

"What is this voice?"

In the pitch-black darkness, he was hearing the voices of people he wasn't familiar with.

"Am I truly dead? Did I survive?"

From the noise, he thought that he had survived, but nothing could be known because he was only hearing voices.

"I'm pretty sure it's a voice of a girl but I can't understand what is she saying. Her words are simply incomprehensible."

He was hearing the voice of a girl, but he couldn't understand a word she was saying. Her words were very foreign and something out of fantasy. She sounded worried and afraid. Her voice wasn't too clear to hear either. It was like voices from a radio station with a weak connection.

"What's that white portal? Wait, why am I getting pulled in?"

In the pitch-dark area, a white portal materialized. It seemed to pull Axtrav toward itself. It didn't matter if he tried to run away or anything, It kept on pulling him closer to the portal.

"I can't escape this thing it keeps pulling me closer and closer."

He accepted that he couldn't run away from it. So, let it pull him closer to the portal. The closer he was getting to the portal, the speed at which he was getting pulled in increased.

"Let's see where this portal takes me."

He was finally pulled inside the portal. The moment he set foot into the portal the voice became crystal clear and he could even understand what she was saying.

"Young master! Young master! Young master, please wake up!"

A lady kept on screaming as she tried to wake him after he had drunk some sort of poison.

'Young master? Who is she talking about?' Axtrav was confused by what was happening around him.

He still hadn't opened his eyes. His eyes were shut.

"Please stop, Alaya. He won't wake up ever again. He's dead. I have confirmed he's dead. So, please stop."

A person who seemed to be similar to a Healer from fantasy said. He wore a robe and had a magic wand in his hand. He also had a really long and thick beard. He also had a rosary in his hand.

"Dead? Alaya? What are they talking about?"

His confusion increased even further. He couldn't get a grip on the topic they were talking about.

His eyes slowly opened. The first thing he felt was light piercing his eyes. So, he put his hand over his eyes to let them adjust to the light.

'What is this place? This isn't a cabin or a hospital!'

He woke up and saw himself in a run down castle, but even though it was run down it was still fancy. He found himself laying down in bed. He rose from the bed and sat. It was the comfiest bed he ever laid down on. It was like he was laying on a cloud.

"Young master! You are alive!"

She tightly embraced him. She almost cried from happiness when she saw he was alive.

His body acted involuntarily and also hugged her on its own without Axtrav's wish. Her embrace was so powerful that he couldn't breathe.

She soon released him from her embrace and apologized.

"I'm sorry, young master. Are you alright?" she asked.

"It's a miracle!" The priest mumbled in amazement.

"It's okay, I'm fine-"

Right when he was about to finish his sentence, he got stuck with a very sharp headache. It was as if his head was getting ripped apart. The pain was because he was getting flooded with the memories of the past owner of that body.

"Ahh, my head! It feels like it's getting eaten!" He tried to surpass his pain and not cause unnecessary worry for her. But he failed miserably and let out a cry of sharp pain.

"Father, can you check if he is alright?"

"Don't worry, he is alright. He is in pain because of the effect of poison, but those will last at most only for five minutes. I would prefer, he experiences this pain. it would have him develop immunity to similar kinds of poison."

"But I will help surpass the pain to a bearable level because his body isn't mature enough to endure this degree of pain. It won't decrease the degree of how much immunity he gains."

'Poi-poison? Immunity? What are they talking about? I can't understand anything because of this goddamn headache!'

He got closer to Axtrav and placed the rosary on his forehead. A golden dome surrounded Axtrav. Inside it, Axtrav felt warm, and comfy; it reduced his headache to none. It completely vanished the pain. He felt relaxed.

"I requesteth thee the holy spirits to blesseth this issue with the strength to square the evils of the world..." He blessed him to reduce the pain he was going through.

Just after a few minutes, the pain was fully gone. He wasn't feeling any kind of pain even a bit.

"Thanks!" He thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

"Hoho! There is no need for you to thank me. I must use the power bestowed on me by the heavens to use it on its children." he said.

"Before I go I want to tell you one thing, Alaya. You should let him rest for a couple of days and make nutrition-rich food for him. He is currently in a very weakened state because of the poison it consumed him. Don't let him do anything just let him rest for a week if you don't want to see him dead."

"He was lucky to have survived. That was the poison of the Black serpent, it is known as one of the most fatal poisons with a fatality rate of more than 99.89%."

"Thanks for saving the young master, father." She bowed to show her gratitude.

"No, It wasn't me who saved this boy. It was your prayers that reached the heavens and brought him back to life. You should thank god instead for showing mercy."

"I will go back to the church, now. Find me there if you need any help."

"Thanks, I will guide you to the exit."

"There is no need I have remembered the way to exit. Take care of the boy, he is in poor condition."

He left.


Hi, thanks for reading the chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading it. If there is something that you want to suggest for the improvement of future chapters or you have a complaint, then write them in the comment section.

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