
Chapter 206: Dive into the Mirror / Holy Crud, There’s a Lewd Parody of Us?! Part 1

The "Wear a Jacket" Day is a resounding success, due to the willing cooperation of everyone involved.

With that, Zach has future plans for designated days where all of us employees must wear a specific piece of clothing or show up to work in a specific type of costume.

What matters most is that we will prepare ourselves for those days.

Right now, on this idyllic morning like any another, we three are mulling on some new material for our songs when we hear a knock on the door.

And it's Lavian.

What brings you to our abode, our distinguished Swedish-Canadian?

"Well, I want to ask for your help. I'm actually looking for an antique mirror I can hang in the bedroom I share with Alexa and Aldwin. And by the way, they're out on some important business."

When one talks about antiques, tables and chairs are usually brought up.

But there are also other types of antique pieces, such as mirrors.

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