

As she Lin Xue, who had been cultivating for a good while, opened her eyes and stared at the empty bedroom around her, which was completely empty of all the life it once had, she couldn't help but let out a faint sigh.

Back in the past, Lin Xue used to have a good number of concubines, sadly though, time had long since shown its ruthless power and taken them away from her.

But even though Lin Xue was peerless beautiful, and could obtain as many concubines as she wanted, if she really put in some effort, at the moment, Xu Yue's junior sister really couldn't be bothered.

A few moments after, this, Lin Xue, who did not have many friends or acquaintances, instantly caught back up to what had happened after a small discussion with Liang Xiaoling and with one of Xu Yue's incarnations, as the middle sister had actually gone into seclusion not too long ago.

After learning that both Liang Xiaoling, who was currently traveling alongside Feng Shuchun, and Xu Yue were both doing well, Lin Xue suddenly disappeared from her cave abode.


With Lin Xue's current cultivation, it took her just a fraction of a moment for her to go from the Origin Sword Sect to another, rather insignificant mountain in the Sword Region.

As she looked at the surrounding ruins, which she had seen so many times, that still stood just as they were before, even now, tens of thousands of years later, Lin Xue couldn't help but shake her head.

After only a few moments, Lin Xue finally reached her destination, a small grave, right on top of the peak of this small mountain.

As years and years had gone by since it was created, and the person who created it clearly didn't use the best resources for the tombstone, most of the things that were written on the grave were destroyed by time, leaving only a single name.

Li Tengfei.

"Grandfather, it looks like nobody wanted your shabby sect after all..." mumbled Lin Xue as she sat down in front of the grave.

Back then, Lin Xue's grandfather had used the pills given to him by the Origin Sword Sect to lengthen his lifespan, but even so, in the end, time claimed the life of Lin Xue's grandfather, who could not progress any further.

Around forty thousand years after the dead of Li Tengfei, the sect that he had loved so much was also gone, as Lin Xue did not care about it nearly as much as he did, and had not given it much help.

Even now, over sixty thousand years after that, the ruins of the sect still littered the mountain peak.

"You really were so foolish..." mumbled Lin Xue as she drank a few gulps of the spiritual wine before pouring the rest onto the grave.

A few moments after that, Lin Xue rose to the skies above the sect ruins, and stretched one of her fingers down onto them.

A moment later, Lin Xue sent a tiny amount of Qi into said finger, causing a wave of Qi to suddenly erupt from it and vaporize the entire mountain peak, annihilating it, as well as anything that might have been left on it from existence.

After finishing with her visit of her grandfather, Lin Xue went back to the Origin Sword Sect, before going back into her cave abode.


As she stared at the peerless figure in the mirror in front of her, Lin Xue let out a faint sigh, causing the tightly fitting robes that obscured her body to suddenly fall to the ground.

After taking another look in the mirror, as well as at the huge amount of Yang Essence she had gathered over the years, Lin Xue couldn't help but let out another faint sigh.

"It's not going to be perfectly in balance from the beginning, but it should be stable enough..." mumbled Lin Xue as a cultivation mat appeared below her, causing her to sit down onto it and close her eyes.

In just a fraction of a moment after she closed her eyes, Lin Xue's aura, which had been peaceful up until now, suddenly erupted.

The moment it did, an overwhelming power suddenly appeared, making sure that Lin Xue did not cause any damage, otherwise the entirety of Lin Xue's mountain peak would have been obliterated by now.

Once again, Lin Xue's cultivation continued going along at a speed far beyond all reason, as suddenly, all of her Yang Essence left her body.

The moment the humongous amount of Yang Essence that Lin Xue had obtained and refined from both treasures, and her concubines left her body, Lin Xue's state became somewhat similar to Xu Yue's original state back before she had taken 9 Yang Pill that Xia Qiu had been refined into back then, only over a thousand times worse.

But even so, Lin Xue at the present moment couldn't be compared to Xu Yue back then, causing her to still be relatively fine even now.

A few moments later, the Yang Essence in front of Lin Xue suddenly began transforming into a humanoid shape from the spherical blob it had been just a few moments ago, still extremely rapidly, in just under an hour.

Then, gradually for the next 7 days, the humanoid figure in front of Lin Xue began becoming more perfect, eventually looking identical to a human being.


As she stared at the Yang Incarnation in front of her, which had not yet opened his eyes, the Yin Incarnation couldn't help but snap her fingers, sending a shock throughout his soul, and causing his eyes to pop open in an instant.

The moment the eyes of the Yang Incarnation popped open, a sense of mutual understanding formed between him and the Yin Incarnation.

"It looks like the using the technique went as I expected..." mumbled the Yin Incarnation as she suddenly got up and approached her other half.

From now on, Lin Xue, who was cultivating the Yin-Yang Dao, was no longer a single person.

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