
SEVENTEEN (A week with Ethan Regal; Day 1)

Sunday, 11:30am....

"...That little...." Ethan paused and glanced at Noel who was staring at him.

"....She's late, we're already behind schedule." He murmured.

Just then, the door opened and Mia came in trying to remove her coat, and before Ethan had the chance to speak, she apologized,

"....I'm really sorry I'm late. I had to do a little shopping—"

"Shopping?!" Ethan snapped, "Because of you, we're already behind schedule! And why are you dressed like that?!"

Her hair was tied up in a messy bun, she wore a white oversized sweater over a nude turtle neck with a pair of Mom jeans paired with a pair of black converse.

"....W-What's wrong with my outfit." She murmured,

"Everything!" He snapped, " What do you think this is, a field trip in the winter?!" He paused and gently exhaled then told her,

"...I somehow saw this coming," He paused as he took the Kayia Astley shopping bag by his side,

"Here, wear this."

Mia nodded and quietly collected the bag while the brunette attendant led her to the bathroom.

Few minutes later, Mia returned wearing the beige knee length dress, and a pair of nude heels. Her messy bun was now brushed and tied up in a high pony tail. She suddenly looked like an upper class woman.

"How do I look?" She smiled at Ethan and Noel,

Ethan looked up from his phone and simply said,

"Like a proper lady."

Mia who was quite disappointed quietly took a seat next to Noel,

"Are you excited?" She finally got the chance to speak with him,

"....I get to call you Mom for a whole week." He replied shyly.

"That's right. Son." She smiled. "By the way you both look amazing as always."

"Thank you." Noel blushed, while Ethan simply ignored the comment.

The pilot and the rest of the aircrew came and introduced themselves,

"....Sirs and Ma'am, welcome onboard flight Regal Eaglet with service from B-City to Japan, I'm Nico Salem, the pilot and this is my co-pilot Rachel, we're here to ensure you arrive your destination safely.

The time is 11:52am; we should be in the air in approximately 8 minutes, please fasten your seat belt and enjoy the ride.

Our air attendants; Emily and Leo are at your service, once again.... Enjoy the ride—"

"Thank you Nico, good luck and Godspeed." Ethan cut in.

And just like Nico announced, the jet took off at exactly 12:00pm.

Mia finally had the time to study the aircraft; it was a light private jet, so it wasn't very large.

The cream seats were made of high quality leather, the entire lounge was carpeted in beige and cream, giving it this luxurious look and accentuating the darker oak wood work of the table and the storage furniture.

"I can't believe I'm traveling in a private jet to Japan!" She squealed.

"Thank you much Sir!" She smiled.

Ethan cleared his throat and decided to address her.

"....Um, Miss Anderson…George told about me your condition...Since we'll be working together....as you know....We should start addressing ourselves less formally, I'll go first...." He paused and extended his hands,

"... I'm Ethan..." He paused and Mia could sense his reluctance, "I'm.... Ethan Reginald Regal."

Mia bit back a laugh as she took his hands; they were strong and soft at the same time.

"I'm Mia-Kathyrn Anderson." She replied with a small smile. He let go immediately and continued,

"....Kathyrn is your name?"

"Yes, my mother gave me that.... By the way, I'm originally from E- City but now I live with my aunt now."

"And your parents?"

"...They passed a long time ago." Mia nervously tapped her knees. "And yours?" She added almost immediately.

"....Um, my dad is originally from A-City, although I was raised in B-City, but recently they moved back, he and my mom live there in A-City."

"Wow, that's really nice.... your name almost seems like royalty." She chuckled, Ethan simply nodded.

Then they talked about their birthdates and everything else that seemed necessary.

"I think that's enough for now....At least we know some basic information about each other." He concluded.

"Yeah." Mia nodded,

"Um, so no contract whatsoever?" She asked.

"Tsk!" Ethan tutted, "You should really quit reading romance novels and watch movies. Hey! Do I look like a Christian Grey to you?!" He snapped.

Mia pursed her lips as she frantically tried to hold back her laughter.

"....Do you always find everything funny." He murmured.

Ignoring him, Mia turned to Noel and asked,

"Have you been to Japan before?"

"No, and I can't wait!" He exclaimed.

"I know right, you and I are going to have loads of fun!—"

"We're going there for business; this is a business trip not a vacation." Ethan countered her,

"Noel, get some rest....it's a really long flight, about 12 hours—"

"12 hours!" Mia cut in,

"Yes Mia, 12 hours, what were you thinking?" He retorted.

Mia simply stared at him,

"What? Do I have something on my face?"

Mia smiled,

"No it's nothing.... This the first time you've called me by my name."

"Get used to it." He replied then picked a magazine from the stack next to him.

The flight indeed lasted for about 12 hours; they had and exquisite lunch and even dinner prepared by Leo.

Ethan soon fell asleep reading his magazine. Since he was the first to fall asleep, he woke up earlier than the others.

When he did, he saw Noel peacefully asleep in Mia's grip who was also asleep. He wondered what captivated Noel so much that he wouldn't let her go; Noel had warmed up to her so easily.

A small smile tugged his lips and he stared at Mia, she seemed really peaceful like that day at the hospital. He noted that her lashes were coated with mascara and he smirked.

Ethan was still lost in thought when Emily the air attendant came in to announce the landing.

"....Sir kindly prepare for landing, we'll arrive Heneda Airport in approximately in 30 minutes."

"Thank you Emily." She nodded then proceeded to wake Mia.

"Um, Emily could you leave them for a bit, inform me when it's ten minutes to landing."

Emily nodded and quietly walked away.

When she did, he gently separated them and fastened their seatbelt, they were obviously deep sleepers.

About thirty minutes, the jet landed.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Rachel announced,

"Welcome to Henada airport, Tokyo, Japan. The time is 12:35pm."

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