied with just listening to them argue, and argue they did, all the way to the classroom. They don't stop arguing once, even as they take their seats. And as I look around the class, I realize that they are not the only ones, the entire class seems interested in the fight that is going to happen this afternoon. Even Keldin seems to think it more important than troubling me, not that I'm complaining.

The moment school is over, everyone practically flies out of the classroom toward the Arena. Bella invites me to come with them but I decline, remembering Lathia's invitation. While everyone rushes to the Arena, I head in the opposite direction to the B.L.D.

The crowd gets thinner which isn't too surprising since I suspect everyone is heading to the Arena. It stays this way for a few minutes before I notice that more people are beginning to appear, and judging by their robes, they are all Wranths. The few I pass by are all facing the B.L.D and more than once I hear the term: 'The Five'.

By the time the B.L.D comes into view, I have an idea of what to expect, and I am not wrong. In front of the B.L.D is a group of five people all discussing something. I can recognize Seth -who I saw during my Apprentice exam-, the Ice King, and Drew. As for the other two, I can guess their identities to be PM and Ten Punch Man. But I don't know who is which.

The first is of average height and has slightly tanned skin. His dark hair is unruly and yet fashionable at the same time. He has a roguish and charming quality about him that won't fail to get him girls. But what catches my attention the most is the silver canister attached to his waist. It is covered with advanced-looking noers which have a slightly lighter shade of silver, making it hard to identify them. As for the other, his well-developed muscles are the first thing I notice. He has short blonde hair and is a little shorter than the rest of them there. He has an approachable face, yet something about him seems to spell danger.

I turn to look at Drew when I see it. Out of all the Five, all but Drew have become Wranths. No one seems to pay too much attention to it at the moment, but I can imagine the invisible pressure it is placing on him right now. Touted as one of the five most promising Laens of his generation, yet while the rest are already Wranths, he is still lagging behind as a Protector.

At the moment, all of them are looking at the boy with the silver canister on his waist, serious looks on their faces as he explains something to them. If I had to guess, I would say he is PM. A title like Ten Punch Man seems like it'll fit the other more muscular boy more than it would fit him.

Around the Five are different groups, mostly Wranths, who keep to themselves. Amongst them, I quickly spot Lathia and the rest. I begin to head towards them when I hear a voice off to my side.

"Hey, Apprentice. What are you doing here?"

I ignore the voice and keep moving forward. Alerted by the voice, Lathia turns and sees me. She smiles and gives me a small wave. I am about to wave back when a guy slightly taller than me, and wearing Wranth robes appears in front of me, He has a slightly puzzled look on his face as he looks down at me. "Are you deaf, maybe? You sad excuse for a Laen. Look at yourself, as old as you are yet still an Apprentice."

I keep my mouth shut, deciding not to answer him, while also wondering what I did to piss him off so much. It's not as if I am here for him anyway. Still, I prepare to activate D-three. Something about him gives me the feeling that he could attack me at any time.

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