
And Eighth: The Principal of Source.

"And NOW! The last Principal!" announced Melody in excitement growing eagerness inside each student, "the eighth Principal and the one who is the best supporter of this school. He is known as the Principal of source."

The last man at the right corner in a grey color robe and hood stood up weaving.

Mister Tone explained about him, "The one responsible for resources. Not just school supplies or furniture for the class even medical sources that might go into the depth of a deadly forest, water resources, herbs, electricity, and the security of every being in this school. Whether a Principal, the Great Lord or an employer of a student.

This man is up to all. He introduced the study of weapons, military performance, the strategy of war, the policy of peace, the hidden secret behind building a hateful or loving community plus, the invites of the demon lord, dreadful Dracula's palace, adventures all these pieces of stuff are his field.

He is commonly lifted by seniors. He has the toughest level of studies in the entire school."

"It is commonly said out of ten students only three can pass out his studies." Said Melody. "It's this way 'cause he is a professional in dark wars and dark histories. He is quite strong from his side."

"And as his features" recalled Tone his identity, "he is a shadow. He walks through shadows.

Can pass through shadows and shadow is his secret weapon."

"You may hide your speech" warned Melody "but, your shadow will reveal all to him."

The secretaries informed them of his location existed in the South-west of the school. Hence, all eight Principals were located in all different directions of the campus inside the building.

"Sir," turned Melody to the Principal questioning "you are the last of the guest. We will be soon moving on to the next step of the ceremony.

Would you like to advise us on something? Encouraging the students here?"

"Well, yes I would love to do that" spoke up in a gentle voice.

He spoke up "Welcome on board my dear students. Make yourselves feel at home. This school will originally give you the atmosphere of a second home. "

"As for a piece of advice, I would say work hard with all your might even if you have to break your limits... GO FOR IT!!

An easy example of your struggle is your own shadow which can break through bounds during the peak of day within the burning surface of the sizzling summer and swim freely inside the dark hour of the night.

It's always showing you how you can win....

Farewell to all of the students and teachers for the new academic year."

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