
Chapter 123 - A Mysterious Aura

When Kestra got into the room that had been set aside for her work, along with the dungeon workers that had helped bring the body into her room, her smile dwindled, completely vanishing after she had snapped her fingers for them to leave and shut the door firmly right after.

The gems that hung around different spots in the room provided her dim lights of different shades, the only thing she believed they were used for. The sharp smell of different herbs as they clashed against each other filled the air and the bubbling sound of something boiling without fire some distance across the room in a big, black clay pot added a nice ring to it.

Kestra took in a deep breath. By Ignas, this place was the only one that now gave her ease and peace...

...and responsiblities.

Reminded of the task at hand, she look at the lifeless body that was at one side of the room, on the floor. The blood on her dress and face now turning into a shade of red that seemed stale.

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