
One less Super Villain

Scarface frowned, at least the burnt muscles around his eyes moved closer to each other. The brutes all snickered at Draven under their masks. Since he drew their attention, the brutes knocking on the restroom door backed off and approached Draven cautiously. He might still be a superhero and the brutes already got their asses kicked enough by Black Knight.

"Unless you are a SuperHuman, you're in a world of troubles" Scarface growled,

He took a pair of curvy daggers forged with emerald green metal. He licked the blad with the tip of his tongue and looked horrifically menacing while doing it. The brutes were staring at Scarface for his order to destroy him. They were all mentally unstable guys plucked from the asylum by the Clown. All of them were beaten up by the Black Knight and thrown into prison at least once in their life.

"I sense no danger from them Draven. I bet we can take them out, no sweat" Margoth's voice reassured him. Margoth still had some powers that helped Draven survive in the void. One of those powers was sensing threats around them. If a living being posed a threat to Draven, a threat they wouldn't be able to handle, Marogth would sense it and warn Draven.

That's how Draven always stayed alive in the Void. The two of them stayed away from anyone more powerful than them. Whenever they mangled with a powerful being in the void, they would go into hiding, plan a plot and execute it perfectly to annihilate whoever tried to kill them. In the void, it was kill or be killed. Any hesitation…they would be fertilizer to the red sand.

Even if Margoth had no sense, Draven wouldn't have backed off. As a former superhero, he developed an instinct that informed him about the other gifted ones. Besides, Draven researched about kingdom of Velen. The Clown, Scarface, the brutes, none of them had superpowers. They just had superior numbers.

Not to mention, incompetent soldiers and the law system which again and again failed to put a permanent stop to the circus.

Draven would have turned a blind eye to the criminals in Velan as he always planned and did. However, there was something in that crate that kindled his interest. Hence, he temporarily broke his stay away from the local supervillains for now rule.

"Give me that crate and I will…" Draven smiled as he shook his head,

"I am gonna kill you all anyway," Scarface said no word but nodded at the brute standing a couple of meters away from Draven. The brute was pretty confident since Draven was showing him back to him. He strolled towards Draven swinging the spike wire-covered club.


When the brute reached closer, he swung the bat as fast as he could. The sound of the club cutting through the wind revealed the power of the swing,

However, the brute stumbled down because the club did not meet its intended target. Before the brute could realize he hit nothing but the air, he felt a sharp pain in his wrist.


The next moment, Scarface saw the young man twist the brute's wrist with enough force to turn his wrist upside down.


The brute's scream of agony was abruptly cut short by another exploding sound,


The club fell from the brute's broken wrist to Draven's hand. This time, Draven swung the club at the brute's club. The club exploded into bits and pieces along with the brute's skull.



"Oh god!"




Several cries of shock reverberated the area including the sound of a brute throwing up in his own mask. They had seen murders, in fact, half of them killed at least one. What they had never seen was one of their fellow henchmen's skulls exploding into bits and pieces.

The blood splattered on the ground and painted many of the adventurers' armor red. The brute with the caved-in head collapsed onto the ground making a sickening thud sound.

"Tasty!" Margoth gasped as he absorbed the brute's soul. Since the soul could not be seen by naked eyes, the other brutes and Scarface were unable to get the complete picture of what just happened.

"Give me more, I want all the twenty-one souls here"

[Soul Absorption finished…]

[100 Soul Energy has been absorbed from a brute]

The mechanical voice of the entity calling itself the system sounded in his mind once again. Except for Draven, only Margoth knew about its co-existence with them. Even Margoth, one of the ancient gods who was apparently one of the gods overseeing the universe, had no idea about the system's origins.

Every time Margoth absorbs a soul, the system would turn that soul into something called Soul Energy. When the amount of Soul Energy reaches a certain limit, Draven would be offered one more power slot. This power slot enabled him to obtain a superpower. This made Draven the most powerful person in the whole world.

In Etheria, once a person was born with a superpower, that was it. There was no changing the superpower, ever. It took UFH several centuries to come up with a device that's capable of taking away a gifted one's superpowers. However, the machine could only be fired once in a hundred years, and to activate the machine, all the UFH higher ups, and the Supremes must vote for the activation unanimously.

In the history of UFH, the device was only fired up twice to take someone's superpower power and one of the two was Draven.

"What the hell are you morons looking at? Kill him!" Scarface quickly came out to the reality from his shocked state to yell an order at the brutes,

This time, three brutes from Draven's left, right, and front rushed at him.

The only commonality they had between them was the sledgehammer in their hands,

Facing the three hammers at the same time, he didn't even flinch. Draven took a step back and kicked the left one in the gut quickly. As before, the brute dropped the hammer due to pain. Draven caught the hammer in mid-air before swinging it in a circular motion. The brutes' huge stature slowed their movement so they couldn't keep up with an agile person like Draven. Before they could realize it, their heads were caved in just like the brute before them.

[Soul Absorption finished…]

[100 Soul Energy has been absorbed from a brute]

[Soul Absorption finished…]

[100 Soul Energy has been absorbed from a brute]

Their lifeless bodies hit the ground gushing out blood. Their bodies were still twitching. The brutes were stunned but when they saw what happened next, they gasped in shock.



Draven halted their twitching by smashing their backs with the bloody sledgehammer in his hands. The sickening sounds of spines and rib cages breaking would churn any softhearted man's stomach.


"Sick bastard!"

"Shit…I can't see that anymore!"

Some of the brutes gasped as Draven slowly lifted the sledgehammer to put it on his shoulder. His menacing gaze was as sharp as a katana and currently, it landed on Scarface.


Scarface's thunderous voice echoed through the hall. He noticed the time was running out. Soon, the adventurers would wake up or someone might notice something was amiss and report to the soldiers. If Black Knight appeared, although he would only appear in the night, they are screwed, he knew that.

However, if this crazy youngster got his hands on him, Black Knight may be the only person who could save him. In his heart, he felt more fear towards the youngster before him than he ever felt towards Black Knight.

Something told Scarface that this killing machine was just getting started. He had never seen such murderous thirst in someone's eyes ever before.

Every single remaining sixteen brutes were afraid. The worst that could happen with Black Knight was they would end up in prison or asylum with a few bones. This young man however, was killing them, killing them brutally, with their own weapon.

Just like Scarface, Draven too knew about the time constraints. He knew he had to leave the kingdom with the crate as soon as possible. Therefore, instead of waiting for the brutes to come to him, he moved toward their leader, Scarface.

"What the fuck are you doing? KILL HIM!"

"Kill him, kill him, kill him" Draven mimicked Scarface while walking towards him leaving a trail of blood.

"Protect the boss man!"

"Get him!"

All of a sudden, out of nowhere, Scarface saw a pair of black wings appear behind the young man. He flapped the wings to close the gap between them in a blink of an eye. Scarface, who never expected this, was caught off guard.


As an ex-minister trained by the Black Knight before he got burnt, went crazy, and became a supervillain who chose the path of Velen's destruction which he had sworn to protect once upon a time, Scarface possessed the reflex speed to block the sledgehammer aimed to his head.

Still, he had no wings or enhanced senses or possessed fighting skills like Draven. The Black Knight could fight toe to toe with Draven but Scarface wasn't a match for him, not in a million years.


Draven flapped the wings, sending a shock wave around them which knocked down the brutes.


Scarface felt an excruciating pain right between his legs. Draven low-blowed Scarface, it was a dirty move, but it was efficient, quick, and gave him the leeway to hit Scarface's face with the sledgehammer.

The sledgehammer crushed Scarface's nose and produced a sickening crunching sound. The blood sprayed out of the broken nose, painting Draven's face red.


Yet again, Draven smashed Scarface's face with the sledgehammer. The moment Scarface let go of the daggers because of the pain, Draven punched Scarface so hard in the throat. Draven felt the throat snap. He didn't stop with that as he brought down the sledgehammer right on Scarface's head.


His head exploded into bits and pieces, gushing out thick red blood. The force of Draven's hit was so great that Scarface's skull completely caved in and entered his chest cavity.

The sickening display of horror continued as Draven raised the sledgehammer above his head yet again and brought it down on Scarface one more time.

This was how Draven ended the life of a supervillain who terrorized Velan for years. Whenever the Black Knight and the soldiers threw Scarface into the prisoner, one way or another, he would break out and start his atrocities once again. It had become a cycle in Velan and the cycle was finally broken by Draven.






[Soul Absorption finished…]

[100 Soul Energy has been absorbed from Scarface]

The remaining brutes were scared shitless after they saw Draven smash Scarface's head with the hammer. Their boss was now beyond recognizable. The death of Scarface destroyed all the courage that remained within the brutes to fight.

"YES!, now killed the others" Margoth excitedly roared in his head. Draven had no plans to leave these brutes alive. Else, these brutes would spill the beans on who stole the crate marked for the Black Knight.

Hence, Draven started the work of killing the brutes. Because of the wings, he was able to do a quick job on them. The minutes that followed after the death of Scarface was gruesome.

Inside the women's restroom, Sarah couldn't help throwing up after witnessing what Draven did to those brutes. Her face was as pale as a white paper. She was shivering uncontrollably. When Draven came to knock on the women's restroom door, Sarah's heart almost jumped out of her chest. She was shocked and more than that, she was terrified.

First of all, thank you for reading my new novel dedicated to my fans and those who want a dark novel with little romance. There is romance but it will happen very late in the story.

Anti Hero with a Symbiote System is an action dark revenge novel where you will experience the rise of Draven who was once a Super Hero. It’s set in a universe inspired by marvel and dc universes.

I hope you my wonderful readers support me in my new journey as you’ve been doing since now.

I have no words to thank you all. You ladies and gentlemen are the best.

If you are new here and want to read something with Badass Mc and no harem, check my other novels.



https://www.webnovel.com/book/rise-of-the-legendary-emperor-2_19876873706750605 (Currently on hold until I complete the editing of the prequel)

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